Chapter 23

1346 Words
We reached the apartment and I plopped myself on the couch after leaving the bags at the door. I was so damn tired. It was six now. James would be here in another hour. I watched as Zoe lifted the bags and went into the bedroom. Releasing my hair from the band I ran my fingers through it. Zoe called out to me from the kitchen. Grudgingly I lifted myself and went to her. "Zoe I really need to rest. I've spent way too much-", I stopped short when she turned around and threw an apple at my face. I caught it seconds before it could hit me in the eye. My mouth hung open. Zoe just stood there laughing. " What the hell is wrong with you woman?", I yelled at her. " You're awake now. Mission accomplished.", she smirked at me. What. The. Hell. " Have a shower." , she ordered. " Excuse me?" First, she tries to blind me and now she wants to deprive me of my sleep? "Shower. Now.", she motioned. "No.", I huffed out. I turned around and sunk my teeth into the fruit. Gosh, how could I still be hungry after that huge meal. I walked back to the couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. I settled my head on a soft cushion and chewed on the apple. I heard Zoe come inside. She came to stand in front of me blocking my view. I looked up at her angrily. "Eva, please have a shower and get ready." Get ready? " What are you talking about?" " I need to get the laundry before Dave arrives." Oh. I had totally forgotten about Dave. "Okay, fine.", I muttered while trying to sit up. I discarded the remains of the apple and went into the bedroom. The shopping bags were spread out on my bed. I would have to unpack them later. Taking the towel off the rack I stepped into the bathroom. I peeled my clothes off my body and stepped into the shower. Turning the water full blast, I waited till it was warm enough. Then I washed my hair thoroughly and conditioned it. I stayed inside till I felt the skin on my fingertips wrinkle. Turning off the jets of water I wiped myself and wrapped the towel around me. I padded into the room and headed to my closet. I opened it and reached out to grab a t-shirt. "Eva?" I whipped my head around. It was James. Oh crap. He was already here? Where the heck was Zoe?! I ran across the room and grabbed the door to push it shut. I looked up to see James standing halfway inside the room. He had his hand on the other side of the door. "James! I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here.", my cheeks were flaming red by now. I tried looking anywhere but him. " I'll be r-ready in a minute.", I stuttered and pushed against the door. He didn't budge. Go. Go. Go. "Did you just have a shower?", he asked. I nodded. "Could you, uh, step out ? I need to get dressed." I managed. To my dismay he stepped inside. My hair was dripping wet. Droplets of water covered my shoulders and neck. The towel reached just above my knees. I was almost trembling. And I wasn't sure if it was just from embarrassment. He came towards me and I couldn't help staring at him. He was wearing a navy blue shirt with dark jeans. The shirt was stretched over his upper body and showed off his lean build. I visibly gulped. Why did he have to look so damn good? His hair was messy and fell over his forehead. He had a trace of stubble on his jaw. My fingers itched to touch him. Without thinking I moved forward and placed my hand on his cheek. The minute I did that he froze and tensed up. I jerked away automatically. "I'm so sorry." I held my hand close. " I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what-" , he cut me off by placing one finger against my lips. Moving closer he placed his arms around my waist. Then he took my hand and kissed my palm. My skin felt hot and flushed. He entwined his fingers in mine and moved his lips to my wrist. He trailed a line of kisses along my hand, up my arm to my shoulder. " James I-" he lifted his head up to look at me. My breath caught. His eyes were dark and filled with something I hadn't seen before. " Eva.", he whispered, right before he took my lips. My eyes closed. I melted against him as he picked me up and walked to the bed. Placing me in the middle he came over me and pushed me down. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he gripped my thighs. I dove my hands into his hair pulling him closer. His hands inched up my legs and I froze. But then he moaned and that set me off again. I bit on his lower lip and smiled when he growled. He moved his mouth to my jaw, his hands going up to my waist. I felt the rough stubble brush against my skin and I groaned. He dipped his head and kissed down my neck biting at the skin and sucking it, repeating the action till he reached my shoulder. His hands slipped under the towel and moved up my legs inches from- I jerked and pushed myself away. He was startled. I looked at him with wide eyes. His mouth hung open. " I'm sorry-" he started but I shushed him. Getting off the bed I stood up and walked toward the bathroom. I was horrified at myself. What was I thinking? How did I let this happen? I heard James come up behind me. " Eva , please. Listen to me. I didn't mean to lose control like that- " I shook my head " It’s not your fault James. I shouldn't have done what I did. " Suddenly he grabbed my hands and shook me. " No Eva. You listen to me. I love you, alright? And I am not sorry that I can't keep my hands off you. But I'm sorry if you are pissed at me for what happened back there." I could swear that I stopped breathing. I stared at him. " What did you just say?", I asked. " I said that I'm sorry for what happened-" " No, before that." " I can't keep my hands off you" " James! Before that!" I almost yelled. " I love you!" I stopped breathing again. This has got to be a dream. Or I was hallucinating. I looked down at myself. I was still in just the towel. Then I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes. One, I counted. Two Three. Four. I opened them again. James was still standing before me. He looked worried. " You don't know what you're saying." I whispered. He just stared down at me. Then he moved his hands down my arms causing goosebumps to rise all over my skin. " I love you Eva. And I'm crazy about you. This is no dream." I shook my head refusing to believe him. " Please trust me.", he leaned his forehead against mine. " I don't mean to scare you. I know that it might be too soon for you, but I have loved you for a while now." " You're just saying it because of what happened a few minutes ago." This couldn't be true. " No, I'm not. You have no idea how much I crave you Eva. Every time you look at me.. or smile," he trailed off. " I love you and I'll do anything to prove it to you. Just give me a chance." Then he stepped forward and pulled me into his arms.
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