Chapter 15

1011 Words
James Drake dropped me off after promising to let me know about the results of the lab tests. We needed proof that the voices recorded were genuine and that they hadn't been tampered with. I passed by Eva's apartment on the way to mine. I halted and thought about knocking. But dismissed the idea. I needed to get rid of my messy clothes first. And besides, they might not be back yet. I decided to text her when I was done. I entered my place and headed to the bathroom. After having a long shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and wrote out a text to Eva. Hey, are you back? I put my phone down and waited. I went into the kitchen and poured out a cup of coffee for myself. The apartment was bare. I didn't have much in here. I had to get the place furnished if I planned on living here. I checked my phone. I had a message. I grinned and opened it. My smile immediately faded. It was Ashley. James? I didn't want to reply. What was she texting me for? Ashley was the first and the only girl I ever loved and who loved me back. At least I thought she did. We had been together for seven months and I was planning to surprise her on our anniversary. I had brought her a bouquet of roses along with a bracelet that had both our initials inscribed on the metal and had gone to her apartment. Her mom told me that she was in her room. I was excited to see her. She had been away for a week visiting her aunt in Spain. I ran up the stairs and pushed open the door to her room. I entered and froze. She was on her bed with a shirtless blonde guy over her. She had her hands in his hair and her legs were wrapped around his waist. His hands were all over her. I just stood there. I couldn't bring myself to move. The bouquet dropped to the floor. Hearing the sound Ashley pulled away from the guy. She gasped when she saw me standing in her doorway. Without uttering a word, I turned away and left the house. She didn't come after me. After that day I slept around with as many girls as I could. I scoffed at the very concept of love. What the f**k did she want with me after eleven months? I cursed and tossed the phone on the counter. It buzzed again. I cursed louder and picked it up. Ashley had texted me again. I need your help. Please. I rubbed my face with my hands. What do you want? I hit the Send button. She replied immediately. Meet me today. 8 o'clock at the coffee shop opposite the library. Wait. How did she know where I lived? Fucking Drake. I dialed his number and he answered on the first ring. " Did you tell Ashley where I lived?", I yelled at him. He cursed and said," She told me she had something important to tell you about your parents." " She lied, Drake. For f**k's sake, man. Are you that stupid?" "I'm sorry James. I thought she was serious.", he mumbled. "Forget it.", I replied. " I'll just deal with her." I cut the call and punched the wall in anger. She better have a valid reason this time. * * * * * * * * * * * * * I reached the coffee shop a few minutes before eight. I took a seat at a table on the sidewalk. I ordered a cup of coffee for myself. My mind strayed back to Eva. She still hadn't texted me. I wanted to see her and just hold her again. I missed her already. I froze when I saw Ashley walking towards me. She hadn't changed at all. She looked beautiful just like before. Only now, I could see the icy coldness in her eyes. I couldn’t fathom how I let myself be fooled and stringed along by her for so f*****g long. Her eyes lighted up in dark fascination when she caught sight of me. I stiffened in my seat, thinking about the difference between the way Ashley smiled and the sweet smile that only Eva was capable of. Ashley wore a tight black cardigan over a mini skirt. She had on black boots that came up to her knees. She smiled at me. As if we were long lost friends and she hadn't walked all over my heart all those months back. I stood up to greet her and she flung herself into my arms kissing my cheek. I stiffened. She must have noticed because she looked up at me. " What's the matter, James?" The nerve of this b***h. I stepped away from her and looked her in the eye. " What do you want Ashley?" She pouted. "You." I glared at her and turned to walk away. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to her. " I still love you, James.", she said softly as she moved her hands to the back of my neck. " All those months ago, when you saw me with that guy,", she trailed off and shook her head. "It was all a huge mistake." She pulled my head down towards her. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I want you to take me back." She kissed my jaw. " Won't you forgive me?" she leaned forward and brushed her lips against mine. At that moment all I could think about was that Eva was nothing like her. "I'm sorry James." She whispered and pressed her lips more firmly to mine. I growled and pushed her away. She was stunned. "Don't even think about it." I spat at her. She looked at me with wide eyes. She definitely didn't expect that. " This is the last time you try something like this." Then I turned and walked away from her.
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