
3517 Words
Aya-blue    Me and lo where just walking around as our fathers just went into a meeting which is weird because my dad told me he had none scheduled for today.  Lo” I think it was a important meeting that’s why it was unplanned” Me”what” lo” you face says it all” me” oh no it’s just I don’t know but my dad promised he’d show me around” lo” so come I will plus we have some fittys working here” me” lo I d...” lo” come on girl no harm we practically own this place anyways” me” actually laney and keagon n your brothers will most likely own it next not us” lo” come on buzz kill”.  She dragged me along with her to every corner of this building and when I say not one single person was a “fitty” I am not lying not one of them where good looking here well except from her brothers but that’s out of question.  She made us stop at some guys office names James or Jamie I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention to him as I... Lo” blue BLUE” she snapped her fingers in my face me” yes sorry” lo” say hi to James and Pete” me” oh sorry hi I’m aya-blue” lo” yeah I already told them while you was zoned out” I blushed looking away Pete” it’s nice to meet you aya that’s a very nice name” me” thank you” I looked over at him and to my shook he was kind of cute but in a nerdy way like me he even white glasses like me well I wear mine sometimes because of my lashes but still. Lo” so blue we was just saying the guys are going out tonight they was wondering if we would like to go” me” where too” Pete” just a little party our friend is throwing” me” I don’t know I’d have to as...” lo” come on we can just lie” me” lo you know that’s not me” Pete” trust me it will be fun and we won’t keep you out too late” me” I don’t know” lo” come on Pete will pick us up from mine an...” we heard a voice behind us say “ and take you where”, when I turned around there stood all 5 of her godlike brothers in all there glory. James” bosses” Gabriel” why will you be picking them up” pete” oh they want to come to one of our party’s” luc” I don’t think so they are underage your both fired out now” Pete” wait what we...” dark growled at them stepping forward dark” get out now leave your shite” they both stood up and hurried away lo” what the hell was that for” nik” why do you think it’s acceptable to go partying with grown ass men” lo” it’s just abit of fun” nik” no it’s not Lucrezia okay don’t make me ground you and stop forcing you little friend to go” lo” I was not forcing her” gab” yes you was we can see it on her face” lo” she wanted to go too didn’t you blue” me” we...ll I’m yeah” gab” well tuff luck you both ain’t going” lo” you can stop me but if she wants to go you can’t stop her” me” lo” gab” really if I wanted to I can and I will now move it you dads out of his meeting” lo” w...” black” Lucrezia move you ass now” lo” ugh fine” she stomped away leaving me there with these gods, lucifer looked down at me smirking luc” well what are you waiting for little mate you move that little butt too” I blushed before scurrying away following after lo.  Once I got back to my dads office he seemed tense and angry for some reason, he was pacing about.  Me” papà are you okay” dad” yes sweetheart but we need to talk take a seat” he went and sat in his chair so I did as he asked and went and sat in the chair across from him.  Me” so what’s wrong papa” dad” mi amore you know how much me and your mother love you right” me” of cause I do” dad” and we do anything for you we’d never put you in harms way mi princesa” me” dad is everything okay your scarring me” dad” well honey there’s something we really need to take about and there also something you will learn in the future something I have been told I shouldn’t tell you but I am telling you now that I don’t really have a choose in this matter” me” tell me what papa you can tell me anything” dad” mi princesa your 16th birthday is in 10 days and on your birthday you will be off to live with Lucrezia” me” what why” dad” everything will slowly make sense but I am unable to tell you but just know you are always welcome home no matter what” me” dad you don’t make any sense I don’t want to live with her I want to stay home dad” dad” I’m sorry mi amore this is out of my hands now” me” how can it be I’m your daughter you can’t send me away” dad” mi amore I’m not sending you away I would never to that” me” does mama know do the boys know this” dad” no not yet” I looked at him tears running down my face, how could he? How could he give his own child away? I thought he loved me?.  I quickly stood up and rushed out of his office lo was stood outside with her dad and brothers but I didn’t look at them I rushed out I needed to get home away from here as fast as I can, I could hear them all calling me even my dads heartbroken voice but I couldn’t look at them did they all know?.  As soon as I got in I shouted laney and keagon, laney” dude where here what” they can out of there room as soon as they saw me they rushed over to me worriedly keagon” what’s wrong why are you crying aya” me” papa” keagon” what about dad” me” he...hes he’s giving me away” laney” what no he’s not” me” he is he just told me he said I have to go live with Lucrezias family” keagon” what why” me” I...I don’t know” I broke down crying they both hugged me, my mum came running mum” baby what’s wrong what’s wrong with her” keagon” well your husband is giving her away” mum” what are you crazy he is not” dad walked in laney” father can you please tell her your not so she calms down” dad” she is son” laney” you what your giving your own daughter away wtf is wrong with you” laney was pissed he ran over to my dad and punched him in the face.  Me” laney” I went and pulled him away dad” it’s not what you think” keagon” not what you think your giving our sister away idc if it’s to your business partner but I don’t like him or his family they are dangerous and you know it” dad” keagon please they will take care of her she can come back anytime she wants” laney” that’s what they said about zarah and look what happend” me” who’s zarah” keagon” nobody you’r not going” dad” it’s not up for discussion anymore it’s out of my hands now kids” me” why who said it is” laney” your sick of you think I’m going to let them take my little sister” mum” she’s your daughter Alex” dad” she’s there mate all 5 of them not one of them all of them how can I stop them all” keagon” what” me” huh” I was lost at this point because I’m sure “mate” means like friend, laney” how she’s not...” dad” I don’t know but I could see it in there eyes they’re not lying about this and I can’t stop them from taking her so either it’s the easy way where she’s safe or the hard way where we don’t know anything” me” what are you talking about 5 you mean los brothers what about them I don’t know than at all” laney” blue it’s okay we will deal with this okay” me” deal with what I don’t get it I have never even spoke to them men’s” laney” those guys nerd” me” not the time lane I don’t want to go” keagon” your not I don’t care what they say she’s not leaving we get a say she’s our sister” dad” they won’t give you a say if they want her you know more than anyone what they will do to get her” me” what who why no I’m staying” laney” blue go to your room please” me” what no” laney” blue please go now” I looked over at him and he just looked sad and upset so I went to my room locking my self in and cried my self to sleep. I don’t want to leave.  The next morning I decided to take the day off school and stay home, lo was calling me but I really didn’t want to speak to her right now because I didn’t know if she knew what was going on or what.  I stayed in my room all day my mum came by to give me some food but I wasn’t hungry at all cause if I ate I knew it would all get thrown right back up. I just wanted to know why they wanted me I mean my dad didn’t even tell me why but he clearly told my brothers and mum why is he hiding it from me out of all people I should be the one that know right. I mean I love lo and living with her doesn’t sound horrible but it sounded like I wouldn’t be living with just her like it isn’t her that wants me there it’s her brothers, bare in mind brothers I have never spoke to or seen I till like yesterday. They honestly scare me there face are rock hard even when they spoke to lo they didn’t smile once and there voices where cold and I mean look at them there about 7 ft. You want to know what they look like well gab, luc and Nik have pitch black hair while black and dark have honey brown hair, they all have blue eyes for days and tanned skin that is cover in tattoos like not one of them doesn’t have tattoos from there neck down only nik and gab have it all over there body’s. They are ripped when I say ripped I mean ripped and they are supper tall so that’s sick (see my eye roll). Dark and black are 7ft exactly while nik & luc are 7ft2 and gab is 7ft4, you ask me why they are so tall I don’t know but you ask my dad and we’ll he will tell you they are royal hybrids they have the tall gene.  Anyways back too me you see why I’m scared imagine your family are saying these men would do anything to get you and you have never even spoke to them, I don’t know why or how or anything but all I know is I’d do anything to stay home with my family. I’m scared, confused and again scared I don’t know what’s happening but I thinks there’s more to the story and for me to think that well there’s defo more to it. Later that day I decided to get out and go for a swim in the back garden as I have always loved swimming it helps me keep my mind off everything and it’s clears my mind and sore weirdly.  I picked out a little red 2 piece grabbed a pair of slippers and headed out hoping to not see anyone I had to talk to, luckily nobody was around except the cooks who where cooking up some good food. I put some music on and jumped into the pool, as soon as my skin touched the water I felt everything melt away my fear and my hurt just gone like that. Some people find it weird that swimming is one of the many things that heals me but trust me give it a try in nice crisp cold water god it’s heaven, it’s an escape nobody can get me under here water has always been my protection and it will be forever. I swam and chilled out there for a good old minute because by the time I decided to get out the sun was going down and there was many voices coming from my house, so I decided to be brave and go in. I grabbed my towel and walked in while drying my hair, I was stopped midway by fierce growls not one but multiple, when I looked up I was met with 5 pitch black eyes who belonged to no other than the brothers of my best friend I was froze. As soon as I unfroze I quickly stepped back, gab” mate” me”wa...uh” gab” what are you wearing” me” I...I a” Luc” cover your self then” he growled out to which I quickly rapped the towel in my hand around myself nik” this is why we want her with us” dad” what because she likes to swim” nik” she doesn’t need to be walking round naked in front of unmated men” dad” for-god sakes niklaus I am her father” gab” we do not care you are lucky we are giving you till her 16th birthday because if I had my way she’d be with us right now” me” excuse me mr I am right here” gab” ohh baby girl you might want to be silent right about now ” he gave me the most scariest look ever me” papa can you please tell them I am staying here they are scaring me” I walked over to him standing next to him to which my dad rapped his arms around me kissing my head dad” it’s okay mi amore boys can you please your eyes” gab” you don’t need to be touching her for that long” dad” Gabriel your stepping over your line here okay she’s my little girl for f**k sake” gab” I don’t give a f**k if she was your mother hands off her” he took a step towards us, his eyes darkened and he let out a snarl which showed some very sharp fangs this made me squeal out gripping my dad harder and cry, if you saw this your do the same.  Dad” GABRIEL” my dad pulled me away and a blubbering messy me to my mother, dad” Lorenzo get your son because he is scaring my pup I don’t stand for this” Lorenzo” Gabriel look at the poor child she’s terrified stop” gab looked at me the quickly backed up to where his brothers where, me” daddy” the boys growled out again luc” don’t call him that” dad” why I am her father” Luc” don’t question me Alexander” dad” why do you like that word or something Lorenzo tell me your sons don’t have” he stopped looking over and a still petrified me then shook his head dad” dear lord no that’s it I have had enough leave now GET OUT OF MY HOUSE” Gabriel” HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT US” dad” I DONT CARE YOU WANT MY DAUGHTER YOU HAVE TO GO THREW ME FIRST YOUR NOT GETTING HER LOOK AT HER SHES TERRIFIED OF YOU” Gabriel” if this is your choice Alexander the hard way it is” before I could even scream he lunged at my dad catching him off guard punching him in his mouth me” PAPA” I screamed trying to go to him but my mother pulled me back me” mum no stop them please”.  I’m a blink for an eye all 5 of them where fighting with my dad and lucky my dad was strong so he held his own but not good enough me” please stop your hurting him STOOOPP” I was a crying mess what could I do they where going to kill him, Lorenzo” sons leave him” me” please Gabriel please stop please” I begged to which he looked at me then grabbed ahold of his brothers making them back up to which my mama let me go so I ran to check on my dad and weirdly he wasn’t hurt just abit of blood but no wounds gab” she’s coming with us TODAY” me” what” nik” he didn’t stutter go grab your shite” me” what no please you said on my 16th birthday” gab” don’t make me repeat myself GO.GRAB.YOUR.SHIT” I looked up at my dad but he just gave me a little weak smile basically telling me to listen to them so I ran off crying to my room throwing everything I needed into a bad.  I will never forgive them for this,why do they want me I’m a child. I don’t want to go but I have no other choice they will hurt my dad and if my brothers come back they might hurt them and I can’t let that happen so I have to go and figure out a way for them to let me back home.  I came out with my things and before I could even say by I felt a prick in the side of my neck and when I looked to see who did it I saw a cold looking Gabriel before everything went black.  A’s note Hope you liked this I made it abit long and it was a bit rushed so sorry for any mistakes. Please leave a comment. Thank you. 
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