Chapter 16

1002 Words
Eva I woke up to find the apartment empty. Zoe had written me a note saying that she was at Dave's and dinner was in the refrigerator. She told me she wouldn't be back until tomorrow. It was half-past eight in the evening. I had slept for over an hour, I realized. After having a shower, I decided to have dinner. Opening the refrigerator, I saw that Zoe had packed lasagna for me. I grinned. It was my favorite. I turned around to heat it up in the microwave when the doorbell rang. I frowned. Zoe wasn't supposed to be back already. I went down the hallway and opened the door. James stared down at me. He looked tense. Before I could say anything, he stepped inside and wrapped his arms around me burying his face in my hair. I stopped breathing. Oh. My. God. "Hi.", he said softly. His body was warm, and he smelt... delicious. I was dumbstruck. He still hadn't released me. I slowly placed my hands around him. "Hey", I answered. "Are you okay?". He sighed, his breath tickling my ear. "I am now.", he tightened his embrace. We stood there for God knows how long. I didn't want him to let go of me. When he stepped away I almost pulled him back to me. He moved his hands to my arms and said, " Why didn't you text me back?" What? I looked at him in confusion. He shook his head." Have you checked your inbox?" "Oh. I was asleep actually. I woke up a few minutes ago." His expression became worried. "Are you unwell or something?" "No, just tired.", I shrugged. I missed you. I cleared my throat. "Are you hungry?", I asked. " It depends. What type of hunger are you talking about?", he said brushing the hair across my face. I flushed. He laughed at my reaction. " Have I mentioned that I love the way you blush?", he chuckled. I turned away turning a darker shade of red. My traitorous body. Ugh. He laughed again and followed me into the kitchen. I placed the lasagna in the microwave and turned up the heat. " How was the movie?", he asked. I turned to see him leaning against the counter. "It was interesting." And so are you. "What about you? Did you meet Drake?", I said. He nodded. " Yeah. He needed my help for some sort of project." "Oh." I pulled out plates and forks from the cupboard. Then I turned off the microwave and placed the dish on the counter. James came up behind me and I felt his hand on my waist. "I'll get that.", he offered. I suppressed a shiver at the contact. "Sure. Thanks.", I managed. I moved to get away from him. He spooned out the lasagna on two plates and then handed one to me. I carried it over to the living room and placed it on the table. I pulled out chairs for the two of us. James came over and sat down next to me. His leg brushed against mine. I shifted away slightly. He didn't seem to notice. We talked all through dinner. James told me about his parents and his life back home. I was surprised when he asked me questions about myself. He wanted to know my likes and dislikes. He asked what my favorite movie and song was. I felt uncomfortable at first. I didn't usually talk about myself a lot. But as time went by I felt more at ease with him. He was humorous and smart. He told me he wanted to travel the world. Just like me, I thought. He was a fan of John Lennon. He had a bucket list pinned up in his bedroom at home. He loved to collect souvenirs from every new place he visited. I was surprised at how much I genuinely liked talking to him. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was three years older and he wasn't like the guys at school. He was different. And that only made him more attractive. When we were done eating I got up and carried the plates to the sink. I soaked them and decided to wash them later. I turned around to find James right behind. I froze. He stepped closer placing his hands on either side of me. "James , what's going..", I got out before he placed one finger on my lips. I closed my mouth. " Would you mind going out with me?", he said. What? I stared at him wondering if I was hearing things. He was looking at me with a hopeful expression. I had to be dreaming. "What?", I managed. He leaned forward, not taking his eyes off mine. He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips. " Will you go out with me?", he repeated, brushing his lips against my knuckles. I felt goosebumps rising on my arm. " I c-can't James.", I stammered. I was no good at relationships. I officially sucked. He stilled. "Why not?", he asked, letting go of my hand and leaning closer till he was almost pressed against me. I couldn't think straight. I needed to get out of there. "I'm sorry. But I can't.", I concentrated on my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. "That's not a valid reason." , he said before bending down and kissing my neck. His hands went around my waist and pulled me to him. "James, please. I ...", he moved his lips to my collarbone. My hands fisted in his shirt. He nipped at my skin and I shook my head trying to push him away. He lifted his head and leaned his forehead against mine. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. My skin tingled. "Have you been kissed before?" I reddened with embarrassment. "No. I-" I couldn't complete the rest of the sentence because the next moment he covered my lips with his.
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