New home.

4233 Words
When I woke I found my self in a very very girly room like overly girls I loved it but it wasn’t my room, I sat up and looked around looking for something to tell me where I was but nothing then it hit me all the memories from before being taken by Gabriel. was it him? What’s it him that wanted me? I got out of the bed and walked over to the door to check if it was open and to my luck it was, as soon as I opened it I was met with a delicious smell of Strawberries my favourite so I decided to follow the smell and it led me to a kitchen which had lo and the boys in.  Lo” hey girl” me”h..hi” lo” why you stuttering come sit you have been ignoring me why” me” I...I I am sorry” I had tears in my eyes I was upset I don’t know what about but if you don’t get it I cry a lot lo” no bluey it’s fine come sit with me” I went at took a seat next too Her hesitantly as Gabriel was sat on the other side of me, lo” so did you like your room” me” wh..what” lo” your new room I wanted to share with you but the boys where being all grumpy so you got your own room it’s next door to Gabriel’s I told them your favourite colour so do you like it” me”ermm y..yeah” lo” I knew you would we also got you a new wardrobe as the boys insisted that you wear new and less revealing cloths like you wore revealing ones anyways I mean...” while she was talking I felt a hand go onto my thigh and when I looked down it was Gabriel’s hand I gasped out, lo” what” me” ohh erm nothing can we go somewhere to talk” lo” sure let’s go out” gab” no your not aloud out” his hand really clamped down on my thigh as he said that I was sat there frozen I didn’t know what to do lo” come on you can’t be so harsh with our guest” me” guest” lo” well your not really a guest but it’s not my business” me” wait you know” lo” well of cause I know this is my house” me” so you knew your brother drugged me and forced me here” lo” yeah” me” omg” lo” what was I going to do I mean they don’t listen to me your lucky I fought for you for your own room” me” wait what” lo” they wanted you to share a room with them but I was like no she’s to innocent for that I mean you still blush at the word boob” and indeed I blushed dark” we could always change that lo” me” w..what no I mean I like my room please” Luc” don’t worry baby we won’t touch you until your 16th birthday” me” tou...touch me” gab” yes touch you” me” al...all of...” lo” unfortunately my best friend you got 5 mates” me” what does that mean” lo” basically a short word for soulmates” me” b...but your like old” gab” trust me baby you won’t be saying that soon” he grabbed ahold of my face in his hand running his fingers along the shape of my lips, gab” the things I’d do to those lips” I gasped trying to hold back a moan as sparks erupted inside me all over my body lo” brother move she hasn’t ever been kissed so I wouldn’t want her first kiss to be near me with my brother” she grabbed ahold of me and dragged me out, I looked back to see all the brothers smirking while checking my ass out. Perves.  Me and lo spent the whole day talking and she told me a lot about her brothers well tbh it wasn’t a lot because she really didn’t know a lot about them so that was fun. She told me that her family where very secretive but what she didn’t tell me was why they had so much security around there house like a lot with armed guns and there was an area in the far back of there huge field garden where men and women where fighting but I was too scared to ask. After house of talking and chilling we went back inside intime for dinner, we sat around in seats that had our names and unlucky for me I was sat right in the middle of the boys while lo, her mother and dad sat in front of us. Her mother Jaliehn-cathlyn is beautiful she’s a older version of Lucrezia but she is beautiful for her old age and she is very very sweet. Jal” so ayatollah how are you settling in here” me” ayatollah” jal” oh sorry my bad it’s just when you was born your mother would call you that because you was a happy baby” me” ohh yeah I remember it in a video” jal” you and my lo where so small and now look at you both grown up oh makes me want to cry” lo” mom please” jal” sorry I’m emotional” me” it’s okay” jal” so do you like your room pink” me” I LOVE PINK” i hyped up practically jumping out of my seat to which everyone looked my way even the boys who weirdly had half smiled on there faces me” sorry I love pink” lo” she’s very girl and ditsy so if she says anything you guys don’t understand just go with it” me” hey” lo” baby you called a doctor a magician” me” well I didn’t know” lo” your also scared of every animal alive” me” no I love cats and dogs” lo” what about hedgehogs” me” there spiky” I pouted, jal “ lo leave the poor girl alone and finish eating”. Once we finished lo dragged me up to her room.  The brothers  Jal” she’s very innocent” gab” yeah we know” jal” and she’s pure” gab” again we know” he grinned Lorenzo” they got lucky they found her while she’s still young and innocent” jal” she’s not poor girl doesn’t know what hit her” dark” harsh mum” jal” harsh tell that to the poor girl you all have to mate with” they all laughed jal” I mean she’s also tiny she had a banging body for a 15 year old child but she’s tiny” gab” well that’s perfect for us” jal” that’s kind of pervy and creepy” gab” that we are attracted to our mate well then so be it because god just looking at her turns me on” jal” just be careful sims she’s an innocent one and your guys well your far from it go gentle with her” dark” the only word we know is rough anyways we have some business to attend to”. They left to there office switching on there computer to which a live video of aya and lo came up from ayas bedroom.  Gab” she’s perfect” Luc” you know mother is right” nik” lucifer she was made for us she’s our mate she can handle us” luc” come on niklaus look at her look how innocent she is” gab” and that innocent just makes me want to f**k her so hard to the point she’s a bloody mess” nik” Luc you know all we do is destroy things and unlucky for her she’s another one on the list to destroy to brake down and to damage” dark” boo nik don’t be so evil all the time” nik” it’s the devil gene” black” she’s our mate the least we could do is show her so kindness” nik” kindness black we drugged her and forced her here you really thing she’s going to let us even touch her that’s out of the question” gab” boys we could try we could try for her I don’t want to destroy her I want to protect her from everything even from our dark side form the world she’s a innocent soul she’s our light and we need to keep that” nik” we damage everything brother how do we do that” gab” we don’t have to change our self let’s just hide out mafia ways from her she doesn’t need to see that” dark” I mean we ain’t all smiles and cheerful” gab” we don’t have to be she will get use to us this way plus we have less that 10 days to get her to at least tollerate us because I really don’t want to force her as it will be her first time” nik” f**k her innocence turns me on big time” luc” her lips do it for me” dark” nah nah look at that big ass I mean it’s all natural too” gab” my whole band would cover her waist and boys her thighs they are thick a juice” dark” you touched her down there didn’t you” Gab” yeah and she loved it” dark” I want her here right now” gab” that’s not such a good idea I mean we are feeling abit horny and is her scent would take us over the edge” nik” I want to talk to her tho” gab” get ahold of your selfs and your lycans then we can call her in”. 5 minutes later they text there sister telling her to send aya in, they watched on the cameras as she panicked.  As soon as they heard the knock on the door they all got excited, gab” come in princess” she popped her head in the walked in closing the door behind her aya” you wanted to see me” dark” yes yes we did take a seat”.  Aya-blue I’m sat in front of my worse well my best night/dream mare the brothers and they all look sexy as f**k. Dark” so aya-blue we would like to get to know you abit more on a personal level so tell us something about your self that nobody else knows” me” uhm well lo knows everything about me” black” forget about lo we what to know about you” me” erm I have a piercing on my vajj” I go bright pink as I just realised what I just told them gab” you have what” all there eyes legit darkened with lust god that does things to me, me” I... I sorry tha...” nik” no baby girl it’s fine we wanted to get to know you that means all of you so when did you get this piercing done” me” when I was 14 lo dared me to” nik” so your good with pain” me” oh no I passed out after my 4th panic attack my pain tollerante is trash” gab” tolerance baby” I blushed stupid me would get something wrong trying to act all big with big words dark” anymore piercings we should know about or tattoos” me” nope none just the one” Luc” well I can’t wait till we see it” Me” w.. what! See what you eh” they all laughed at my babbling self gab” little one why do you think we brought you here to our home” me” erm I..i I don’t know” nik” we like you a lot” me” all of you” gab” yes all 5 of us we are attracted to you and we can tell by your body language you are attracted to us too” me” well...I I” gab” you don’t need to say anything we just wanted you to know so you don’t think we are acting strange we are straightforward men aya so we won’t lie to you” luc” we want to f**k you and hard at that really hard but we won’t we are holding our selfs back by a thread a thread we are going to let go on your 16th birthday” me” huh” black” to put it straight for you we will be taking your virginity on your birthday” me” oh OH wait” gab” baby this you have no say in what’s so ever we are waiting for you so it these days we will give you the time of day to come and get to know us to spend time with us anything we will be at your beck and call we ant to do it the right way with your consent” me” and what if I..I don’t want to” gab” trust me baby it will be easier for us all if you do now that will be all you can now leaves” I quickly got up and rushed out off the room back to mine slamming the door to my surprise lo was still sat there.  Lo” you okay” me” no your brothers what to sleep with Me” lo” what why they said they’d wait” me” wait you knew” lo” knew what that they want to f**k you I mean who wouldn’t” me” no that on my birthday they will take my virginity” lo” oh yes that’s what mating is” me” I’m not really lo” lo” trust me right now your not but closer to the time you will be” me” Lucrezia I’m scared” lo” I know you are baby girl but it will be fine” me” no lo the... they all what do sleep with me” lo” yeah I know” me” LO ALL look at me I’m small” lo” I know I still remember that mishap” me” don’t even OMG they will be bigger” lo” ew but probably yes” me” omg omg omg omg no lo I can’t 5 big huge no I can’t lo you have to tell them I can’t I’m too small for them”.  The brothers  We sat in our office listening to ayas meltdown about us. Gab” it’s kind of refreshing she things we are huge” nik” I mean we are” gab” I know” they laughed black” I want to know what the mishap was” gab” me too f**k I hope it wasn’t something s****l because I swear whoever it was with will die” Luc” bro you can smell the purity on her she ain’t even been fingered before” gab” f**k we need to do something before her birthday” nik” I have a feeling getting her turned on won’t be hard”.  Aya-blue  After lo calmed me down we finally went to sleep in my room.  The next morning I woke up to a smiling lo staring at me, lo” morning Chika” me” morning” lo” so how are you feeling today” me” great” lo” okay good because your brothers have been blowing up your phone” me” what” I quickly got up grabbing my phone just intime for there call to come threw I answered it going into the bathroom. Before I could say hello my brothers bombarded me with questions me” woah woah woah calm down I’m okay I’m safe” laney” I can’t believe dad let you go” me” he had no other choice” keagon” he always has one” me” come on I’m fine and I’m safe” laney” well miss you little sis” me” and I miss you” laney” can you come see us” me” I don’t know I’d have to ask the boys” keagon” they have you on lockdown” me” pretty much” laney” just be careful okay we don’t want you ending up like her” me” who” keagon” nobody just don’t make the boys angers okay be careful they are very very easily aggravated” me” okay I love you I will speak to you later” laney” ok love you too nerd bye” they ended the call. I walked back into my room and lo was sat on the bed on her phone me” lo can I ask you something” lo” sure go ahead” me” who’s zarah” as soon as I said that her face dropped lo” who” me” zarah” lo” does she go to our school” me” oh never mind” lo” okay anyways breakfast should be done in about 20 so come down went your ready imma head and change” me” okay” she quickly rushed out.  I know she was lying we have been besties all our life’s and I know when she lies but why why would she lie.  The brothers  Gab” Lucrezia what do you want at this hour” lo” well brother your little mate is asking about zarah” gab” what how who told her” lo” I don’t know but she was on the phone to her brothers so I’m guessing them” gab” f**k get her phone” lo” what why” gab” she doesn’t need to know anything about zarah and I most definitely don’t what her 2 imbecile brothers telling her anything” lo” okay” with that she left. Nik” how do they know” luc” obviously father told there father and he told them you know Lorenzo can’t keep anything from his brother” nik” don’t call him that” gab” let’s just shift her from thinking about that okay guys today we need to show her around cause today is the perfect day to take our precious mates first kiss”.  Aya-blue  I went down for breakfast in a pair of grey joggers and a white bandeau top with slides.  When I got into the kitchen Gabriel was In front of me so fast I nearly fell but he gripped ahold of my waist with his large hand, I looked up into his eyes but all I saw was black gab” what are you wearing mate” me” e....I clothes” gab” this here is not clothes” he practically pulled the bandeau showing my breasts I quickly covered my self, he took is top off quickly shoving it over my head forcing it into me before walking away, I looked over at lo who just shrugged her shoulders then carried on eating. Jal” come eat sweetheart you must be hungry” I went and took a seat near lo and started to eat, it kinda felt normal with lo there I was kinda getting used to things. Luc” blue once you have finished eating meet us outside round back” me” oh okay” with that all the boys left the kitchen jal” it’s okay my child they just want to show you around” Me” they are very intimidating” jal” trust me around you they are softer use it to your advantage they’d do anything for you aya you just have to know how to get things” me” what do you mean” jal” I mean if you open up a bit it opens more of them and they give you more and more control I know you want to go see your brothers and you can all you have to do is use this little show around to get what you want” me” oh okay I can try” jal” now hurry along they are very inpatient”. I hurried outside to were I saw all the boys stood looking awkward me” erm hey sorry I was abit hungry than I thought” gab” oh it’s fine you can go back in if you are still hungry” me” no I’m full thank you” gab” are you sure we can bring something out for you” he took a step towards the door but out of know where o grabbed ahold of his hand as fast as I grabbed it I let it go faster looking at him me” sorry ermm I’m good” gab” it’s fine come on then” he smiled down at me.  We was walking and talking for quite sometime and weirdly it was easy to get the conversation flowing with them they where quite nice tbh, we talked about eachother and things we all liked and we had somethings in common just little things but they where still things. They also learnt how stupid I was because they said they loved blues and my stupid ass thought they where talking about me but really they where talking about the band the blues.  Gab” so aya-blue so far how are you liking it here” me” I have been here for 2 days” Luc” and” I have them a little giggle they where very demanding on things nik” that is a beautiful sound” me” what is” gab” your giggle” me” thank you”, Gabriel stepped closer to me to which I unintentionally moved closer to him once we where practically touching her grabbed ahold of my waist with one of his huge hands and put the other on my neck pulling me in for the most amazing kiss I would ever have seen as Iv never had one before. Once he had finally pulled away to let me breathe nik came swooping in with a more passionate kiss which I wasn’t expecting. Finally once they had all taken there turns having a taste of my lips we all stood close together staring at each-other gab” your lips are glorious” me” thank you erm I...I well I was wondering if I could go see my brothers today or tomorrow” gab” for you princess anything you can go later today” me” really” I jumped clapping my hands practically squealing nik” yes baby now calm” me” sorry thank you thank you” I jumped up rapping my small arms around whoever it would reach which was gab and a bit ok nik but they all squished me in-between them all.  A’s note Sorry about the short chapter. 
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