Chapter 7

1001 Words
James When I reached the apartment, it was around midnight. I took off my shoes at the door, and unzipped my jacket, placing it on the table nearby and then went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. After that, I undressed till I had on just my boxer shorts and lay down on the couch. Living by myself was new to me. It was my decision to get out of my father's house. I needed a break. I wanted to know what it was like to live on your own. Of course, my parents had objected at first. My father thought it was time for me to take over the family business. I didn't agree with him. He was a billionaire for f**k's sake. He could hire someone else. I was just twenty-two. I wanted to live a little. Without parental interference. My best friend Drake had helped me get a part-time job at a library nearby. It wasn't like I was short on cash. I just needed the distraction. I had enrolled for courses in Psychology at the University. It was something I had always yearned to do. My parents thought it was better if I was homeschooled. I rolled my eyes. That worked. Till I was ten. Then I got stubborn and refused. I attended the local school and that's where I happened to meet Drake. He's like my other half. The brother I always wanted but never had. My father had given me time for myself. But that didn't mean that he didn't want me to take over his business anymore. I sighed. I rolled over and tried to sleep. I had to be at the library by eight in the morning. Just before sleep came I remembered the girl at the club. The next morning, I woke up with my body aching. I had slept off on the couch and my neck felt really stiff. I rolled my neck, turning it both ways, trying to get the crick out. I groaned and stood up, stretching my arms above my head. I checked my cell phone. I had to get to the library in forty-five minutes. I had a shower and pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I made myself some breakfast. After I was done, I cleaned up a bit and left. I reached the library with a few minutes to spare. I smiled at Mrs. Jenna through the window. She gave a warm smile and waved back. When I reached inside, she came around her desk. It was just my second day here. She told me I had to straighten up a few racks and make a list of the books to help out with the inventory. That sounded okay. She explained what I had to do exactly and then instructed me to come to her right away if I had any questions at all. Grabbing the supplies that she gave me, I made my way in the direction of the racks I would be working on. The library was huge and there were a number of students working on the same floor as me. I looked down at the list that Jenna had given me and began working. I wanted to do a good job. I was just getting a book from the top when I saw a familiar head. I froze when I realized it was the girl from the club. She placed her bag at a seat near the window and began walking towards the rack I was working on. She was wearing shorts and a blue shirt that said Live Outside the Box. She had on no makeup and in the daylight streaming in, I could see her more clearly. Her brown curls were tied back in a ponytail, a few stray ones escaping and brushing the nape of her neck. She reached over and pulled a book. She didn't seem to notice I was there. She bent her head over the pages and I turned to watch her. She had sharp features. Her nose was pointed. Her lips were pink and looked soft. I couldn’t see any trace of lip gloss. Wow. She still looked adorable. I was frozen in my place and didn't move even when she began walking towards me. One step. Two. Three. Four. And then she bumped right into me. Her book slipped to the floor. Without looking up, she murmured a soft sorry as she bent down to pick it up. Like the fool I was I didn't offer to help her. I just stood and stared. Then she looked up at me and I saw her eyes widen slightly. Was I that ugly? I mused. She visibly gulped. She looked.. scared. She apologized again and tried to move ahead. I didn't let her. There was no way I could let her go without knowing her name. I shook my head when she looked at me. Confusion was written all over her face. I extended my hand, "I'm James. James Carter" I said. She shook my hand, "Um, I'm Eva Brooks." Eva. Her skin felt soft and warm. I held her hand longer than necessary, my pants suddenly feeling too snug for comfort. I wanted to touch more of her. I had to keep her with me for a little while longer. I needed to. There was no way in hell that I could even try to forget about this innocent little beauty now that I had caught a glimpse of her again. She was more beautiful than I had thought her to be last night. I opened my mouth but was interrupted when someone called out to her. She looked relieved to get away. " Nice meeting you," she mumbled and then ran off, without looking back. I scowled. This was the second time I was interrupted. Then I smiled slowly. This wouldn't be the last time I touched her. I'd have her. I definitely would.
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