Chapter 3

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Eva Zoe came in after an hour. I had finished my bowl of cornflakes and I was just about to step in for a long hot shower. "Honey, I'm home!" she called out to me. I laughed and called back to her before I began stripping my clothes off in the bathroom. I turned on the shower full blast and let the warm water flow over my sore body. It felt so good. All the stiffness and tension that had built up in my muscles through the course of the day was slowly easing away. I sighed in contentment. Reaching out for the shampoo I squeezed a dollop onto my palm. Turning to the door, when Zoe came in, I almost rolled my eyes when I saw the excitement plainly on her face. "I've kept your clothes ready.", she giggled, jumping about in the way only she could. "If I had my way I would spend the entire evening in the shower, Zoe. And you know that.", I complained. She ignored me and continued, “Okay. So, Dave is going to be here in another hour. We need to get ready soon. I'm really looking forward to this, Eva. This is the first time you’ve actually agreed to come out with us." I looked over at her and sighed," I know." She smiled at me, “You need to learn to have a bit of fun too, you know?" I nodded, massaging the shampoo into my hair, making sure I covered the entire length. She was my best friend and I really didn't want to spoil her evening. So I swallowed my words and kept my mouth shut. Then I remembered the new guy. Zoe was already making her way out when I spoke. "Hey, we have a new neighbor." , I called out to her when she disappeared around the door. She popped in again and arched an eyebrow at me. I told her about the guy I saw in the hallway, without divulging information about how I stared at him the whole time through our peep hole. She shook her head and scowled, "Whoever he is, I hope he doesn't play blasting music at 3 o’clock in the morning." I chuckled," Sure, hope so." Our previous neighbors were loud and annoying in more than one way. When I had rinsed out the suds from my hair and was done in the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into the bedroom. Zoe was rummaging through her wardrobe, picking out outfits and then discarding them as quickly. I dried myself and looked over at the dress Zoe had laid out on the bed. It was beautiful. But I still wasn’t sure I wanted to wear it. As if she could read my mind Zoe turned to look at me and said," Forget about having second thoughts Eva. Just wear it." I glared at her for the third time today. Narrowing her eyes, Zoe stared at me and folded her hands across her chest. "Wear it right now Eva." I scowled at her and grabbed the dress off the covers. Rummaging around in the closet, I pulled out a set of underwear and stomped my way to the bathroom. Taking the towel off, I slipped on the dress and then turned to the mirror. I heard footsteps behind me and then Zoe’s reflection appeared next to mine. "See? I told you it would be perfect.", Zoe said, walking up to me. I restrained from rolling my eyes. I just wanted to get this over with. But at the same time, I couldn’t deny that I did like the dress and the way it looked on me. The material hugged my body and showed off my small chest perfectly. Also, the deep red color suited me. I smoothed down the material and pursed my lips. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. After Zoe was done dressing, she twirled before me. I had to laugh. She had on a wine red simple dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She looked absolutely beautiful. When she was done with hers, she applied my makeup. Just a dab of lipstick and some mascara. I refused to let her cake my face with the other stuff and she grudgingly agreed. A few minutes later, we both were ready just in time to hear a car honking. Zoe looked at me and squealed. I couldn't help it but laugh at her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside the apartment, locking the door before heading down the stairs. When we reached the car, Dave got out and walked over to us. He pulled Zoe into his arms and kissed her. "You look lovely", he smiled. Zoe blushed at his words. Then he came over to me and hugged me. "Eva you look amazing.", he chuckled. "Wow, two beautiful ladies" he shook his head, teasing us. Zoe smiled triumphantly. "Didn't I tell you, Eva?". I felt my cheeks redden. I thanked Dave and smiled at both of them. We reached the club in another twenty minutes. Dave had VIP passes since he knew the owner of the club, so we didn't have to wait in the long queue. I was relieved. Zoe had made me wear heels and my feet were already killing me. I looked around, trying to get a feel of the place. It wasn’t in a trashy neighborhood and by the look of the crowd, it was pretty expensive. I saw some couples already moving to the music on the pathway outside as they waited to be let in. I followed Zoe and she moved besides Dave, her fingers linked with his. I could hear the pounding of the music through the door. The bouncer at the entrance looked at the three of us, his eyes flickering over the crowd with sharp awareness. I hoped I didn’t look too out of place. I tugged at my dress, grateful that it didn't show too much skin. I grimaced. This was going to be a long night.
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