The punishment.

9564 Words
The brother We had left aya a while ago with lo as we had to go deal we’ll kill a man. Luc” well that just put a damper on our moods” gab” no nothing is taking away today with her” nik” god even I couldn’t with the huge smile she gave us so sweet and gentle” luc” that’s our mate” gab” I guess that’s the key to keeping her happy her brothers and whatever she asks for” nik” we can’t be too nice to her” gab” trust me we won’t we can spoil her all the time but also punish her went she bad” nik” you think she’d like that” gab” did you see the glint in her eyes when I put my hand around her neck next time I’ll give it a little squeeze see how she reacts” black” oh our little mate she had us rapped” luc” that she does brother that she does”.  Aya-blue  I went home for a few house to see my brothers and family they where very apologetic and my brothers kept trying to force me to stay but weirdly Deep-down o wanted to go back, I loved my family but deep deep down I knew the boys needed me there with them. I spoke with my brothers told them everything was safe and I was okay spent sometime with my mum and dad then before I left I arranged a day where I’d come and spend sometime with them a day we all agreed on. Then I left again.  Lo” how was it” me” good I miss them so much I miss laney and keagon waking me up in the morning” lo” you will see them everyday in school” me” it’s not the same imagine you not seeing gab and the others everyday like you have for the past 16 years” lo” you called him by his name you didn’t say your brother which you always do your starting to catch feelings” me” what no” lo” I know you lying come on” me” okay maybe abit just earlier they where so sweet and nice and I felt like that was the real them they even smiled and laughed” lo” they what” me” laughed and smiled” lo” no don’t lie” me” why would I” lo” they haven’t smiled or laughed since well never” me” what no that can’t be” lo” I can show you baby photos everything they haven’t ask anyone even out mother” me” oh wow” lo” they adore you proper” me” no” lo” yes nobody has made them laugh in years and I mean smile they have only ever smiled once and that was when I was born” me” wow I feel” lo” privileged you should” me” funny”.  Me and lo spent sometime chatting and talking about everything before we went down for dinne.  Jal” girls just in time we have some news” lo” what about are the boys moving out finally” dark” your so funny” Lorenzo” no kids listen to you mother” jal” so sweetheart you’re brothers have brought your school so for sometime while it’s getting measured and things like that you might see them around” lo” wait what why” gab” because it’s a good investment you girls will be moving to the schools other building at the end of the next semester” me” why” lo” because these guys like to just buy random buildings” Luc” no Lucrezia we use them for business that one is in a good spot and most out investors and so on know that building it will be easier to conduct business from there” lo” do we really have to see your faces there tho everyday I mean that’s the only few hours I get away from you guys” nik” you won’t even notice we are there little sister” lo” I hope not”. The rest of dinner we ate in silence with jal trying to make convo every now and again and failing.  The next day me and lo where up and ready for school and before you ask nope we don’t have uniforms I’m sure you guessed that. I chose a oversized white jumper with barbie printed on it and paired it with some hot pink balenciagas and a pair of adidas socks, I left my hair wavy and put a little dab of makeup on.  Lo” so you ready” me” yep let’s...” gab” your going like that” lo” me” gab” no her” me” what” lo” come on gab the jumper legit just hits her knees plus she has shorts on underneath” gab” your lucky we are going to be there otherwise you wouldn’t be able to wear they now come we are dropping you off” me” okay” we followed them out to the cars while we was in the car all I could think about was what gab said  I don’t get why they have such a big issue with what I wear I mean it’s not bad, like I’m the most covered up girl in my school I’m shy.   When we reached school lo practically dragged me out of the car not even saying bye to the boys and like always everyone was looking except all the girls where practically fawning over the boys and weirdly I was jealous I mean some of the girls here are hella sexy and I’m well a prude.  Ella” so who where those hotties you came with” lo” ew they are my brothers eyes off ella-ray Louisa Ellington” ella” okay wow no need fo full name base I was just asking” lo” well don’t they are happily taken and they don’t like slaggy little girls” ella” your rude you know that” me” lo that was mean” lo” idc she shouldn’t be looking at them with lust” me” your so overprotective” Braxton” hey girls” me” hey brax” Braxton” oh I got my own nickname” me” sorry Braxton” Braxton” no it’s cute I like it now come one we have a lesson together oh and did you get my message” me” oh wait no erm I must have left my phone at home I think” Braxton” oh well we have gym today” me” what no” Braxton” yeah” me” I only have my cheer practice outfit and it’s not very friendly” Braxton” well should have looked at you phone” Me” lo do you have any spare” lo” sorry babe nope I left mine to so we are in the same boat” Braxton” your cheer outfit can’t be that bad” me” it is it’s way to small for me” lo” no it’s not it’s called tight fitting it’s your size you just love getting oversized in everything” they started laughing me” hey” I stormed off to out first class with them following behind me.  When class finished I went out and my brothers where there, I spent sometimes with them to catch-up on everything that’s been going on. God I miss them so much it’s unreal I can tell they are missing me because laney wouldn’t stop hugging me and telling me to come home, while I was with them I could feel someone lurking I I knew who it was I just didn’t pay attention to it.  Later that day at lunch I was sat with my brothers and all there friends we was all talking and having fun, Braxton was also there sat with me harassing me as per usual. Laney” blue we are having a little bonfire on the beach tonight you should come” me” I don’t know” laney” come on it will be fun plus me and keagon will be there” keagon” yeah lo you come too” lo” I’m in and don’t worry I’ll drag her along too” laney” please she needs to let her hair down abit” me” I don’t know I’ll have to ask first” Braxton” Weill if your mums letting these to dipshits go I’m sure you can” laney” oh she’s staying with Lucrezia right now” Braxton” oh really why” lo” because we are bffs and she cAn” Braxton” I mean it’s surprising since the boys don’t let her do shite” laney” yes we do” they where bickering so it gave me time to whisper to lo, me” the boys won’t let me go you know that” lo” we don’t have to tell them” Me” lo they will kill us I don’t know” lo” there my brothers they will be fine I know where they will be so we have time” Me” I I might ask th...” keagon” what are you both whispering about” me” oh I need the loo I’ll be right back” I stood you and quickly made my way out of the hall  I was really going to look for the boys what better than to ask them in a public place it might help. I was looking around for them for a good 5 minutes and just when I was about to give up I saw them stood in a empty classroom talking, so I made my way over and knocked on the door when they all looked up they where kinda surprised to see me, gab” what can we do for you” me” well I wanted to ask you something” nik” okay ask away” me” well my brothers are having a little Bon...” before I could finish they all said no, me” wait no what you didn’t even let me finish” gab” it’s a bonfire party okay the answer is still no” me” please I don’t get to see my brothers please I really wanna go” nik” the answer is no aya” me” your so mean” Luc” you haven’t even seen us mean” me” but why can’t I go it’s only friends lo will be there” dark” we don’t care if your father was there aya the answer is no now leave” me” ugh fine” I turned around and stormed out back to the lunch hall.  Laney” well you took you time” me” lo come here” lo” why” me” just come” I turned and made my way out to the bleachers  with lo following behind me lo” what” me” the boys said no” lo” you told them” me” I didn’t want to get into more trouble” lo” miss goody goody” me” but I want to go” lo” wait you wanna sneak out” me” no we can ask your mum she’s sweet” lo” I’ll tell her we will only go for an hour she will defo let us go” me” okay” lo” it’s started at 7 but we have to go at 7:30 cause that’s when the boys go to there office” me” okay what time will we get back” lo” I don’t know” me” so we are not actually staying for an hour” lo” cause not longer” me” oh Jesus lord pray for me I’m too innocent to die now” lo” oh come on the most the boys will do is shout and lecture us” me” shout shouting makes me cry lo” lo” even better they will be guilty of they make you cry” me” god lo why me” lo” you want to spend time with your brothers so I suggest you suck it up okay” me” okay”.  Later that day we got her mother to finally agree to it but she said we have to be back before 8 or she will kill us. I didn’t really see the boys after school so that was a plus because I feel like imma burst any second and tell them I’m sorry for plotting to sneak out but luckily they wasn’t around when we left. When we got to the bonfire it was large larger than I was told it was going to be, there where at-least 50-60 people here and the fire was huge cause people where burning there own things.  Me” lo you said it would be small” lo” this is small now come on let’s get some drinks” me” oh no you know I don’t drink I have never had it before” lo” well let it be your first come on” me” looo I will die my brothers will kill me if they smell alcohol on me” lo” it’s fine they are too busy sucking off ashlyns face” she grabbed my hand leading me to a huge table full of alcoholic beverages I was kinda scared obviously imma be a light weight and Iv never done this before, what if I get drunk of one drink? Oh god. Lo poured some clear drink into a cup them added a colourful one then passed it to me lo” Taste it trust me you will like it I added sweetener to make it less sour” me” lo I don’t wanna” lo” ok one sip if you don’t like it you don’t have to” me” okay” I put it to my lips the smell went straight to my nose it was a strong yet fruity smell and luckily I smell strawberry, I took a sip expecting to hate it but it was actually nice it tasted like fruit lo” so” me” it’s nice” lo” I knew you’d love it nice come let’s face out asses off” we made our way threw the crowd of people to the center and started to dance to a song I actually liked plain Jane by asap its not a bad song.  We danced and laughed for quite sometime, I danced with a lot of my friends and had a lot of drinks this is the first time I have done something like this and I love it, I could totally see my self doing this again. Braxton made his way over to me and started to dance with me and because I was quite drunk I wasn’t really my prude self so I started to dance with him, I was in my own zone until I looked forward and eveyone was looking at us I was kinda confused until lo came forward to me and shouted into my ear lo” girl you can dance your hips are amazing you have moves” me” what” ella” nerd you can dance and sexily” me” thank you”. We all carried on dancing and drinking, after abit I saw laney and keagon so I went over to talk to them me” brothers” I sorta tripped abit and landed on laney, laney” are you drunk aya” me” maybe” keagon” who the f**k gave you alcohol” me” ME” I pointed at my self laney” your not aloud to drink aya what was you thinking you really shouldn’t be drinking” me” but you do” laney” well our tolerance is much much higher than yours” me” oh” keagon” I think we should get you home it’s pretty late anyways” they lifted me up and took me to there car driving me back home to my actual home.  When we got home I could hear my dad arguing with my brothers but I was too out of it to concentrate on anything, laney” dad this wasn’t our fault” dad” f**k just take her to bed I’ll call Gabriel and let him know she’s safe” laney” okay”.  The brothers  Gab” I can’t believe she shook out” jal” she didn’t really I gave her permission but only for an hour” gab” and who gave you the right to give our mate permission to do something you always ask us” Lorenzo” come on Gabriel don’t speak to your mother like that” nik” no he’s right look at the time it’s nearly midnight and the girls still ain...” they all turned as they heard the door slam shut it was lo Lorenzo” Lucrezia where have you been” lo” at a bonfire” gab” you smell of Booz where is aya” lo” I thought she was home” gab” what” lo” she was dancing with brax one second then gone I assumed you guys called her home or something” gab” she was dancing with a boy” nik” god Lucrezia why didn’t you keep an eye on her” there landline started ringing gab went to answer it.  Gab” hello” Alex” hi Gabriel I’m ringing to let you know aya is here with us” gab” is she safe” Alex” yeah thank god the boys found her drunk out of her head” gab” they what” Alex” she’s fine tho she’s in her bed right now sleeping so you can come and get her in the morning” gab” that’s fine I would also like to speak to your sons too I’m the morning” Alex” very well good night Gabriel” Gabriel” bye” he hung up. Jal” so” gab” she’s at alexanders there boys found her drunk out of her head” dark” what” gab” lo you let her drink” lo” well not really I gave her one drink she got the rest her self” gab” lo she’s never drank before are you crazy what was you thinking putting her in danger like that she’s human” lo” I totally forgot” gab” from now on you will not be left alone with her we are assigning a guard to you both” lo” what no that’s not fair daddy” Lorenzo” no lo you should be more responsible especially with your brothers mate” lo” ugh I hate you” she stormed off, jal” atleast she’s safe boys okay get some sleep and you can go get her in the morning” gab” we can’t exactly sleep without her we will be too worried” jal” please try my boys goodnight” with that there parents left for bed.  Black” she’s going to be the death of us” Luc” trust don’t we know” gab” come let’s get some work done since we ain’t exactly going to sleep a lot”.  Aya-blue The next afternoon I woke with a splitting headache and a sore throat. I had to take a minute to try and remember what happened but it was all fussy, I was so confused as I am back in my old bed and I highly doubt that I should be here. Once I finally focused on everything I heard shouting coming from the kitchen so I quickly rushed out to see what was going on and to my utter shook it was los family’s arguing with mine, when they all heard me they all turned too look at me Luc” oh and her comes the rebel” me” morning” dad” morning aya-blue do you know what you did last night” he shouted me” dad please I have a headache” gab” good” Me” wa” dad” you got drunk last night to the point you passed out when you got home the boys had to bring you here” me” oh my” mom” yes oh my aya how could you be so reckless” me” I’m sorry I I was...” dark” what putting you life in danger we told you you couldn’t go but you still went do you know how worried we where” me” I...I just wanted to have some fun” gab” well I hope you f*****g did because this will be the last time you do something like this” me” what” gab” we will drop and pick you up from school everyday and you will stay home all day” me” what no why I have cheer and I have family day you can’t dad” dad” I’m sorry sweetheart this is not up to me” me” lucifer please tell him I just wanted to have some fun” Luc” baby you put your self in harms way” me” but b...” I started to cry jal” come here love let’s go to the car and leave them to deal with this” I walked over to her leaving them to discuss this.  When we got home I went straight to my room I didn’t want to speak or see anyone I was so upset that they are stopping me from seeing my family how could they. I stayed in my room in bed and cried my self to sleep, when I woke up it was 8 pm the same afternoon I heard knocking on my door it was lo.  Lo” please aya open the door I’m sorry please” I went and opend it letting her in lo” oh thank god aya I’m so sorry I didn’t know they would be soo mad” she hugged me tightly me” it’s fine” lo” no it’s not I promise I will try my best to get them to let you see your family I swear” aya” they are so mean” lo” they where just scared “ me” I know bu...” the boys walked in gab” leave lo” lo” what no I o...” gab” NOW LUCREZIA” he growled she looked at me and mouthed sorry before leaving the room.  I quickly backed up to near my bed me” what do you want” Luc” to talk to why” me” about” gab” about why you didn’t listen to us” he when river to the door locking it me” w..why are you locking the door” gab” because babygirl we don’t want anybody walking in on your punishment do we now” me” w..w..” nik” a bad girl gets punished baby girl and you was really bad” me” I’m sorry please don’t hurt me” gab” oh don’t worry little one you will enjoys this” me” it was just fun” before I could even blink gab had me pinned to the wall by my neck choking me tightly gab” fine FUN” he growled I tried to say something but before I could his lips came down smashing onto mine kissing me roughly, I moaned into the kiss trying to move closer to him gab” no baby” he took a step back which caused a whimper to leave my lips nik” you like that don’t you you like our hands choking you” I looked down but nodded my head I heard them growl, gab” strip” me” what” gab” S.T.R.I.P” I stood frozen looking at them like they wasn’t serious but there eyes said other wise and I wasn’t about to test them so I started to take my top off gab” slowly baby” I looked at him bright pink and slowly started to take my clothes off.  Once I was only in my undies and bra did they tell me to stop, I was so embarrassed as I had on a black Lacey set that lo forced me to wear yesterday gab” oh god that body the things I want to do to you right now” he sat on the bed and opend his legs patting his knee and weirdly I knew that was a sign for me to come to him and when I did I was surprised as he quickly grabbed ahold of me and laid me across his knees so my ass was up in the air gab” now baby girl for your punishment I say seen as it’s your first time 3 each will be good” me” 3..3 what” Luc” spanking baby” me” what” I screeched nik” relax baby girl you will love it” before I could give him a reply I felt gabs hand on my ass rubbing and squeezing it lightly before his hand came down harshly on my left cheek I screamed out from the pain it was hard then I felt the same sharp slap on my right and then again on the middle once he was done I was actually a crying mess only from 3 I can’t think about the rest. He lifted me up and switched places with luce he did the exact same but this time they where kinda pleasurable, they all took turned until the final once’s where delivered by nik who was quite rough with me. Gab” baby girl you did so well” he whispered into my ear as they where all around me on the bed nik” you where perfect how do you feel” me” sleepy” gab” okay baby get some sleep okay we will see you in the morning you will be abit sore for afew days but the cream we put on will be applied daily okay” me”yes daddy” I was half asleep but I heard the growl that came from them before I drifted off the heaven.  The brothers  Gab” I wasn’t the only one that heard that” nik” nope she called you daddy” gab” f**k she’s perfect like overly perfect I don’t know how long I can last especially after seeing that body f**k f**k f**k” luc” you need to calm down before you Lycan takes over and f***s the poor girl” nik” she has is all rock hard after that them screams I can’t wait to sink my self deep inside her” gab” okay boys we need a cold shower because we have some traitors to kill”.  They made there way downstairs to go to the cells jal” what happened” gab” what” jal” well ayas room isn’t that sound proof so we could hear her screams from down here she’s okay isn’t she” gab” yes mother we’d never hurt her like that she’s just abit sore” Lorenzo” you didn’t” gab” we was in there less than an hour obviously we didn’t” jal” then why was she screaming” gab” well that’s none of your concern is it mother now we have some business to deal with father let’s go”.  Aya-blue  The next morning I woke up to a very sore butt and this time I didn’t have to take a second to remember because I do it’s still fresh in my mind what happened yesterday, and I’m still tingly down there it was weirdly a turn on I loved it so did they asked me to do it again I would defo be up-for it. My butt is super sore and I know there is going to be afew bruises down there, as when I went to pull some trousers on I nearly screamed when I touched it so I settled for a oversizes T-shirt that is gabs it was cute and smelled of him.  I made my way downstairs with pain but I made it to the kitchen where eveyone was, as soon as I walked in everyone went silent lo” hey” me” morning” lo” come sit” me” on I’ll be fun standing near the island” I could see the boys grinning from the corner of my eyes lo” surprised the boys are not crying at what your wearing” gab” well we know it’s a pain in the butt to wear trousers” jal” omg OMG you didn’t omg you did omg” me” what” jal” they spanked you didn’t they” my face went bright red in embarrassment lo” omg that’s why you was screaming I thought they took your flower” me” omg lo” gab” we was close but she’s lucky she was sleepy” jal” omg wow I don’t even know what to say my sons” gab” mother” jal” did you like it aya because we could hear your screams from a mile away and some moans” me” omg please can we not” gab made his way round the island and stood behind me whispering in my ear gab” how is that big ass of yours feeling” me” gab” I turned around to face him giggling Lorenzo” it’s refreshing seeing you guys happy” me” thank you they are not so bad” gab” not so bad” me” no” gab” I hope we can change that tonight” me” what’s tonight” gab” we are taking you out” me” on a date” gab” whatever you wanna call it princess” me” ermm okay but what do I wear” gab” anything as-long as it’s not revealing” me” well I guess lo is out of the question to style me” lo” hey gotton very open you haven’t you” me” have not” lo” come let’s change you” me” wait what time are we going” nik” around 6 so be ready” me” lo it’s only 7” lo” so we need to go shopping” me” oh can we” gab” sure here’s my card be back before 12” me” I’ll make sure of it”. With that me and lo ran away to change and head to the mall.  While we was there she forced me to try on every sexy outfit she could find and every sexy undies she could fine, really don’t know why I agreed to this. Once we finally decided on a full outfit she dragged me to a nail/makeup/hair salon to change my look because apparently I look “too kiddish” so she changed me.  I picked everything simple like simple light punk short nails and to go with my dress simple light pink makeup but my hair well that was los choosing and she went will a full blow dry and big curls she also added highlights so that was fun but worse of all she forced me to get a full body wax and when I say full body COOCHY too.  Once we was all done it was around 2 o’clock and because I don’t have a phone I didn’t have access to the time only lo but you all know what she’s like by now she doesn’t listen to any rules and she’s gonna get us both killed.  When we finally got home the boys where stood at the door waiting for us and I knew it was the new guards we have that had snitched on us, gab” what time you call this” I raised my hands trying to look innocent me” don’t blame me I don’t own a phone it was lo as usual” gab” lo can’t you listen for once” lo” come on look at her we needed to change her up” gab” yes she looks fine as hell but she also looks fine as hell on a normal day so you didn’t need to take that long aya go upstairs and change we are leaving soon” me” soon I thou...” gab” go change now” me” okay” I grabbed the bags off the guards and ran along to my room and while I was there I could hear shouting but it’s none of my business.  It’s took me a good hour to fully get dressed even tho I was half ready, the outfit we chose was a light pink of shoulders cocktail dress that when to my knees with a pair of white YSL and a white clutch. Around 4 I heard a knock on my door and in walked lo without my permission lo” aww baby you look perfect they are waiting for you” me” I’m so nervous we’re are they taking me” lo” it’s a surprise trust me you will love it tho” me” okay”. I made my way down and at the bottom of the stairs stood all 5 guys in black suits they looked ravishingly perfect, like gods from above I could drool well I was. When I got to the bottom they gave me there signature smirks dark” you look amazing” me” thank you” black” lets go” he grabbed ahold of my hand and led me out, I love when they touch me because it leaves sparks everywhere and it feels amazing.  They led me to a all black limousine. Once we all got in the driver set off the whole car ride they would just stair at me they didn’t speak once and well neither did I I’m shy people.  After about half an hour we pulled up somewhere I couldn’t really see as the windows where also blacked out, what if they kill me! Omg why am I thinking this I’m stupid.  They all got out and then they got me out, once I was fully out did I then take a minute to look around and boy was I shocked the place they had brought me was beautiful when I say beautiful I mean amazing gorgeous wow. It was a huge White Castle that had fairy lights and fire all around it, I’m in love with it, me” omg this is beautiful” gab” I’m glad you like it” me” is this yours” gab” yes it’s one of the many castles we inherited from our grandparents only this one has been renovated” me” omg can we go in I wanna see it” gab” as you wish mi lady”. They led me inside and boy the inside was much much more beautiful than the outside, everything was white pure white and had diamonds everywhere. There was a trail of gold roses on the floor nik” go on follow it love” so I did as I was told and followed the roses and they led me to the outside to a beautiful lake where there was a seating area and lights everywhere it was so nice, me” you guys this is wow” luc” come on let’s sit let’s eat and talk”.  We sat and eat and talked for hours it was perfect. Me” so you guys actually never told me what you do for business” gab” well we are traders and landowners plus that empire your dad owns will be ours one day” me” for landowners you sure have a lot of armed guards” nik” never to secure are you we are just being safe we have a lot of serious enemies” me” oh okay” Luc” so miss mikealson what are you thinking about doing after school” me” I have a long way for that but I’m looking into acting and singing” gab” that’s sounds nice you can sing” me” well everyone else tells me how good I am” gab” we wanna hear you” me” you should come to one of my sessions I do them at school” dark” when and where we will be there” I gave them a smile it was nice knowing they actually cared about what I was doing, me” so I wanted to talk about the grounding I’m on” can never take that word serious, gab” what about it” me” well cheerleading I’m the captain I really need to be there” gab” for an innocent shy girl you are very active ain’t you” me” what do you mean” black” singing and dancing we never knew this” me” the little things people don’t realise but Iv been dancing since I was a baby it’s also one of my happy places like swimming” gab” well I’m happy to hear that if we asked would you dance for us”  Me” well back to what I was saying if you lift the time you can come watch me” black” clever we will have to think about that one” me” please only and hour extra at school you are basically there anyways so what’s the hurt” dark” harm baby and just one hour no longer we will get you from practice” me” yay thank you” I gave them my biggest smile ever, gab” you have a very beautiful you know that” me” yes I do my daddy always says it lights up a room” nik” it does and what did we say about that word” me” but I don’t get what the issue is isn’t that what everyone calls there dadd...papà” luc” not people like us we like to be on the receiving end of that word” me” huh” gab” was word didn’t you understand” me” reviving” gab” receiving ho... Your quite stupid you know” me” yeah wait that’s rude” gab” no other way to say it” me” i just don’t get a lot of things” dark” don’t you learn in school” me” yeah but I’m easily something when I’m bored” dark” distracted atleast you knew how to use the word, you should focus more” me” it’s getting cold are we staying here” black” yes we have 2 rooms set up for us” me” oh you guys share a room” black” no huge bed” me” oh erm would you mind if I stayed in your room too” when I said that all there faces lit up like it was Christmas for a second but as soon as it came it was gone in a flash, gab” sure” me” thank you I it’s just new places scare me if I don’t know it or nobody’s here” gab” we will be right next door” me” I don’t have to sleep with you I was ju...” all of them at the same time said “NO” and I grinned knowing i don’t have to sleep alone.  When we finally got to the room it was around 9 o’clock and I didn’t really go bed this early and by there faces neither did they. Me” can we watch a movie” gab” what movie” me” I really really really want to watch titanic” black” are you being serious” me” don’t hate ok that is my favourite movie” black” really” me” obviously I love it I swear I know the full script of by heart” dark” okay we will watch it” me” you will love it” dark” I highly doubt it now get in bed your in the middle with gab” me” with how” gab” between my legs little one” me” ohh ei...I wait” gab” here’s my shirt before you have a heart attack” the threw the shirt he was wearing at me and I was so excited to catch it because I knew it was gonna have there musky smell on there, yes I know perv but it’s so attractive.  I went into the bathroom and changed only to realise my underwear where power puff girls and before you hate they are elite okay, but yeah and the shite well it was quite long but I mean my bright blue undies are going to show threw this flimsy white cotton material and I’m not in the mood to flash some old me sexy old goddess men’s. Yes I know it wouldn’t be goddess it would be gods but I don’t discriminate yall be you. Oh and I don’t have a bra on either so that’s another plus.  Once I finally had enough courage to walk out I did with a bright pink face cause as soon as I walked out the boys heads snapped to me and right now I am very very glad I am far away from them because if you could see what I’m seeing well god is good too good too too too good.  All 5 of them where sat on the bed in just a pair of black tight boxers and disheveled hair that looked sexy like them, with all there tattoos and muscles I didn’t know where to look. And with the looks on there face they didn’t know either.  Black” cute” me” thank you erm I totally forgot I couldn’t wear a bra with the dress” gab” we ain’t complaining” me” okay good” dark” but cartoons” me” hey don’t diss okay power puff girls is my thing” dark” just asking” me” well don’t” gab” come on pouty get in bed the movies starting” at that I quickly climbed onto the bed and got comfy.    Comfy I tried but laying with gab was so not, I mean imagine laying between a gods legs who’s practically naked and you are too and there’s multiple of them and his OMG, it the speed of lightning I was off that bed and far away from it with again a pink face that was looking all the way down.   When I finally looked up all 5 of them where looking at me and only gave had a smirk the rest where confused, gab” what are you doing” me” yo...your I GABRIEL” gab” what is it sweetheart” me” I...I felt something big” as I was talking he was slowly scooting towards me and I was forcing my eyes to stay up, gab” did you” me”y...yes” gab” and what was it” me” I...ii I don...” before I could finish he was right in front of me looking down at me gab” stop stuttering baby and tell me what it was” me” you whe..where I...I don’t know” gab” yes you do speak” me” I don’t” gab” aya are you telling me you don’t know what an erection is” me” no” gab turned around looking at his brother who where now stood close to me they looked shocked at most, gab” don’t lie” me” I promise” gab” you know what aroused is” I shook my head gab” what about horny you have to know that one use words this time” me” y...yes” gab” yes you know what it means” me” yes” gab” well that’s what we are we are horny” me” why” gab” well baby if you could see you I’m pretty sure you would be too” me”oh” gab grabbed my hand and put it onto his hard on and I let out a little squeal gab” this right here is what you felt and that baby is my d**k and it’s hard because you are sexy” I just looked at him amazed because well what else was I going to do I mean I’m sold backed up agains a wall with 5 men with hard d***s stood blocking my path.  Gab” do you understand this now” I nodded my head gab” words baby girl” me” yes” gab” next time don’t be in such a rush to move away we don’t like that” his hand came up and gripped my jaw so he could pull me into a rough but sweet kiss his other hand went around my waist pulling me closer too him. I let out a moan that was swallowed up by him, once he pulled away we was both out of breath I felt someone come close up behind me and when I turned slightly to see I was met with darks perfect smirk before he pulled me into a passionate kiss that I was enjoying too much because my down below started to tingle.  I felt another par of hands start to touch my body everywhere from my boobs down to my hips but it didn’t stop there the hands kept doing and going until I felt a cold hand rub my core and god did I spaz out, nobody and I mean nobody has ever touched me down there not even me well once but that’s a story for another time. Gab” f**k baby your dripping” I tried to respond but dark was still sucking my face off, the hand that was giving me pleasure that I had never seen before started to rub abit more faster till one of the fingers slipped inside of me and OH Jesus did I hurt, I pulled away from dark and screamed out gab” shshshs baby your so f*****g tight” I thought I was about to fall die give way but with there deathly grips I wasn’t going anywhere and ask me why they did this standing I don’t know.  After a minute of him pumping the pain went down and the pleasure rolled in like hey yall because boy was I busting like busting busting I came right them like right right then and busting as i think I pissed.  Gabs had was moving at a fast fast pace and I was hitting a spot that gave me soo much pleasure that I couldn’t hold on any longer gab” let go princess let it all out on daddy” and didn’t know I had a daddy kink until now because when he said daddy I screamed bloody murder as I came like a water fall all over, all over me and him his chest was glistening.  Gab” f**k baby that f**k that was hot” I was in darks arms as he held me up to keep me steady, me” w...what was that” nik” well princess that was your first orgasm and by the looks of it your first squirt” me”I w...” I was lost gab” baby it’s c*m it’s just a hard orgasm it’s okay” I looked down and when I did well it was a mistake I won’t be doing again as my eyes closed so fast. All of them and I mean all of them where makes butt makes with semi hard one, gab” don’t be shy” me” I...I’m not” Luc” look up” I didn’t listen too shy Luc” LOOK.UP” when that’s stern voice comes out I can’t do anything else other than listen so I looked up at him and well he was smiling Luc” baby you where so f*****g sexy that we couldn’t control our selfs” me” I..thank you...” nik” baby we all came” me” how” gab” well your noises and face was enough to send us over the edge” my face when red again, gab” we should do this again soon but right now you missy red to go to sleep” me” okay”, they took me over to the bed and we all got comfy and I dirigete of to sleep right away.  The brothers  Gab” f**k that was the best orgasm I have ever had” luc” she’s just so pure and innocent that it makes this all better” gab” when she said she didn’t know what a hard d**k was I nearly lost it I mean I know she’s a child but come on” nik” she’s opening up slowly she’s getting to trust us” gab” it’s this nice nice act” nik” we should keep this up clearly it’s getting us somewhere” gab” oh we are I so can’t wait till we are balls deep in her because boys she’s a tight little thing like she’s really really tight never felt someone so tight” black” it may be because she’s young” gab” I don’t know and I don’t care really as long as it stays that way we’ll after it has had us I doubt it will I mean she nearly passed out with my finger” dark” I don’t blame her our hands are like twice the size of her head I mean your whole had fits around her whole ass waist nearly” we all laughed gab” poor mate she looks so peaceful and innocent even in her sleep” she was fast asleep laying on top of me and trust me when I say it was hard having her there squished all up on me with nothing but a shirt to cover her body.  Aya-blue  The next morning I woke to very loud talking well more like arguing and it was nik with someone on the phone, nik” I’m telling you now Andre gey this done today or you will be in a ditch like him I am giving you 6 hours after that your dead” I let out a small gasp which probably gave away the fact that I am awake because the person I am currently sleeping on moved a tad. Gab” morning sun” me” hi” I looked up at him to which he leaned down and kissed my nose gab” sorry he woke you he’s having some issues with his best mate” me” he said he’d kill him” gab” yeah I heard where men baby that’s code for I love you” me” ohhh okay” gab” you hungry it’s 2 in the evening I’m glad you decided to wake up as we need to go to work” me” oh sorry” gab” it’s fine I’d stay here for however long you want” I smiled up at him and climbed off him.  We made our way downstairs where there was a lot of food made and I was starving so I sat down and started eating, gab” that’s all your going to eat” me” yeah it’s really filling” gab” 1 toast, 1 egg and abit of bacon that’s not filling baby eat some more” me” I can’t I’m not as big as you I’m small” nik” you have one more slice of toast okay it will put us at easy” so I did I ate another slice of toast even tho I wanted to throw up I only have a small appetite.  A’s note   Hope you liked this chapter. Very sorry about the long paragraph but they will change as some of these chapters have already been written but I will sort them out. 
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