Part nine

2394 Words
Norah kept shuffling around in her seat. She couldn't sit still, her legs were tapping the floor in a rhythmic pattern she wasn't aware she was doing. The butterflies in her stomach were rioting, she was having this feeling as if expecting an impending doom but it wasn't a bad feeling instead she felt this nervous excitement. Her eyes kept shooting to her wristwatch as she counted the hours minutes, and seconds before lunch. She could hardly wait for her lunch date with Williams. Her concentration was shot as her mind kept shooting off to the thoughts of Willaims asking her out. She couldn't contain the excitement. She wanted to share the good news with someone so she picked her phone and dialed the only person that occurs first in her mind when she needs to share something or needs advice. She tapped her fingers on the desk as she waited for Linda to pick. She knew she was at work but she didn't care she needed to release the good news cause, her insides were bubbling with it and if she doesn't say something she might explode from excitement. Norah's eyes rolled up in her head, as the rest of her slouched in disappointment when the line was busied. Guess she is occupied, she thought with a disappointed sigh. " Why the gloomy look? " a deep baritone voice asked from behind her startling her. Norah ass leaped off her seat in fright, her heart leaping alongside. She turned to see Williams standing at her door with his signature grin curving his wide manly lips. " What are you doing here? " Norah muttered nervously, blurting out the first thing that came to her head. She wasn't expecting him in the next....she looked down at her watch, and a red tint colored her cheeks. It was lunchtime already. " Oh, " she echoed softly, raising her face with a blushing smile to the grinning ones of Williams. " Are you ready? " Williams inquired, smiling at her. The woman is cute when she blushes, he thought as his heart skipped in his chest seeing that red tint. Norah nodded and quickly arranged her things before picking up her purse to follow him out. The two talking and walking together towards the lift gathered a lot of attention from her colleagues especially the female folks whom Norah could feel the green-eyed monster peering at her from their eyes. Norah didn't blame them if she saw another woman walking bedside Williams Baker she was sure she too will murder the woman with her eyes. Norah pranced like a peacock as she walked beside the tall dark chocolate man. It was an ego trip for her to have caught the eyes of the reigning eye candy in the office. Everyone wanted a piece of the man walking confidently beside her, who was acting as if unaware of the adoring gaze following like fans of a celebrity, but she was the one that gets to have lunch with him. When they got into the small Chinese restaurant just a few blocks from the office, Williams pulled out her chair for her before taking his seat. What a gentleman, Norah thought preening under his focus attention. She ordered a cup of coffee and a hot dog, while Williams ordered a hot dog and Pepsi for himself. Once their order arrived they began to eat in silence. Norah was too shy to start a conversation and it seems her partner was having the same problem. Norah took a sip of her drink while stealing glances at the man across from her through her upper lid. When the silence continued to linger almost bothering on awkward with neither of them saying anything, Norah decided to take the bull by the horn and open the conversation, but it seems she wasn't the only one with that particular plan because both of them began talking at once, then paused when they realize the other was talking before chuckling at their action. " You go first, " Norah said with a full-mouthed grin, gesturing at him with her hand. " Ladies first, " Williams threw back at her, his full tilting up at the corner in a slight smirk. Norah rolled her eyes at him before going ahead to say what she wanted to say. "I am just surprised that you asked me to lunch, " she mumbled in a shy tone not looking at the man across from her. " Why will you be surprised, you are a beautiful woman, " Williams complemented Norah, his tone honest while he tried to pick her gaze with his. The woman across from him was acting shy and nervous which endeared her to him and aroused a protective instinct in him. " I am sure this might come as a shock seeing that today is the first time we have ever interacted but I have always had a crush on you and was just a little nervous to ask you out, I must confess I was a little intimidated by your severe serious look, " Williams commented with a dry light chuckle. Norah's jaw hit her table in shock as she gaped at Williams searching if he was pulling her legs or something. There have been few words that have been used to describe her, like shy, rigid clumsy, occasionally beautiful but intimidating, that was a new one, and coming from the gorgeous man sitting across from her, that was shell shocking as hell. She felt the tentacles of curiosity sink its tiny claws into her mind bugging her to find out the reason the most handsome man in the office was shy to talk to the office wallflower. " I can't believe a man such as yourself can be intimidated by someone like me, " Norah responded in part disbelief and part timid tone. Williams's bushy thick brows crinkled in a confused frown as he looked at Norah. " What do you mean? " Norah swallowed hard the lump of her sandwich and looked into Williams's eyes. Her heart immediately jumped at those magnetic orbs. He really did have such amazing eyes, she thought almost forgetting the words she was about to say. " I am saying is difficult imagining that someone with my kind of dull looks will intimidate a man as fine as you, " she answered holding his eyes in a bold stare. Norah's eyes popped out of her forehead when she saw the red color take over Williams's cheeks as his eyes turned away from hers in a shy gesture. " Oh my God! I can't believe I made you blush, " she teased laughing in disbelief, as if unable to comprehend that a man like him could also be susceptible to shyness when paid a compliment. Williams felt as if his cheeks were on fire and the girl's disbelief and laughter were not making it easy for him to gather his composure. He shook his head at the constant misconceptions women have about him. They believe because he is good-looking that he must be Casanova with the arrogance and swag that comes with that personality but nothing could be further from the truth. Growing up he was not always this good-looking, his face had been filled with acne and his tall and lanky built didn't help with his unappealing appearance. He was often teased a lot by his peers which made him always self-conscious and low esteemed. His look was something that came later on, his confidence something he was still building but when faced with a beautiful woman like the one in front of him especially on a date he suffers from the worse attack of nerves. " I know is really had to believe but you really do make me nervous, that is why it took me this long to muster the courage to ask you out. " " And here I thought I was out of your league, am glad you finally asked me out, " Norah said beaming at him. " I am glad too, " Williams responded, returning her smiles. For the rest of their lunch, they just talked about each other and walk learning some things about themselves. When they left the restaurant Norah thanked him for the lunch. " No worries was glad too, " Williams responded with a boyish smile on his lips. Norah's heart skipped in her chest at his ensnaring boyish looks and she quickly looked away before she is caught gawking at him. Williams walked with them till they got to her cubicle where she thanked him again. Williams turned to leave and then whirled around to say the words that have been on his mind since Norah accepted his lunch request. " Can we grab dinner sometime? Say Friday evening? " Norah was too happy to agree. " Yes, "she said with her full teeth on display, her eyes glowing with happiness. Williams nodded. Can I have your number, so I can be able to communicate the details to you? He asked bringing out his phone for Norah to input her digits. Norah complied, stretching out her hand to take the phone from him, in the process their fingers brushed against each other making Norah blush. I am sorry she whispered without looking up at him, instead, concentrated on putting her number inside his iPhone. Williams felt an electric current shoot up through his hand at the light brush from Norah's fingers, his eyes immediately went to the woman to see if she also felt what he felt but all her concentration was on his phone and her face downcast so he couldn't get a read on her. When Norah was done, she handed him the phone making sure to avoid any skin contact. " Thanks once again for the lunch. " " You are welcome, I will see you on Friday, Williams said before turning around to walk out of the small cubicle. A huge breath gushed out Norah's lungs when Williams left before she fell into her chair, as the nervous tension gripping her insides loosened its grips on her body. She relaxed back on her seat, her face to the ceiling a sappy grin on her face as she relieved the lunch, she just had with her crush. " I didn't know you knew Williams Baker, " Rosalyn said to her in her usual annoying poke-nosing nasal voice. And here Norah thought that the awkward experience in the bathroom will spare her few days of Rosalyn poking her nose in her business. " Well, I didn't know you and Peeping Tom knew each other that well, " she retorted in a knowing tone making fun of the incident in the bathroom. Rosalyn's face flushed red as she was reminded of the unfortunate incident. " Are you jealous? " she fired back, glaring at Norah. Loud mocking laughter burst out Norah at the Ridiculous assumption. " Oh please, I wouldn't f**k that creep if he was the last man on earth, " Norah retorted crudely before turning to face her work. She didn't have time to squabble with Rosalyn. Her afternoon was too good for it to be spoilt by the woman. Later that night before Norah fell into the long grips of sleep Williams's handsome face penetrated her mind making causing a secret smile to stretch across her lips but that turned into a frown when his face morphed into the stunning one of Krystal. Her heart reacted to the sight as her memories flooded with images of the night she spent being pleasured by the woman. This caused a pleasurable tightening at her core making her moan. She quickly forced her thoughts back to the handsome dark features of Williams's face but that didn't generate the same s****l feeling the thought of Krystal caused in her system. Norah abandoned the confusing reaction of her body to the thoughts of the two stunning human beings in her life and decided to fall asleep. Few minutes after closing her eyes she fell deep into her subconscious and began to dream. She was lying naked on the bed moaning while she felt the pleasurable trace of soft lips across her hot body. At first, the identity of her lover was shrouded in darkness and she could only feel the exciting touches of lips and hands on her fevered flesh, evoking deep growls of pleasure from her lips, but as her hidden lover continued to make love to her body his form began to take shape until her desired filled eyes were looking into the dark swirling depts of Williams black orbs. She swallowed her surprise at his appearance in her dream but that was quickly forgotten when he bent his head and took her hardened n*****s into his mouth and began to suck. She threw her head back and moaned loudly into the room, raising her hands to grip the head pleasing her at her n*****s but instead of a low cut hard flesh her hand tightened onto a head filled with soft flowing silky curls. The eyes which Norah wasnt aware were closed flew open in confusion to behold the stunning features of Krystal smirking back at her with a triumphant cocky look in her gorgeous bluish-green eyes. " Missed me? " The woman asked in a coy tone before thrusting two fingers hard into her drenching core. " Ahh!!!! " Norah screamed as her s*x flooded with her release. She fell back to the bed panting as the woman above her continued to move her fingers into her core causing her to c*m more and when she was done and tried to pull the woman into herself her hands came up empty. In her confusion, Norah's eyes opened to her room and she realized it was all a dream. Norah's breathing was still labored from her c****x in the dream. When she became a little calmer she swept her fingers through her hair bewildered by the fact that she just had a s*x dream involving Williams and Krystal. What does it mean? Was she attracted to the two of them or what? These were the questions rumbling through Norah's mind as her eyes began to droop before she succumbed to the grip of sleep.
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