Chapter 22

1319 Words
Eva The rest of the week passed by swiftly. I attended my regular classes. James would drop by every evening and leave at around midnight. Dave had stayed over at our place for a couple of days. So the four of us would hang out at our apartment. It was almost the end of the semester now. The professors had assigned us multiple papers that had to be submitted within the next three weeks. Each of us had to choose a particular subject and write a thesis that would be graded. I had completed most of the papers. But was stumped in a few. I wasn't worried because Zoe had said she would help me out. She was a total genius when it came to research work. I had a date with James this Saturday and was very excited. He hadn't told me where we would be going. He just said it was a surprise. Grabbing the opportunity, Zoe had dragged me along with her to go shopping the day before. According to her I didn't have "date" clothes. I was completely fine with my wardrobe. In fact, I loved it. I wore what I was comfortable in. I mean isn't that what counts in the end? My clothes weren't trashy. But lets’ face it, I was no Victoria's secret model. I preferred stuff that suited my body. Apparently, Zoe didn't think so. So here we were now browsing through multiple stores. She was tugging at my hand. We had been to at least fifteen since morning and I had tried on at least a hundred clothing items. Maybe not a hundred but it felt that way. Each time I stepped out of the dressing room Zoe would frown and shake the head. She wasn't satisfied with anything! My feet ached from walking and I was hungry. I complained to Zoe that I wasn't taking another step till I was fed. But she just pulled me into another boutique and threw a couple of outfits at me telling me to try them out. I obeyed her. Again. When we got out of the store without purchasing anything she turned to the right and began walking towards another one. That's when I got mad. I stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk and turned around. After a few seconds, I heard Zoe calling out to me, but I continued walking away from her. "Eva, wait up!" she yelled. I just stomped my feet and quickened my pace. She hurried up to me and grabbed my arm. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. We'll get something to eat. Come on." I glared at her and then walked towards the restaurant we had passed just a few minutes ago. Zoe had linked her arm through mine and then kissed my cheek. I still refused to look at her. She pouted and came to stand in front of me. "Eva? I'm sorry. Don't get mad at me.", she said trying to smother her laughter. "Fine. As long as you promise that you won't drag me around like a puppy after this.", I narrowed my eyes at her. "But-" she argued. "Don't but me. That's my offer. Take it or leave it." "Ugh! Fine." I beamed. "Good girl." She opened her mouth to say something, but I started walking and dragged her with me. She ranted about how ungrateful I was and how badly she thought I treated her all the way to the restaurant. I wanted to smack her head but refrained. Everything would be fine after I had filled my tummy. The inside of the restaurant was brightly lit. The afternoon rush had begun, and it was swarming with customers. Luckily the patron could provide us with a corner table. We thanked him and took our seats. The place was filled with the aroma of spices. I looked around trying to see more of the decor. The wooden tables were surrounded with colored chairs. The walls were painted with pastel shades. Framed pictures hung at the corners of the room. The waiters wore skates and were zooming around taking orders and serving the food. A pretty brunette came over to our table and smiled at us. "What would you like to have?" Before I could answer Zoe spoke up, "Could you get us the special that is mentioned on the menu? Make it two, please." "Sure. Anything to drink?" "Just water, please." She nodded her head rapidly while writing it down on the paper she held. Then she left us. I glanced at Zoe to see her texting away on her phone. She had a huge smile on her face. "Dave?", I asked knowingly. She nodded without lifting her head. I hadn't told James about our shopping trip. He was working today, and he said he might be a bit late. I missed him and couldn't wait for the next evening. I fiddled with a strand of my hair trying to guess what he had planned. I had pestered him a lot to get him to tell me, but he was stubborn and had always turned the conversation to another topic. It was difficult to worm anything out of him. The waitress came back with our order and told us to let her know if we needed anything else. We thanked her and then dug into our food. I was ravenous. Zoe laughed at how quickly I stuffed the food into my mouth. Ignoring her I just continued doing it. After we were done we paid the bill and walked out. It was four in the evening. James had told me he would come by at around seven. Zoe took my hand and we continued down the road. I vowed to myself that I would let her take me to just one more store. If we still hadn't found anything worth purchasing I was just going to wear something from my own closet. Zoe led us along an alley and then proceeded down the street. We stepped into another store. This one was huge and had a vast collection. I hoped this would be our last stop. As much as I loathed shopping I wanted to look good tomorrow. It was my first date after all. We entered the women's section and Zoe began sifting through the garments placed on the racks. I wandered around taking a look at the dresses displayed on the mannequins. There was a peach colored dress that had a sweetheart neckline and lace on the front. It clinched at the waist and came up to my knee. It wasn't too flashy, but neither was it simple. I ran my hand along the material wondering whether I should buy it. I decided to try it out first. I was about to pick it out from the stand when Zoe called out to me. When I reached her she tossed a bundle at me. I held it at arm’s length and examined it. It was a very pretty skirt. She pushed me into the trial room and told me to wear it. I quickly changed and looked at myself. I had to admit that it looked good on me. It came just above my knees and was a perfect fit. It was a teal colored one. Zoe had already picked out a pastel yellow colored loose blouse. " How does it look?", I asked Zoe while chewing my lip. I was turning around trying not to get too hopeful. I began to doubt. Maybe it wasn't as good as I thought. Zoe just squealed and pulled me into a hug. "Oh my God! You look so pretty!!", she almost yelled. The saleslady passing by glared at us. I laughed at Zoe and pulled back. All my doubt vanished. This would have to do. I purchased the items and then we headed home. I hoped James liked it.
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