Fated: The Belted Series: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: "Hunter-I" Before the words could escape from my lips Hunter quickly steps back. "I need to get the truck working, but I'm glad you like the gift, Princess." I grin a grim smile before nodding and getting into the car. I close the door and Brady starts to pull away. "Princess, if I may. It seems that your heart and mind are not on the same page regarding the honor ball." I can hear the faint worrisome tone in his voice. After all, it does affect everyone around me too. "I'm quite aware of what is expected of me. But thank you." I try to sound as calm as possible, but the pressure I feel gets overwhelming. The ride to the academy was quick, almost like Brady wanted to get me out of the car. I stop at the gleam grey staircase and start walking to defense class with Mr. Juddson. I get dressed in all black, and put my dark locks into a high ponytail. I wait for a new sparring parent since Callie isn't here. In a way, I'm thankful she isn't. I usually get a senior to spar with which means I can go a lot harder. "Hey sunshine." I smile as I look up to find one of the best partners I ever had. Azai, the guardian of Winevere Academy. His dark eyes and dark hair has always given the impression that he was much more mysterious than he was in reality. His trust in others is where the problem arose. I hug him tightly before stepping back and sweeping his legs out from under him, pinning him to the floor. "So I guess this means I'm in the lead." I giggle as I help him back up. We walk to the ring outside and start our intense training. "You seem distant Princess. Might it be the honor ball that's preventing you from focusing?" I snuff at the remark and think about how many times he had pinned me today. It was much more than I am used to, or maybe I have gotten soft. My thoughts send me spiraling through the air as Azai delivers a fly kick. My wind knocked out, and the amount of bruises I'll have in the morning makes me wonder if maybe I'm under more stress than I originally thought. Azai takes my hand and helps me up, searching my face for any explanation. I begin to tell him about Sebastians' proposal and how unsure I felt about not only my future, but the future of Calfai. Azai looked at me sympathetically, listening to every word as if it were my last. "You have the courage to do what is right, and the heart to do it. I trust in you Princess. You will make the right choice for you, the rest of the realm will fall in line with you." Azai sounded so calm, his voice almost melodic and a wave of peace rushed over me. I hugged him tight. Suddenly our session was interrupted by an alarm. I look at Azai for reassurance, but only find utter terror on his face. "You need to get out of here. There's an enchanted staircase in the medical room, the password is your mothers' name. Run. Now." Azai starts running to the entrance of Winevere. I run as fast as I can to the medical room, but stop right before the door. I see Hunter running in his gear towards the entrance. I should've known the next great defender would be involved in whatever had been attacking the academy. "Hunter!" My screams grip his attention. "Insignia, leave now!" Hunter starts running toward me, drawing his daggers. He plunges and I close my eyes. I feel nothing. I feel Hunters' hands on my lower back, gently holding me. I open my eyes, and I see Hunter shielding me. His forehead resting against mine, his breaths quick and shallow. I feel a warm fluid dripping down my back, and for a second I thought it was my blood. "Insignia are you alright? We have to move." Hunters' voice snaps me back into reality. I turn around and see a Valkarie bleeding on the floor. I've never seen them up close, I expected them to look like us. They didn't. He was as tall as the ceiling, covered in long brown hair, claws as big as their teeth. Beady little eyes and a snout filled with hundreds of teeth. I stand in fear, whilst Hunter keeps tugging on my arm to go. Hunter grabs my face with both his hands. His thumbs wiping my tears away. "Insignia we have to go. I'm not losing you." I nod in agreement and start following Hunter into the medical room. "Do you know how to activate the passage?" "Uh, yes, yes I do." I respond. I close my eyes and wave my hand over the cabinet. "Celestia Serene" the same pink fog fills the room, and suddenly a staircase leading into a tunnel appears. I look at Hunter, and without hesitation he grabs my hand and starts leading me down the secret passage. I had not known about it, but I was expecting it to be dark, dirty and filled with dread. Instead, the passage was filled with greenery, pink and white lillies and the most beautiful delicate baby's breath flowers. It had been overgrown, but it was still so beautiful. For a second, I could almost forget about what was happening upstairs. "Hunter, what just happened?" My eyes filled with tears, I feel so defeated. Hunter sighs. "Princess, we had received word that the Valkaries were going to infiltrate the realm a few days ago. We didn't believe it, since the source wasn't exactly trustworthy. The source told us that the Valkaries would be escorted past out defenses." I stand in utter shock. A traitor. Someone would have had to made a deal with the Valkaries and snuck them in to tear our realm apart. My head starts spinning, the only ones allowed in and out are some of my most trusted guards and councellors. They were all trusted by my parents. I never had any reason to doubt their loyalty. "Who is the traitor?" My voice enrages loudly. I should have known about this. I should have been included. How could they hide this? How could Azai and Hunter not tell me? Hunter looks away for a second too long. "Hunter, tell me." Hunter sighs, and looks into my eyes, probably trying to comfort me. "It's Prince Sebastian."
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