Chapter 6

1036 Words
Eva I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t relieved when Dave and Zoe came back to the bar. I jumped up and hugged Zoe, eager to leave the place already. We weaved our way through the crowd and left the club. I was glad to be out in the night again. Dave and Zoe kept up a steady conversation throughout the journey back home, engaging me in it. I think they were both still worried that I wasn’t okay. I tried to be as upbeat as possible and did my best to put them at ease. Dave dropped us off, kissing Zoe sweetly and saying goodnight to us. Zoe and I made our way up the stairs and then entered the apartment. I slipped off my shoes and went into the bedroom. Without taking my dress off I jumped into bed. I heard Zoe in the bathroom. But I didn't move. The last thing I remember before the darkness took me was Zoe pulling the comforter around my shoulders. The next morning, I woke up with a start. I looked down at myself and memories of last night rushed into my brain. I cringed. I could feel a headache blossoming already. I got out of bed and looked over at Zoe. She was still asleep, turned on her side, her arm thrown over her head. Without making a sound, I grabbed a fresh set of shorts and a loose shirt from my closet and walked into the bathroom. I stripped off the dress and got the shower running. I looked up and saw my face in the mirror. I looked terrible. There were black stains on my cheeks from crying. I was grateful for the dim lights of the club. I hoped no one noticed me last night. I sighed and entered the shower. After scrubbing my body till my skin felt raw I dried myself with the towel and changed. I walked out feeling refreshed. I didn't bother waking Zoe, letting her get the sleep she probably needed more. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice. The sour taste hit my tongue and I drank it up greedily. I didn't feel like having any breakfast. I gathered my books from the living room, deciding to visit the library. I wrote a note to Zoe and stuck it on the refrigerator, where I was sure she’d see it as soon as she woke up. I pocketed my cell phone and the keys to the apartment and left. The library was my favorite place after home. It was a haven for me. Zoe always said I spent way too much time there than what was healthy. I just ignored her. The weather was sunny and bright and I smiled. I loved the heat. I soaked it in and felt happy. On reaching the library I took off my coat. I smiled at the woman sitting at the desk. Mrs. Jenna was a sweet person. She had bright green eyes and light brown hair streaked with grey. She knew me because of my frequent trips to the library. She gave me a warm smile and said," Good morning Eva. Did you like the book?". I nodded and smiled gratefully," Yes, Jenna. I absolutely loved it. It was unlike anything I've read before. Thanks." She chuckled and scanned my ID. " I'm glad to hear that, honey.", she said. "I'll see you in sometime", I replied with a smile and walked ahead. I needed to take some notes and I had to borrow a few books for an upcoming test. I placed my bag on the table near the window and walked over to the racks. I reached the Literature section and reached over for the volume I needed. I opened the book and scanned through the pages. This wasn't the new edition. With my head bent over the pages I began walking to the other side of the rack. I wasn't paying attention to my steps and I ran straight into a wall. Or that's what I thought it was. But walls don't grunt. My book had slipped from my hands. I bent down to retrieve it apologizing immediately. I straightened up and looked at the person I ran into. My breath caught in my throat. And I think my jaw dropped involuntarily. This guy was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He was tall and lean. His dark hair fell over his forehead. He had chocolate brown eyes that were staring back at me. I could make out the laugh lines etched in his skin. He had a strong jaw and defined cheekbones. He wore blue jeans and an olive shirt. He looked so... sexy. I gulped when I realized I was ogling at him. I dropped my gaze and mumbled a sorry again and tried to move ahead. To my surprise he didn't budge. I looked up at him in confusion. His eyes were still focused on me. "I-I'm really sorry", I muttered. As if coming out of a daze he shook his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and his mouth crinkled into a smile. "No problem.", he said softly. Then he extended his hand to me," I'm James. James Carter. " I shook his hand. "Um, I'm Eva Brooks.", I stuttered and managed a weak smile. His skin was warm, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Wait. What? What the hell was wrong with me? I just met this guy for God's sake. Last night must have messed up my senses. He opened his mouth to say something when I heard my name called out. It was Mrs. Jenna. I looked up at him and said, " It was nice meeting you,". I smiled and then hurried off before he could respond. I rushed out of the library after getting my stuff. Oh my God. What the hell was that? Butterflies? This was bad. I scowled at myself. He was just a stranger. I would not run into him again. I consoled myself with that thought and walked ahead. I didn't need such complications.
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