Chapter 19

1011 Words
Eva James had left at around midnight when Zoe returned home. She had barely gotten her sandals off when she had taken one look at my face and then squealed. Grabbing me by my arm she made me sit on the couch and tell her everything that had happened in her absence, practically bouncing on her seat. Trying hard not to blush I had told her how James had asked me out. When I told her about the kiss my face literally flamed. Zoe had just giggled and talked my ear off about how much she already liked the guy. After she was satisfied that I hadn't left out anything she pushed me to the bedroom and told me to sleep. I was more than happy to do that. I turned off the lights and snuggled under the covers. I couldn't stop smiling. I had my first kiss tonight and it had been with the guy I couldn’t stop thinking about. He had told me that he liked the fact that he was my first. I hoped he meant that. James holding me in his arms was the last thought I had. The next morning, I woke up feeling queasy in my stomach. My limbs felt heavy and I was cold. What's going on? I wondered. I tried sitting up but fell back when I felt my body ache all over. Rolling onto my side I somehow pushed myself off the bed. The room started to spin, and I caught hold of the table surface to steady myself. I felt bile rise up in my throat. I stumbled over to the bathroom just in time before I threw up. Groaning I pushed my hair away from my face and emptied my stomach. I felt awful. Splashing cold water on my face I walked into the kitchen. I searched through the cabinet for the pills that Zoe usually kept there. I grabbed the bottle and popped one into my mouth and swallowed. My skin felt clammy and my eyes hurt. After a few minutes, I went back to bed. I might have slept off again because I heard Zoe calling out my name. I opened my eyes and squinted against the sunlight. "Eva?" "Honey are you okay?", she sounded worried. I nodded my head. "Flu.", I mumbled. I pushed myself up and gazed at her. She gave me a glass of water and another pill. " Take it", she said. "It'll help with nausea." I swallowed the pill and drank the water. Then she left. I leaned against the pillows. I felt weak. Zoe came back and helped me up. She led me to the kitchen and sat me at the table. " How do you feel?", she asked. "Bad.", I replied. She began rummaging around. "Did you skip classes?", I questioned her. "I have the day off." I was relieved. I didn't want to be the reason she missed her classes. Coming back to the table she placed a bowl of soup along with a sandwich before me. I smiled at her gratefully and began eating. After I was done I went to bed. Zoe had taken out the laundry. So, the floor was no longer covered with clothes. I thought about texting James and telling him I was unwell. I didn't want him to see me now. I probably looked like a homeless person. I hadn't brushed my hair and my clothes were wrinkled. I thought about checking my phone to see if I had received any message from him. But I couldn't see it. And I didn't want to bother Zoe. I felt a bit better after the meal. Zoe came in and sat beside me. We spoke about our plans for the weekend. I must have fallen asleep again because I felt her place the blanket over me and kiss my forehead. When I woke again it was dark. I blinked my eyes trying to focus them. I felt something warm enclosing my right hand. I trailed my eyes upward to see James looking down at me. I flinched. "James, what are you doing here?" I was painfully aware of my appearance. I sat up with a jerk and tried settling my hair. Oh God. I must look terrible. I glanced back at him to see him watching me with hurt in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Why did you pull away?", he asked softly. I was surprised. Didn't he mind how horrible I looked? He was still staring at me. I scooted over to him and placed my head against his chest. "I look terrible," I said in a small voice. He relaxed and hugged me burying his face in my hair. I wanted to stay like this forever. "No, you don't. I'm mad at you, Eva." "Why?", I mumbled against his shirt. "You were sick, and you didn't say a word to me. Why didn't you call me?", he sounded angry. I moved closer to him and sighed. " I'm sorry. I didn't want to trouble you." He pulled away and held my arms. "Trouble me?", he repeated. "How can you say that? I was worried, Eva. You hadn't replied to my message. I tried calling you, but you weren't answering your phone. All this time I thought it was because you were busy. I came to check on you and that's when Zoe said you were sick the entire day." "I care about you. A lot. Didn't I make myself clear last night?" I just stared at him. " I'm so sorry." I felt horrible for not thinking about him. If I was in his place I would probably be yelling at myself right now. He pulled me against him. "Just promise me you'll never do that again.", he said. "I promise." Then he cleared his throat, " By the way, when you get well I'm taking you out for dinner." I gave a small laugh, " I feel better already." He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "I'm glad."
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