Chapter 20

1039 Words
Eva James spent the rest of the evening at my place. I was getting better. The nauseous feeling had disappeared. We watched TV with Zoe and then we had dinner. It was absurd how empty I felt when he left. He was just twenty feet away from me for God's sake. But I craved his company. I loved it when he touched me. I loved the feeling of his arms wrapped around me. I loved how he made me laugh. How he kissed me, holding me close. I can never forget how hurt he looked when I had flinched away from him earlier that evening. It surprised me that he cared so much. I was falling for him. Hard. And the thought scared me. Did he feel the same way about me? Or was this something regular for him? I couldn't help wondering why he asked me out in the first place. He hardly knew me at all. I sighed. If I kept thinking this way I would work myself up for no good reason. I wished Zoe good night and then went off to sleep. I had classes the next day and I couldn't afford to miss them. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hopkins entered his suite and took off his coat. He desperately needed a drink. He turned towards the bar and stopped. Arroh was seated on the couch with his legs on the coffee table. "Hello, Hopkins." "Arroh." He nodded, his heart thumping in his chest. "I'm truly sorry about your daughter. That was..", he paused. "Unnecessary,", he continued, " But essential. I hope your wife is dealing well with it." Hopkins looked away and walked over to the bar. His heart constricted in his chest. He poured a Scotch for himself and gulped it down. The alcohol burnt its way down his throat. He had failed as a father and as a husband. What kind of a man was he? He couldn't even protect his family. He faced Arroh again. "What do you want?" Arroh raised his eyebrow. "You never really enjoyed the chase, did you?", he laughed. Setting his feet on the ground he drew a sheet of paper from his breast pocket. "What do you know about this boy?", he spread the sheet on the table. Hopkins drew near and looked at the picture. It was a sketch of James. He kept his eyes down and hoped his boss hadn't seen the flash of recognition. "Isn't he the son of Stan?" Arroh observed him for a minute before he replied. "Yes, he is." "What about him?", Hopkins asked. "I need you to find him and bring him to me." "Why?", Hopkins couldn't help asking. "I need to kill him.", he said it like he was stating that the earth is round. "What has he done? I thought you had his father threatened." Arroh shrugged. "He is turning out to be quite a... how does the expression go?", he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "A thorn in my side.", he said with a smile. "So, I need to get rid of him." Hopkins nodded. Arroh stood and went to the door. Then he abruptly turned around. "If you fail, I will have your wife sold to the worst brothel.", he said coldly. "Sleep well." Arroh wished him and left the suite. Hopkins walked over to the couch and sat down. He took the picture on the coffee table in his hand and stared down at it. A tear slipped out of his eye and dropped onto the sheet. He watched as the fibers absorbed it. There was no escape this time. ** * ** * * * * * * * * ** * James I didn't want to leave. But Zoe told me she had classes the next day and Eva needed to rest. I wanted to take her out. Just the two of us. I couldn't wait for her to get better. I was dying to spend some time alone with her. I wanted our first date to be special. Something she would remember. A restaurant sounded dull. It had to be something different. I had to plan it well. The next day, I woke up early. Eva's classes began at nine o’clock and I wanted to see her before she left. At half past seven I knocked at her door. I heard running footsteps before the door was pulled open. Zoe smiled up at me. " Good morning, handsome." I chuckled. " Good morning." She laughed and let me in. I walked into the living room my eyes searching for Eva. " She's making breakfast." I heard Zoe say. I turned to the kitchen and saw her. She was wearing shorts that just covered her butt and gave me an excellent view of her legs. I paused for a second to admire them. Wow. She had an oversize sweatshirt on and her hair was tied up with a band. "Zoe! I can't get the damn cereal!" She called out. She was trying to reach into the corner of the topmost shelf. I almost laughed. She was too short for that. Not that I was complaining. I stepped into the room without making a sound. She was busy muttering to herself and standing on her toes trying to get to the box. I grabbed her from behind and lifted her up. She sighed with relief and pulled it out. " Thanks, Dave.",she breathed. That surprised me, and I abruptly let her down. She turned around about to say something but stopped when she saw me. "James!", she threw her arms around my neck. Oh, God. She felt perfect. Groaning I lifted her again and hugged her tight. She laughed, and the sound vibrated through me. How I loved to hear that. " What are you doing here so early?" " Did you sleep well?" " Wait, aren't you supposed to be at the library?" She began firing questions at me. I pulled away from her and then placed my finger on her mouth to shut her up. " You talk a lot," I said and then I replaced my finger with my lips.
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