Chapter 2

1026 Words
Eva The rest of the day went by in a blur. Partly because I was anxious about tonight and partly because I slept through most of it. My social life was practically non-existent, so I didn't know what to expect tonight. I couldn't drop out either. Zoe would be furious. She's tried to get me to come along with them multiple times, but I always made an excuse to not hang out with Dave and his group of friends. It wasn’t like I had any issues with them or anything. I just didn't like people that much. Period. When Zoe and Dave were together, they looked so in love. Sometimes I found myself wishing that I had someone special too. But that was like asking for a miracle. To be honest, sometimes I think I avoided hanging out with them because it usually ended up with me being pensive and then having these stupid cravings. I didn't want that. I wanted to complete my education. Get a job that paid me like hell and then I wanted to travel the world. I shook my head to clear it. Daydreaming wouldn't help. After classes ended I walked back to our apartment. Zoe told me that she would be coming home later as Dave had football practice. I entered the hallway and dumped my bag on the table. My stomach growled, reminding me that I had skipped breakfast. Walking into the kitchen I began searching through the cabinets for something I could cook real quick. I ended up with a box of cornflakes. The rest of the space didn’t hold much, and the refrigerator was almost empty. I made a note to go grocery shopping with Zoe. Knowing that I didn’t have much of a choice, I sighed and grabbed the cornflakes. Luckily, we weren’t out of milk yet. Grabbing the carton from the refrigerator, I walked over to the kitchen counter. Taking a bowl from the dish cabinet, I emptied some cornflakes in it and then poured milk over them. I went into the living room and switched on the television. Friends was going to come up any moment now and I adored Chandler. I began munching on the cornflakes and relaxed. Zoe would be home in an hour and then I'd have to go to the damn club with her. I scowled. This was not good. After a few minutes, I was totally engrossed in watching Chandler propose to Monica, so I jumped when I heard a loud thud outside the door. At first, I ignored it. With my eyes as wide as saucers, I picked myself off the couch and padded as quietly as I could to the door. I squinted through the peep hole trying to make out what was happening outside. I held my breath. I heard someone curse. It was a guy from what I could see. His back was turned to me. Then I remembered. Our neighbors had moved out last week. So maybe this guy was the new tenant. As I watched, he straightened up and hauled the bag on his shoulder. It must have fallen off and caused that noise. "Damn it.", he muttered angrily while shoving open the door to the apartment. He stepped in without shutting the door and for some reason I couldn’t identify, I wanted to wait for him to show up again. Even though I knew he couldn’t see me, I felt a blush beginning to rise up my cheeks when I thought about how I was totally spying on him. I saw him come back out the next moment and my breath caught in my chest. He looked to be quite young. His features weren’t very clear through the peep hole but if I could guess, I would say he was in his mid-twenties. Keeping my nose almost glued to the door, I watched him pass the door to our apartment and head down the stairway. After a minute, he came back up, carrying a storage box in his arms, looking totally at ease and not stumbling the way I surely would be if I were in his place. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt that looked to be fitted tight around his torso and jeans with boots. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off him and I couldn’t find it in myself to be mortified at my ogling. I only wished I could have a clearer view of him. Feeling a bit silly at my fascination with someone I was going to live next to for God knows how long, I dragged myself away from the door, and returned to my seat on the couch. I had just managed to convince myself to sit tight and not spy on him when I heard a deep laugh followed by a low chuckle. A tingle danced across my spine. Why did I like that sound so much? Realizing that trying to stop myself would be futile now, I stood up and made my way to the door once again. I saw him leaning against the frame of the door, his back in my direction, talking in low tones and then laughing some more. The sound was warm. And rich. I liked it way too much to be healthy. The laugh of a stranger shouldn’t be so enticing to me. Should it? He turned an inch to his side and I could make out a bit of his profile. He looked really attractive. This was insane. I didn’t even know the guy and here I was thinking about how good he looks. He continued speaking for a few more moments and then slipped his phone inside his pocket, moving back down the stairs. He reappeared in seconds, carrying a suitcase with him this time. He entered the apartment and then banged the door shut. The loud noise echoed in the hallway. So much for being discrete. I shook my head and went back to the couch. We had ourselves a new neighbor.
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