Part ten

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NORAH POV Norah turned around on her four-inch heels with a faint smile gracing her cherry red-colored lips to face the tall dark handsome man in a black turtle long sleeve wool top and a matching black trouser. " Thanks for a wonderful dinner. " Norah stared up expecting a response to her words but the man standing in front of her was only staring at her with a weird look in his eyes that Norah didn't recognize at first but a closer look, her heart jumped in her chest when she realized what was staring back at her. Stark hunger. She blushed when she realized that Williams wasn't focused on her face but her lips, and his eyes darkened to coal color by the lust swirling in his orbs like a glowing mist. " Can I kiss you? " Williams asked, his tone deeper and husky, his need obvious in the deep resonance of his voice. He had wanted to kiss the brunette once his eyes fell on her when she opened her door to him earlier on this evening. She was a stunning vision this evening in her simple blue short gown. Norah swallowed as she grew nervous. Her heart began to thump hard against her ribs in anticipation. Her throat grew dry as she raised her face to receive his lips, her eyes falling close in heightened anticipation. Williams stepped closer, standing within a breath shot, and stared down at the woman in front of him, drinking in the beautiful features of her face turned up to receive his lips, he raised his right hand to trace the full red lips, the skin feeling soft and smooth under the pulp of his finger. He clenched his eyes shut in pleasure as his c**k twitched in his trouser when a pink velvety tongue sneaked out to lick his fingers. His hand fell to his side as he bent his hand to kiss the tempting full lips. His lips wrapped around the soft flesh in a gentle caress, before sucking it into his mouth. Norah's eyes tightened as she responded to the kiss. Unconsciously her mind began to compare the lips on hers with how Krystal's lips felt on hers. She was reminded of the soft smooth glide of the stunning woman's lips across her lips making her whole body quake with excitement. No, she can't think this now she cautioned herself and quickly banished the thought of Krystal in her mind and tried to concentrate on kissing the gorgeous man in front of her. Unfortunately, when she got back into the kiss it was over. She opened her eyes to see Williams peering down at her with an awestruck look on his face. A shy smile graced her lips. She didn't need to ask to know he enjoyed their short-timed lip lock. Williams's heart thundered in his heart, he has never tasted lips so soft, he wanted to taste it again but he curbed his hunger. He wanted to take things slow. " Can I see you again? " He asked softly, his hand moving to caress her smooth cheeks. Norah nodded her head not saying anything. Williams leaned down to peck on the lips one more time and then hurried away. He was scared if he stayed a second longer, his desire will get the better side of him and he will attack the woman there outside her door. Norah stood out there watching Willams tight ass till he disappeared before she turned to unlock her door. He was a really attractive man that should be making her body tremble with desire, she thought. Then why are her thoughts filled with Krystal instead of Williams she wondered unlocking her door. She walked into her house and switched on the light quickly setting her feet from the death trap they have been on throughout this evening. Sometimes she wondered if how good she looks in heels is worth the pain and torture she subjects herself to while wearing them. Walking barefoot she headed towards her bedroom. Tonight has not been bad at all. She enjoyed Williams's company a lot, he was the perfect gentleman throughout the evening never overstepping his boundary, in fact, everything she ever dreamed of in a man checked out him, then why the f**k does her heart keeps bringing up Krystal anytime she gets close to anyone, she wondered again. Maybe she should contact the agency again, and request to see Krystal. Maybe this longing was because of how things ended between them, maybe if she f***s her again she will be able to get her out of her mind and system. Her phone rang out from her purse breaking her thoughts. Norah sighed going to pick the object up. " Hello, " she muttered into the phone, her tone dulled and weighed down by her troubling thoughts. "Well, you don't sound like one that had a good evening, " Linda stated after hearing her best friend's lackluster tone. Norah sighed. " I had a very good evening, just trying to figure out something, " she responded to her best friend. Linda had called earlier on before her date arrived to ask her to come to dinner at her place, the others were also coming, but she declined to reveal about her date. Her friend in her usual dramatics had grumbled and screamed at her for not telling her before now about her date and before she agreed to leave the phone she extracted a promise from Norah that she will call to give her details about her date with Mr hot chocolate. " What are you trying to figure out? " Linda asked curiously. Norah hesitated before she answered. " I can't stop thinking about her, " Norah said in a low tone. Linda didn't need clarification as to who the Her is. " What are you saying? " A frown marred her face as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on with her best friend. She must say that she had been blindsided when she learned that Norah slept with a woman but she had chucked it up as a one-time thing so what is her best friend trying to say now. Norah swallowed, her body growing tense at the prospect of her next words. " I am going to contact the agency to request for Krystal, " she whispered. Silence reigned on the other side of the phone before Linda spoke again. " What about Williams? " She asked. She wanted to be sure her best friend knew she will be jeopardizing her chance with a nice guy just for a f**k with a hooker just because she couldn't stop thinking about the said hooker. Norah sighed. " I don't know. " Norah feels she should be walking on top of the world now that the guy she has had a crush on for so long has finally shown interest in her but how can she focus on Williams when her thoughts keep creeping in Krystal into her mind sending her emotions rioting. She needed to figure out what is her deal with Krystal then she can focus all her attention on Williams. Maybe when she meets Krystal again she finds out that all the feelings were just in her mind that she wasn't really attracted to the woman, it was just a thing of experiencing something novel to her. " Babe, are you sure of what you are doing? " Linda questioned. She will say she wasn't the best person to try to get her best friend to exercise caution cause caution has never been in her dictionary when it comes to her dates, but Norah is different from her. She just got into this s*x thing newly and she knows how one can get carried away by the physical pleasure and confuse it with real connection. " I am not sure, but I feel strongly that it is something I should do. You won't believe that the other night I had a s*x dream involving the two of them. In a perfect world having them, both will be fantastic but this is the real world and I don't think I can eat my cake and have it back, so before things get serious between Williams and me, I need to figure out this thing with Krystal. " " Well as usual gist me the details when you are done, you know that I leave voraciously through you these days. The virgin becomes the s*x fiend and the s*x fiend becomes the virgin, " Linda teased. Norah chuckled into the phone. " What about Mr. Hot boss? " " Well, he still playing hard to get, acting all aloof and s**t but give me few more days he will be putty in my hands, " Linda bragged sending Norah cracking up again. " Ok, good luck with Mr. Hot boss. " " Right back at ya, " Linda said and cut the call. After her call with Linda, Norah went to her desk to her laptop. She opened her browser and typed in the agency web address. When the page pulled up, they requested if she was a new user or an old user. She clicked on the old user so they took her straight to where she will fill in her request and make payments. In her request, she made a specific request for Krystal, with a heightened excitement Norah clicked send. After hitting send she stared at the computer with uncertainty wondering if she made the right decision. There was nothing she can do now, she thought getting up from her seat to get ready for bed. ******* Payton exited through the brass door of her latest client, a middle-aged woman who was bored with her marriage and decided to try something exciting, and to her, that was f*****g a woman. Payton hadn't been her best recently, yes she still gets her clients to c****x but something was missing. She was robotically performing her job because while she is there with her clients her mind is occupied by some certain brunette. After her night with her virgin client, she has been unable to stop thinking about her something that has never happened to Payton ever in her line of work. There have been some clients she had enjoyed having s*x with them but as soon as she walks out of the meeting they are out of her thoughts so why can't she shake the thought of this woman, is not as if she was the best f**k, Krystal has ever had yet she wouldn't leave her alone. Just as her hand touched the handle of her car her phone chimed. She clicked on it and a message notification popped out and when she clicked on it, her eyes quickly flicked through it. Her heart began to pound in her chest. Speak of the devil. Why is the woman asking for her again? Krystal was used to clients requesting her services after the first time, not to brag she was good at what she does. Is that why her virgin was asking for her again, she wondered as she drove off from her client's house. She drove to a bar and asked for the strongest drink they have. She wanted to give her mind a break from all the thoughts swirling around them. As she sat there nursing her drink already feeling tipsy from her third glass of whisky she felt a hand caress her on the shoulder. She didn't react knowing is going to be some asshole feeling like acting like he is the man something she wasn't in the mood to entertain. " Hello beautiful lady, " the man slurred behind her placing his crabby hand back on her shoulder, not at all deterred by her closed-off look and lack of response. Payton took her glass and drank down all the drop of whisky inside before she stood to her feet without so much as a glance at her drunk admirer she headed for the door. The man lunged forward to grab her hand keeping her from walking away. She turned to freeze him with her icy gaze. Her chilled stare scared the s**t out of the man that he dropped her hand as if burned. Payton turned around and walked out of the bar in her low heels with her long brown fancy coat switching around her with every step she took. When she got home she undressed and climbed into her hot tub, her usual ritual after a night at work. She submerged her whole body underneath the hot scented water allowing the water to wash away the tainted smell of her recent activities. She soaked for a while enjoying the hot feel of the water on her flesh, as it soothes away all the day's tension bringing tranquility that only a hot bath can bring to the body and mind. When she was satisfied with how clean her body felt she stood up majestically from the tub, the water dripping down in a sexy rundown over her long frame. She stepped out barefooted and grabbed the large towel hanging off the wall of her bathroom and wrapped it around her body. When she got to her room she allowed the towel to unwind around her to pool to the floor around her ankle which she stepped out from falling naked on her cool sheets. She signed as her huge soft bed sank under her weight is welcome. As soon as her head hit the pillow the thoughts of her virgin came rushing into her mind reminding her that she has a waiting order that she has yet to confirm. She picked up her phone and clicked on the screen and the message popped up again. Her hands traced over the letters mimicking the way her fingers had traced the woman's flesh that night. Her eyes fell close as she submerged herself in the pleasant memories. Her inside began to grow hot as she played out that night in her mind. This was dangerous, she was courting trouble thinking about a client like this. No, she needed a distraction. Maybe she will go on a vacation. Weeks spent lying on the beach on some fancy island is sure to cure her of this lovesick fever, but first thing first she has to decline the order she thought clicking on the decline.
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