More Friends

1308 Words
{Carter’s POV} I didn’t understand why my sisters had to drag me out. They said that the LaRoux boys invited us to the mall, and that there was a surprise waiting here. They’re always so cryptic with their words. As we made our way in my sisters of course had to make their presence known. I sighed as I followed behind them up to the group. The surprise is the Romano siblings? It’s not like we don’t see them all the time, so it’s not really much of a surprise. “So.. where is she?” Kara asked, looking around the group. She? Who was she talking about? I wondered to myself. “I’ve been dying to meet her since you texted me about her this morning!” Brianna added. I stepped up behind them, and noticed small legs standing behind Max. I raised an eyebrow and leaned around trying to see. “It’s okay bambina, these are our friends, they won’t hurt you.” He said, reaching around and guiding out the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her hair was chocolate brown, and her eyes a deep brown with golden flecks. She had freckles that lightly covered her face, and creamy pale skin. She was tiny, but curvy, and her lips so pouty. She stepped around, nervously eyeing the three of us. “She’s shy at first, but once she gets comfortable she’s so much fun to be around.” Marco said, laughing slightly. “You really think you’re funny don’t you?” She said, turning around to face him. “I think that Angelo has a better sense of humor.” She laughed. Max cackled loudly and doubled over. “You.. oh my god, you didn’t just compare his sense of humor to Angelo’s!” He laughed loudly. “I’m going to remember that for later!” Marco said grabbing her and lifting her into the air. She giggled, then winced slightly. “Be gentle, I’m sensitive!” She joked, poking his cheek. Who was she, and how was she able to get away with poking fun at these two. I’d never known any of the LaRoux family to act this way. “Guys..” Marco cleared his throat and sat her down. “Let me introduce you all to our sister!” He smiled. That’s when it clicked, she looked so much like all of them, I don’t know how I didn’t see it earlier. “You guys found her?” I asked, looking down at her. “It’s a long story, but our bambina is finally home!” Max said, smiling brightly beside her. “Hi..” she said softly, approaching the three of us. “I’m Margo..” she held out her hand. My sisters both pulled her into a hug, and she groaned. “Sh**! Should have mentioned, no hugging for now! She’s got some broken ribs..” Marco said, looking down at her. My sisters dropped her quickly. “I’m so sorry!” Kara said. Brianna chimed in. “If we would have known we wouldn’t have done that!” “It’s okay, I understand that you didn’t know..” she laughed slightly gripping her ribs. She looked up at me and smiled. My heart skipped a beat, as I looked down at this beautiful young woman. “Hi, I’m Carter.” I said, kneeling down and kissing the back of her hand. I stood back up and pointed to my right. “This is Kara.” Then I pointed to my left. “And this is Brianna.” “Hi!” They both chimed at the same time. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” She replied, turning to her brothers. “Is there a vending machine nearby? I need something to drink.” She asked. “I’ll go grab you something, what do you want to drink?” Marco asked. “Just a water please.” She smiled, and he nodded heading towards a vending machine. Everyone started talking among themselves and Marco brought back her water. She pulled a bottle of pills from her purse, and took one of the pills, popping it in her mouth. She drank it down with water then turned back towards all of us. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, but I noticed that neither could Damon. Both of us had been hanging onto every word she said. Both of us wanted her.. but I was going to make sure that I was the one who got her. {Margo’s POV} The girls and I went shopping for some more clothes, including a dress for dinner. We also went into an art supply store so I could get a sketchbook and some other supplies. We sat down in the food court and I decided to sketch out my brothers and the other guys at their table. Once I started, I just couldn’t stop until I was done. Finally when I finished the picture I smiled down at it and put up my pencil. “Finally you’re done! I want to see!” Serena said, walking up behind me and looking over my shoulder. “WOW! I didn’t realize you were so talented, it looks just like them!” She smiled. Brianna and Kara followed behind her and agreed. “Amazing!” They cheered. “What are you girls on about?” Marco asked, flashing a smile at us. “The fact that your sister is the only LaRoux with talent!” Kara laughed. The boys stood from their seats and made their way to us. I quickly pulled my sketch to my chest. “What talent? I know she’s good at being scary as he**, but I wasn’t aware that we had a talented sibling!” Marco jeered. I shot him a deadly glare, and Max laughed. “Uh-Oh, now you’re in for it!” “Her? Scary? If sooner believe that he** froze over!” Serena laughed. I turned around to face her. “And why is that?” I asked, keeping my eyes locked in on hers. “You’re just so little and sweet! You’re also very shy!” She answered, smiling down at me. “She’s also dangerous! You all should have seen her last night!” Marco grinned, his eyes flashing mischievously. “In our basement!” Serena gasped. “We know the lot that you all usually keep in there! You let her into the basement?” “This little thing.. dangerous?” Damon laughed. I sat down my book on the table and they all looked at it. “She is talented, but I still don’t see how she can be scary.” I looked up to him, and waved my finger, trying to motion him to come down. Once he did I cupped my hand around his ear. “I only look nice on the outside. The truth is I’m a monster that destroys my enemy’s resolve before cutting them down.” I leaned back and smiled at him. “I can’t see you hurting a soul.” He snickered. “She definitely hurt more than that man’s soul last night, but we’re not really allowed to talk much about it. Let’s just say, someone who had something to do with her black eye and busted lip, well, he got part of what he deserves, and by none other than our adorable little sister!” Marco laughed, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “I know that I’ll never mess with her!” The group kind of looked taken aback, until I broke the tension by smacking Marco’s arm. “I wanna try that rolled ice cream you told me about!” I smiled brightly as he held his arm out, taking mine in his and led me through the mall.
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