Fated: Belted: Chapter 3

1284 Words
Chapter 3: New beginnings I stare at the wooden box, and the contents that made my heart stop, it felt like a lifetime. I turn to look at Sebastian, I find him with the most intoxicating smile I have ever seen. "So Insignia, what do you say?" I stand speechless before ultimately pulling out what appears to be an engagement ring, filled with tiny amethyst jewels all neatly stacked around the main attraction- A painite stone, almost glowing with its magic. Painite stone is the rarest jewel in all the realms, blood red and possess the power of the greatest warrior in Calfai history. It is said to have her patience, loyalty, courage and most importantly- her love. "We are betrothed, Insignia, but I do have love for you. I want you to be my bride, because you choose to." I turn to look at Sebastian, his hands on my cheeks, slowly moving closer. It felt like a trance. I had no words. I was in complete shock. Sebastian moves closer, leaning in. I stand there frozen, his lips inches away from mine. I quickly pull myself from his grip and turn my back to him. I couldn't bare to look into his eyes. "Sebastian, I'm sorry. I just haven't decided if I want to be belted to being Queen." My words must have struck him like a dagger in his heart. There was silence, but I could not turn to face him. Silence is deafening, I could hear my heart beating, feel the warm blood flowing through my veins, but yet, not a word from the man I was promised to. "I understand, Princess." His words broke my heart. Something so simple, yet the deliverance colder than any icy wind I have ever felt. I stay frozen, before hearing the door shut. I turn to see the ring still sitting comfortably in its throne. I admire it once last time before slamming the wooden box closed. That night I lay in bed, tossing and turning, blaming myself for how badly things are left with Sebastian. After a few hours, I finally fall asleep. The next morning I woke up feeling incredibly guilty for how I reacted towards Sebastian. But I have never kissed anyone before, I always imagined it being with the one I was belted to. Being belted to someone and having them choose love to would be the greatest gift of all. My parents were lucky to have found that. They loved each other so much the thought of living without the other was too much to bare for my mother. I miss them both so much. I decide to get ready for class and jump in a quick shower. My thoughts still haunted by yesterday's events. I make my way down to the car and see Brady standing with his dark sunglasses, waiting patiently. "Morning Princess." "Morning, Brady." I swiftly reply. I getin the car and to my surprise Callie is not there. "Callie?" I ask Brady as he gets into the driver seat. "She's sick, Princess." I nod and continue to dabble in my thoughts whilst writing in my journal. 6 days left. My mind keeps screaming as I try to think of anything else. I watch the mountains pass, and the mist covering most of the top. It was never really misty in Calfai, only when it was about to rain. Suddenly I feel the car come to a stop. "My apologies, Princess." Brady quickly apologizes. I smile at him in the rear view mirror and move to see what the stop was about. There he was. Hunters' truck broken down in the middle of the road. Brady starts driving around him and I quickly stop him. I open my door and get out of the car. "Are you alright?" My voice shaking as Hunter is still working on the engine, his head tucked away under the hood. My voice must have frightened him as he hit his head on the hood. I walk closer and apologize profusely. "Uh, hi, Insignia. I mean Princess. Yeah I'm okay." His green eyes sparking, but avoiding mine.. He brushes his hand through his light brown hair and grips the back of his head he just hit. He let's out a small chuckle. I feel flustered just by him saying my name. "Insignia, please." I smile politely, trying to remain as still as possible after becoming aware of how fast my heart was racing. Hunter smiles and for a second it felt like my soul left my body. He slowly moves his hand and I see the blood dripping from his fingers. "Oh my God, Hunter!" I exclaim. I rush over and remove my silk scarf to place on his head. My one hand holding the scarf, the other resting on his shoulder. We haven't been this close to each other since the last time he hugged me, after my parents had died. "You'll get your scarf all bloody, I'll be fine." Hunters' words felt colder than when our conversation had started. I would usually allow this to sting my heart, but he was hurt. I looked at the hood of the car, and turned my gaze back onto his. "Well my scarf is already bloodied, and maybe you weren't aware, but since I am the princess I do possess a set of skills." Hunters' eyes are locked onto mine. He didn't say a word. "Now hold still." I demand. I close my eyes and focus on the injury. I feel the magic escaping my hands and a cloud of pink mist emerges. I open my eyes and smile at Hunter. "All done." I say softly. Hunter feels the back of his head and smiles at me. "Wow, thank you. I didn't, I didn't know you could do that." His voice carrying a sound of surprise and maybe even, pride? I chuckle at the remark and look back at him. "There's a lot you don't know about me." Our eyes stay entwined for a second before Hunter looks at his truck. "I actually know a lot." He says mischievously. Hunter quickly goes to the window of his truck and pulls out a baby pink roughly wrapped gift. "I wanted to give this to you yesterday, but you had company over. Happy birthday for yesterday, Insignia." I was taken aback at his words. He knew it was my birthday the day before. He had to have seen Sebastian in the cottage if he knew I had company. He got me a gift. My face felt flustered. "Thank you, but it really wasn't necessary." My voice nervously carries. Hunter hands me the gift, and I open it like a child on Christmas morning. I smiled when I see a photo of my parents hugging me on the first day of preschool when I was only 5. Framed in a dark wooden frame, with the most beautiful details I have ever seen. "I know it's not much, but I found this in a box in my dad's garage and thought you'd like it." Tears fill my eyes and before I know it, I embrace Hunter in the tightest hug. His body stiff, like it was a surprise at first. But then relaxing into it and holding my waist, pulling me in tighter. "Thank you, thank you so much, Hunter." I whisper in his ear and feel his grip tightening around me. I hold him, embracing the caring, the loving side of him. I smell his cologne mixed with car grease and felt like I was floating. Hunter turns his cheek and snuggles his head into my neck, my heart pounding, but his too. "Hunter- I"
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