Breaking David

1334 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to violence, and abuse!] {Marco’s POV} We all stared at Margo in shock, the chunk of ear she cut from him was lying in the floor. He was screaming bloody murder, and all the while her eyes never left his face. The corners of her mouth even twitched up into a devilish smile. “Now.. I think it’s about time you tell them what they want to know.. don’t you David?” She asked, twirling around the broken bottle in her hand. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell them everything.. just please.. don’t hurt me anymore!” He cried, his cries only seemed to anger her. “So you can dish out years of horrible torment, leaving me broken and battered, but you can’t handle this? You’re weak David.. more weak than anyone I’ve ever had the displeasure of having to look at. Your disgusting face makes my body lurch, and honestly I want nothing more than to be rid of you. My family however.. seems to need you alive. I’ll be back when they’re done with you.. so make sure you tell them EVERYTHING they need to know!” She said coldly, before taking the glass bottle and jabbing it into his thigh. He let out a pained scream, and she turned to us. “Goodnight brothers, dad.. I’m going to go get some rest.” She said calmly, as she turned and made her way back out of the basement. {Margo’s POV} I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, I looked down and noticed that I had some blood splattered on me. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped in, and washed myself off. I knew what I had done, and I knew that he deserved it.. but I still felt wrong. After I finished washing off I made my way back into my room and put on some fresh clothes. A pink sundress, and some white high heels. I covered up my black eye with makeup, and did a little pink eyeshadow, some eyeliner and mascara. I pulled my hair up into a loose braid that fell down my back, and left some hair out to frame my face and cover my ear. Once I was ready I made my way down the stairs. I walked slowly into the kitchen, and looked around, all of my brothers and my father were already there. Dad was making breakfast, while the rest of the family were talking about something. Something they didn’t want me to know, as soon as I walked in, they all went quiet. “Good morning.” I said, walking to the fridge and opening it up. I pulled out a carton of orange juice, and sat it on the counter. “Good morning?” Angelo said, standing up and moving so that way he was standing in front of me. “You don’t have anything to say about last night?” He asked. “Not really..” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “Why?” I turned back around and opened a cabinet door, grabbing out a glass. He grabbed the cup from my hand and sat it down behind him. “I think glass anything may be a no go.” He said, in a snarky kind of way. “If you have something to say, say it Angelo.” I said coldly, looking up to him. “Are you really angry at me? You all were keeping him locked up in the basement, and torturing him for answers. Do not try to turn this around on me!” I said, pointing in his face. He sighed, and slumped down slightly. “We don’t want you to get tangled up with this. This kidnapping was personal, and targeted. We want to know if he was working alone or not. Then we’re going to either turn him in.. or..” he trailed off. “I prefer the or option.” I said, turning back around and grabbing a plastic cup. I walked past him and poured me a glass or orange juice. My hand shook as I lifted my cup to my mouth, and I know everyone saw it. I took a drink and sat the cup back down. “I need him gone.” I said, plainly. “It is as simple as that..” “You’re shaking princess.” Marco said. My hands were both shaking, and I tried my best to still myself. I nodded.. looking down and watching my hands shake. “I know..” I said, my breath hitching in my throat. “I can’t see him again.. I can’t hear his voice, I can’t know where he is. I don’t want to be a monster like him..” I whimpered out. “What did I do?” I cried softly, and covered my face with my hands. Angelo pulled me into his arms. “It’s okay bambina, don’t worry anymore. We’re going to make sure that he gets what he deserves. We moved him from the house last night, so don’t worry anymore about it.” He said, kissing the top of my head. I dried my eyes, and looked over to my father. “I’m sorry dad..” I whispered. “Don’t ever apologize to me for taking back your power bambina! That monster deserved what he got. I’m glad that you were able to give him some of the pain that he deserved. You should be proud of yourself too. If for nothing else, then for the fact that you weren’t afraid of him last night. You took control, and you owned your fear.” He said, walking over and pulling me into a soft hug. “Now, who wants pancakes?” He asked, placing a huge plate of pancakes on the table. I smiled and grabbed a single pancake putting it on my plate and poured some syrup over it. I finished about half of the large pancake and slid the plate back. “Princess, you need to eat more than that!” Marco said, looking over to me. “I know.. I’m just.. I’m not very hungry.. I can’t eat much..” I said, smiling at him. “Maybe I’ll be more hungry at lunch.” “Bambina..” Max said softly. “Why are you so skinny?” He asked. I looked at him, shocked for a moment. “Yeah, you’re too skinny, and really short..” Silas added. I looked down at my plate, I really couldn’t eat another bite, but telling them about the fact that I wasn’t allowed to eat unless David gave me food.. it seemed like the wrong thing to say. David fed me about twice a week, and my stomach is so small now because of that. “I.. um.. I just don’t get very hungry..” I said softly. “Margo.. did he not let you eat?” Asked Mikey, wincing at his own question. I looked down, and refused to make eye contact. I shook my head, then all he** broke loose. Dad banged his hands on the table. “When were you able to eat?” He asked, his voice angry, and low. “Twice a week..” I answered, keeping my eyes on the table. “Then that is how many days he will be allowed to eat..” dad said, before turning his attention back to his food. “We’re having dinner tonight with our friends the Romono’s. You met two of them last night of course. Just make sure you wear a nice dress for dinner tonight.” He said, smiling brightly at me. “If you want to go anywhere today, tell your brothers. Meanwhile I have some work to do in the home office.” He said standing up, and sliding in his chair. He turned and walked away, and I was left there awkwardly staring at my plate.
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