Chapter 14

1014 Words
James Drake arranged a meeting with Hopkins. He said that he would meet us in another hour. Our rendezvous was a rundown warehouse in a secluded area. We reached the place thirty minutes before the decided time. I was getting impatient. We had to find something on Arroh soon. We couldn't afford him running another operation and getting away with it. Hopkins arrived right on time. He got out of his Ford and walked over to us. I observed him from where Drake and I were pacing about. He looked agitated. He was trying to loosen his tie and had a cigarette in his right hand. His light blue suit was stained at the lapels. As he drew near I could see he was perspiring profusely. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Where have you been?", I asked him. He glared at me and flung the cigarette on the ground stubbing at it with his toe. I didn't take my eyes off him. "I can't take this anymore. Arroh has begun to suspect me. You need to get him now.", he almost pleaded. " And how do you propose we do that?", Drake growled at him. Hopkins looked between the two of us. "I can help you with that." Drake and I glanced at each other. "Go ahead.", I said. " Arroh was in a meeting today. With an Egyptian man by the name of Rekhyt. They have a deal with a Columbian drug dealer. Arroh supplies the kids in exchange for 2,500 pounds of the drugs. He is going to sell the drugs to Rekhyt for a price of 59 billion Euros. I managed to record the entire conversation and capture a few pictures. Don't ask me how. I have it here in my flashdrive." He handed me a small device. "And if you're lying?" Hopkins laughed bitterly. " I have nothing to lose now, James. Arroh had my eight year old daughter murdered last evening because he suspected me. He warned me I would be next if he found any evidence that indicated I was giving out information.", he choked blinking back tears. "I'm sorry.", I muttered, knowing that I couldn't help him in any way. He merely nodded. I handed the flash drive to Drake. He turned on his laptop and checked the contents. The pictures showed Arroh with a dark-skinned man and another guy who we assumed was the Columbian. I indicated to Hopkins to remain where he was. Drake turned up the volume and sure enough the conversation between the three men was heard clearly. They discussed the entire plan just as Hopkins had said. At the end of the conversation, Arroh bragged to Rekhyt about how he had pulled off the African sale by using Melody Hawk as a distraction. Drake looked up at me curling his lips. "It’s over James." I couldn't believe it. After months of planning and trying to track him down we finally had something concrete on that bastard. I stepped forward and shook Hopkins hand. "Thank you.", I said sincerely. He stared at me and nodded. "You can thank me by putting him behind bars James. That's where he belongs." Then he turned around and walked away. I glanced at Drake. "Let’s get out of here." Eva We had just returned from the movie. I dragged my feet up the stairs to the apartment. Zoe and Dave followed behind. It wasn't like I was tired. I just felt out of sorts. I hadn't concentrated at all during the movie. Zoe had asked me if I was unwell or something. I said I was fine. I was behaving like a child. The bottom line was that I missed James. Yeah, I know I wasn't supposed to. After all I wanted to stay away from him. But yet I did. When he left I was angry at him. A part of me felt stupid to have expected him to actually stay. He obviously has better stuff to do. And now here I was, being cranky. I was quiet during the ride back home and I caught Zoe glancing at me worriedly once or twice. I couldn't help it. His very presence made me feel something. Vibrant. And happy. The way his eyes twinkled when he laughed. Or his signature smirk. Or when he kissed me. I blushed thinking about what had happened before we left. I had never let any guy come that close to me. Ever. But James was different. He made me laugh. I'd known him for just a few days, but he already felt important. And I couldn't get him off my mind. I unlocked the door to our apartment and slipped off my shoes. I walked into the kitchen and took my coat off. I grabbed the bottle of wine from the refrigerator and poured a glass for myself. I turned around to find Zoe looking at me. She came up to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "What's wrong Eva?", she asked softly. "I just feel a bit unwell.", I lied to her. Her eyes roamed over my face. "Why don't you go take a nap? I'll take care of dinner.", she offered. I nodded and gave her a hug. She rubbed my back and pulled away. "Go on." She smiled. I went into the bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I thought about how James looked as I slipped into bed and pulled the sheets over my head. He was so beautiful. My mouth felt dry when I thought about him taking his shirt off. Did he have abs? He had to. I remembered the way he had kissed me behind my ear this evening. His lips had been so soft and warm. I had wanted him to kiss me more, touch me more. He made me want to be cherished and held. By him. Only by him. Dear God. I had to stop thinking about him. I sighed and rolled over. This was going to be difficult.
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