Chapter 4

1105 Words
Eva We entered the club and a blast of music hit my ears. I winced. Zoe turned to me, grinning and grabbing my hand. I smiled at her. Her excitement was rubbing off on me. The room was filled with people. Some were dancing on the floor. Most were downing drinks at the bar. I hoped Zoe remembered that I didn't drink. We weaved our way through the crowd with Dave at the front. I was beginning to feel a bit nervous and was already beginning to have a mild panic attack. I tried hard to swallow my nervousness and play it cool. When we reached the bar, Zoe pulled me to her side. I heard her order martinis for the three of us. I looked around me trying to appear nonchalant. Zoe must have seen my face and realized something was wrong. She leaned towards me and yelled in my ear trying to be heard above the music, "It's going to be fine Eva, relax. Just try to enjoy yourself." I gave her a grateful smile and squeezed her arm. For her, I would try. Dave came around her and winked at me. "Eva stop being so tense. I can practically hear the gears shifting in your mind.", he chuckled. I laughed, slightly embarrassed. I shook my head and relaxed my shoulders. Dave was right. I needed to loosen up. Zoe handed me my drink and I looked at it nervously. Zoe smiled at me and downed her drink. I could do this. I repeated this in my head like a mantra. I brought the drink to my lips and took a sip. It tasted... surprisingly okay. I looked over at Dave and Zoe and smiled. This wasn't so bad after all. We then moved to the dance floor and I tried my best to move my body in sync with the music. I wasn't a good dancer. But the drink had helped me get over my nervousness a bit and my senses felt clouded. I welcomed the feeling. It felt exhilarating. I was having a good time. That is until I felt someone's hands on my butt. I froze. I suddenly realized that Zoe and Dave were nowhere to be seen. s**t. I grabbed the hands and pushed them away. I turned to see a guy who was obviously drunk senseless smiling down at me. He smirked at me and I moved back a step. Where the hell was Zoe? He leaned down to me and spoke into my ear," You look hot. Wanna have some fun?" His hand gripped my waist and pulled me close. His breath smelled of beer. I turned away disgusted. I tried to push him off me but he was too heavy. My heart was beating rapidly now. I needed to get away. The guy moved his other hand to my thigh and I yelped. "Please let me go.", I pleaded. He was too strong for me. He moved his head closer to mine and his breath fanned my face. I wanted to puke. I pushed against his chest, but he just leaned in closer. What the hell? My mind screamed. I was close to tears now. I could feel his right hand inching up the skin of my bare leg. His other hand gripped my waist painfully his fingers digging into my flesh. Why couldn’t this jerkface take no for an answer? Everyone seemed oblivious to what was going on. That's when I realized we were partly in the shadows. I strained my neck trying to get a glimpse of Zoe or Dave. I gasped when I felt the guy move his lips to my shoulder and bit my skin there. As soon as that happened he was pulled off me. I stumbled and almost fell to the floor. "Get your f*****g hands off her.", a voice growled. I looked up to see Dave holding the guy by the collar of his shirt. He threw the guy on the floor hard and turned to me. I felt tears of humiliation burning my eyes. I blinked them back and tried to stand up. Dave was immediately in front of me. He helped me up and pulled me into his arms. He hugged me tight without saying a word. I clung to him grateful that he had got there in time. "Oh my God, Eva!", I heard Zoe's worried voice. Dave released me, and Zoe grabbed me tight looking into my eyes. "I'm so sorry ", she said before hugging me. She rubbed my back and led me to the bar. I collapsed on the stool and hugged her. She kissed my forehead asking me if I was okay. I just nodded. I could not trust my voice at the moment. "We saw you from where we were,", she explained. Her eyes looked moist. "I didn't realise that you weren't there. Dave went looking for you and the next thing I see is the guy with his hands... Goddamn it Eva I'm so sorry". She hugged me tighter. " This is all my fault." I shook her shoulders. "Look at me Zoe.", I said firmly. She reluctantly met my gaze. "This wasn't your fault. I am fine. That guy was just a jerk. Don't you dare blame yourself. I really had a great time today. And it was because of you." I smiled at her. Dave came up behind her and rubbed her shoulders. "It’s not your fault, Zoe. Eva is right. What matters now is that she's fine. Let's get out of here." I looked at Zoe's worry-stricken face. "We don't have to go yet. We barely got here. You guys should go dance. I'll sit here. I need to catch my breath anyway." All I wanted was to go home. But I knew Zoe wanted to spend time with Dave and I didn't want to be the reason they had to cancel their plans. Zoe looked at me and shook her head. No, she mouthed. I gave her a stern look and said, “I swear I'm fine Zoe. Just go and enjoy yourself." I looked at her pleadingly. She hesitated, so I pushed her and Dave towards the dance floor and smiled reassuringly. Dave leaned forward and kissed my temple. "Are you sure you'll be fine?", he asked looking down at me with worry etched in his blue eyes. I nodded and pushed him away. He smiled and took Zoe's hand. Zoe looked back at me and yelled over the music, " We'll be back soon.", she promised. I smiled and nodded.
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