Chapter 18

1017 Words
James After we were done, I tried calling Eva a few times, but she wasn't answering her phone. My text messages went unanswered and I was beginning to worry. Had I gone too far yesterday? Had my actions made her uncomfortable? Maybe I was coming on too strong and she didn’t like it. My pants felt too tight when I remembered the way she had responded. The sweet way she had kissed me back. Eagerly and naively. Which was such a huge f*****g turn on. Would she moan when I kissed her between her legs? God, I hoped so. I longed to touch her intimately. In every way possible. I had never before felt this intense need to have someone want me for who I am. With Eva, I couldn’t pretend. I didn’t have to. She wasn’t like the others. She was different. She was mine. I was going to make sure, she remained that way. No one else could have her. The very thought of someone else touching her made me want to kill that person. The thought of someone else getting to see her beautiful smiles, the sweet way she blushed, her cheeks and neck going pink at my teasing. No. No one could have her but me. I was going to make sure of that. I pocketed my phone, deciding to go check on her. After saying goodbye to Drake, I hailed down a cab and headed back home. I was eager to see Eva again. I knocked at her apartment and waited. After a few seconds, the door opened. It was Zoe. She looked worried. I gave her a smile and said," Hey. Is Eva home?" She glanced behind her and nodded. " She's down with the flu. She hasn't been up all day." I looked at her surprised. " Wha ? She was completely fine last night." " I know. She woke up with it." Zoe stepped aside to let me in. I went into the bedroom and found Eva asleep on the bed with a blanket covering her. I sat down beside her and touched her cheek. Her skin felt cold. She turned her face into my hand in her sleep. Why hadn't she called me? I felt horrible knowing that I wasn't there to take care of her. Zoe was watching me from the doorway. " How long has she been sleeping?" " About an hour now.", she answered glancing at the bedside clock. " Do you mind if I stay? I'd like to be there when she wakes up." Zoe immediately nodded her head with a bright smile. " Call me if you need anything." Saying that she left the room. I sighed and turned back to Eva. She looked so frail. I just wanted to hold her. I smoothed her hair and took her hand in mine. I was annoyed that she hadn't bothered to let me know. I had to rectify that when she woke up. I looked around the room. There was a closet at the other end and a vanity table at the corner. A few feet away from the bed there was a desk with books. At the center of the desk was a framed picture of Eva and a guy. I abruptly released Eva's hand and snatched the picture. The guy had his arms around her and she was laughing. They both looked so happy. I felt jealousy clawing at my brain. Who the f**k was this guy? I jumped up and almost ran to find Zoe. I tried to calm my nerves. But it wasn't helping. Was he an ex-boyfriend? Why did she have his f*****g picture? She told me she hadn't been kissed before. Did she lie? Was she still in love with him? Was that the reason she refused to go out with me? My jaw clenched thinking about it. Zoe was in the kitchen. " Zoe I need to ask you something.", I spoke with an edge to my voice. She turned to me, surprise registering on her face. I pinched the bridge of my nose and forced myself to count to three and calm the f**k down. I handed her the picture. "Who is that?", I pointed at the guy. Zoe looked at me again and then burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" I snapped. " Jealous, are we?" She said between laughs. "Relax James. That's Austin. Her cousin. She's very close to him." "Oh." Thank God. I felt downright silly to have doubted Eva. I took the picture from Zoe. I was embarrassed now. " You really care about her,don't you?" Zoe looked up at me. " I do." Above everything else. " Don't hurt her James. Or I swear to you I will track you down and make you pay." I stared at her, stunned for a moment. She glowered at me. " Trust me. You won't have to do that." I said. She slowly nodded. I turned around and went back into the bedroom. I sat at the edge of the bed and stared down at Eva's sleeping form. I had never felt this way before. Not even with Ashley. It was true that I had thought I had loved her, but she didn't affect me the way Eva did. No one had. I wanted to protect her. When she laughed I felt this punch to my gut. I could watch her for hours. It was strange. I had hardly known her for a week or so. But she already governed my mind. I wanted to see her every single day. I wanted to touch her and feel her skin against mine. These feelings were so alien that they scared me. I would never hurt her. I didn't even have a clue about what she felt for me. Did she feel the same way I did? I thought about today. She hadn't called or texted. Did she not want me around? Damn. I needed to stop thinking. I placed the picture where it had been. And waited.
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