Chapter 5

1061 Words
Chapter 5: I feel the blood draining from my face. A million thoughts scrambling for a front row in my mind. I trusted him. The people in Calfai trusted him, had faith in him. They had faith in me. My God. My parents trusted him. The sudden realization hits me like a brick wall. They were the best rulers of all time, known for the strict hand they used to rule Calfai. And now, the trust the bestowed in Sebastian, would be their legacy. The downfall of Calfai. "I'm sorry. I know it's a lot, but we need to keep moving, Princess." Hunters' voice is like a hand reaching into the darkness to pull me from suffocating. I take a deep breathe. I cannot show weakness, nor have expectations. "Let's keep moving." The only words I can muster up to say. Hunters' earth green eyes seem to be filled with sadness, and maybe even disappointment. He nods softly and we start to descend deeper into the tunnel. The vivid colors seem less bright, the flowers smell less floral and the attack on Calfai seems like a figment of my imagination. We walk for miles, the tunnel getting narrower and the air thicker the deeper we go. I walk behind Hunter, silently, trying to remember that my people need me more than my thoughts surrounding Sebastians betrayal. Hunter suddenly stops, his fist in the air, as to halt me. I bump into him a little before I ask him why we stopped. He shushes me quickly. I stand on my tippy toes, but still cannot see over his perfectly toned muscles. I duck my head under his arm to try and see if there is something in the way. Hunter looks at me, surprised and rolls his eyes a little. He turns around quickly, our bodies pressed tightly together. I feel myself becoming very aware of my heavy breathing, and my heart audibly thumping louder in my chest. Hunters' face is a few inches away from mine, his face stone cold. "Sorry." I whisper. His hand slides up my arm, goosebumps follow the route of his fingertips, finally resting on my shoulder. His other hand gesturing my to stay quiet. I nod, and hear a blood curdling scream coming from right above us. It startles me and I jump a little, causing me to almost fall over. Hunter grabs me quickly and presses me tightly into his chest. For a split second, I could hear his heart beating. It sounded so calm. Hunter nods as if he's asking if I'm okay, I nod back in response. The screaming stops, and I hear a unknown voice. "Where is the Princess?" The voice was filled with an immense amount of hate. They are here because they want.. me? Hunter smiles a small, pitiful smile and turns around to start walking deeper into the tunnel. I stand frozen. We should be way past the academy, and if we are going the way I think, we would be in the middle of Calfai. The Valkaries are heading for the palace. Suddenly all the information I've ever given Sebastian floods my mind. If Sebastian was looking for me, the last person he'd expect to find me with would be Hunter. But the first place he'd look after the academy.. was Callie's house! My eyes grow bigger with fear. Brady said that Callie was home sick, but she was fine yesterday. "Hunter!" My voice panicked, Hunter turns drawing his swords. "Callie." I whisper. A brief moment of uncertainty flashes over his face. I stand ready to argue, or even go on my own. I will find her. Instead, Hunter just nods and gestures me to go with him. I walk over, and he pulls out what seems to be a little golden pocket compass. He flips it open, and out pops a hologram, blue specks floating creating the entire layout of Calfai. Hunter starts swiping through the realm, and I realize quickly that what we're seeing, is what is happening in the realm at that very moment. I see the buildings swarmed with Valkarie, tearing the city apart. I see my people running in terror, guardians fighting a useless war. Hunter seems unphased, quickly finding Callie's house. No Valkarie in sight, I feel a glimpse of hope. "The Valkarie are almost there. We need to move. Did Azai explain how to open the tunnels? "Open the tunnels? Isn't there an exit?" I expected there to be some kind of trap door, not an enchantment. Hunter frowns a little, and then starts pacing up the walls, pushing and pulling on the narrow brick walls, and the vines hanging from the top. After a few minutes, still nothing. "Maybe try your mother's names again?" I close my eyes and repeat, "Celestia Serene." Nothing. I try again, "Celestia Serene." I peak through one eye, but still nothing. I huff a little. "I didn't even know about the tunnels. How am I supposed to get out?" I feel so defeated. Hunter smiles a gentle smile. "We'll figure it out together. Maybe the counter enchantment is your father's name?" I look down sheepishly. "If it's his full name, we might have a problem." Hunter looks confused. "His name is Alder Lennox L. Except, no one knows what the last L is for. My dad never told anyone, not even the priest when he married my mother." Hunter still looked confused. "Hmm okay, plan C. Try your name." His remark surprised me. Why would a hidden tunnel, something magic made have my name, but I didn't even know it was here. "I don't think so, but I'll try." "Insignia Gaia." Nothing happens. "See I told-" I'm stopped mid sentence. Pink fog surrounds us and suddenly a staircase appears. Hunter gives me a told-you-so look. We slowly walk up the staircase, right into Callie's living room. This would've saved so much time if I knew about these tunnels. We enter the living room, and the stair case disappears. It's a deafening silence. There are no signs of Valkaries, but no signs of Callie or her parents either. I run up to her room, and find it immaculate. My blood runs cold. Hunter steps closer. "What's wrong?" "Callie has never cleaned a day in her life. I've never even seen her floor, Hunter. Something is wrong."
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