Chapter 21

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Eva jerked with surprise before kissing me back, a soft whimper leaving her lips, while her arms curled around me. I pulled her closer moving my hands along her waist. I tilted my head and deepened the kiss. The box dropped to the floor and I felt her hands on my neck. I bit down on her lower lip and she gasped. I smirked and slipped my tongue inside her mouth. Trying not to step on her feet I slowly backed her up against the counter. She tugged at my hair and moaned into my mouth. Fuck. Did she not know what that did to me? I groaned and forced myself to pull away. I opened my eyes and looked down at her. She was leaning towards me, but her eyes were closed. Her cheeks were flushed, and her mouth was slightly open. I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Good morning." I said. She sighed. She still had her arms around my neck. " Good morning" she smiled. " Are you better today?" I asked. She nodded. " I don't want to let you go." I said suddenly. She looked at me and chuckled, resting her head on my shoulder. " Then don't," she replied. I nuzzled her neck and she laughed. Dave had spent the night there. I had to work today and then I had to call Drake and ask him if there was any progress. When Eva was ready I walked her to her class. I told her that I'd drop by in the evening. Before leaving she had stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. I wanted to kiss her properly, but she must have seen the look on my face because she immediately hurried off waving at me over her shoulder. I stood there till she disappeared into the classroom. Then I went on to the library and spent the afternoon doing the tasks Jenna set me to. She was fun to talk to and she knew a lot about Eva. Eva had worked at the library before she took up her current on-campus job. I had texted Drake asking him to meet me at the park. I purchased sandwiches from a cafe across the road and then walked to the park. I went in and sat down on one of the benches. Drake would be here any minute now. I took out my phone and texted Eva. Miss me? :-P I hit Send. After a few seconds, my phone buzzed. I smiled. You wish. She had replied. I could come over there right now and prove it to you, baby. I sent back. A few seconds later, my phone buzzed. How will you do that? I smirked. The answer was obvious. I'll kiss you. I don't mind ;) she had replied. I laughed. She sent me another text the next second. Gotta go. See you later :-) Can't wait ;) I messaged her. I had just put my phone back when I saw Drake at the entrance of the park. He walked in and headed towards me. He sat down beside me, and I handed him a sandwich. " Any news?" , I asked. "My source can't seem to hack into Arroh's accounts anymore. I think he found out we were spying on him." A chill ran down my spine. I knew Arroh was a dangerous man. He was a murderer for God's sake. If he had traced us we were in deep trouble. " How much longer till the lab results?" I asked again. Time was the major factor here. In a few more days we would get the legal proof and we could get out of this mess. If Arroh tracked us down before that there was no saying what he might do to us. Drake was tensed up. " I spoke to the head of the department. He agreed to run the tests today. But it'll take at least a day or two before the results are released." I cursed. " I'm so sorry, Drake." This was all my f*****g fault. I had made this happen. "What for?" " For dragging you into this." I ran a hand through my hair. " You didn't James. It was my choice. Stop blaming yourself. I won't let anything happen to either of us. Trust me." " It's not myself I'm worried about. It’s just you and Eva." " Eva?", Drake looked at me. " There's this girl. I had seen her at the club when I met Hopkins' man." I told him all about us. When I was done Drake smacked my head. I glared at him. " Why the hell did you just do that?" " I'm your best friend you son of a b***h. And you wait all this time to tell me something that important? When exactly were you planning on letting me know?" He yelled at me. " I'm sorry alright. But I wasn't sure. I didn't want this to be a repetition of what happened with Ashley." Drake fell silent. I rubbed the spot where he hit me. It hurt. Asshole. " Do you love her?" he asked. I froze but didn't hesitate. " I do." " How can you be so sure?" " She makes me want to be better. For her. For us." I sighed. " I've never felt this way before. Not even with Ashley. She just does something here." I placed a fist over my heart. " You're a goner." Drake laughed. "You are so in love with her." He put his arm around my shoulder. " I know. You'll understand when you meet her." " Of course, I will. I have to see who finally succeeded in returning your sanity." He laughed again. " I never understood why you were with Ashley anyway." He muttered. I grimaced." Neither do I." Drake gave me a one-armed hug and then stood up. I dumped the leftovers in the trash can and we walked out.
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