Destroy my Monster

1323 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to S/A, and abuse!] {Margo’s POV} I woke up to the sound of monitors, when I opened my eyes I was in a bright white room. Was it all a dream, a sick twisted dream that I could actually escape David. “Margo!” I heard my dad’s voice whisper, I felt his hand on mine, and slowly I opened my eyes. “D-Dad..” I whimpered. “Dad.. please don’t leave me!” He pulled me carefully into a hug. “I’ll never leave you Margo!” He cried, I felt him kissing my head, and my heart began to beat back in a normal rhythm. I opened my eyes and looked at him, and around the room. All of my brothers were here, standing and watching. I smiled softly, “Thank you.. for not leaving me..” I whimpered out. Angelo walked over, placing his hand on the top of my head gently. “I’m so sorry bambina.. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said softly. “You didn’t.. you didn’t scare me Angel. Seeing what he did.. my body is destroyed because of him. I just couldn’t face you all.. I felt so embarrassed.. so ugly..” I whispered. “I didn’t want you all to see me like this..” “Margo..” Mikey whispered. “How badly did he hurt you?” He asked, looking over me. “Slicing.. beatings.. stabbing.. strangling..” I paused. I didn’t want to say anything else, so instead I shook my head, and cried. “Did he.. did he do anything else to you?” My father asked, I knew exactly what he meant, and I didn’t want to answer. I just continued to shake my head violently and crying. “No more! I can’t.. I can’t talk about this.. I can’t!” I cried, my body shook again. They all seemed to know what that meant.. it wasn’t a yes.. but it wasn’t a no either. He never actually r**** me.. but he touched me in ways that I never wanted to have to think of again. My father bunched up his fists. “When I get my hands on him, he’s going to wish he were dead!” He yelled furiously. “I thought he was gone!” I whimpered, sitting up and looking around. “He is, locked up somewhere where he can no longer hurt you!” Angelo said, touching my face softly. “Please kill him!” I said softly. All eyes turned to me, they all looked slightly shocked. “What? Bambina.. you want us to do what?” Dad asked, looking down at me, hurt and anger all mixed on his face. “Please.. kill David!” I whimpered softly. “He deserves to suffer, and to die! He shouldn’t get to live after everything he’s done! He took away my life, my innocence!” I cried. “He doesn’t deserve to keep breathing, not when I can’t breathe!” I cried out. “Margo..” Angelo said softly. “Don’t say such things.. you’re too pure for this..” I shook my head and cried. “It’s okay bambina, we should be able to go home soon. We have an on call doctor who will come home and stay with us until you’re better. Do you want to go back home?” Dad asked, his eyes filled with tears. I nodded and leaned back in bed. I closed my eyes as tears slid down my cheeks. “I’ll go ask when we can leave.” Mikey said leaving the room. After a couple hours we finally arrived back home. I have a concussion, and had a stress induced seizure. The doctor told me to stay calm, and make sure that I rest. Once we arrived at home I was taken to my room, and put to bed immediately. My brothers and father left me alone in my room, and I realized I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I stood, pacing around my room before deciding to go get something to snack on. I hadn’t eaten almost all day, and I was starving. I quietly made my way into the kitchen, and began going through the cabinets. I heated up a bowl of soup, and began looking for a spoon. I opened up a drawer and found a g**. I stared at it for a long moment before closing the drawer, and getting a spoon out of a different drawer. I ate my soup and placed the bowl into the dishwasher. I turned around and began to make my way back to my room when I heard a loud scream. I panicked and ran back, ducking behind the counter. A few moments passed and I heard another scream, it sounded like David. I grabbed the g** from the drawer, and made my way towards the sound. It led me to a door that was cracked open. I very quietly made my way down the stairs that were behind the door. Once I did, I made it to a black room, and noticed all of my family surrounding a chair in the middle of the floor inside what looked like a prison cage. I gulped when I saw David in a chair in front of them. He was bloody, and whining in pain. “Please! Stop, don’t hurt me!” He cried. I felt my blood began to boil, I moved quietly, and quickly to a pillar and hid behind it. “You hurt my baby girl, now I’m going to make sure that you suffer!” My dad said, pulling back and punching David across the face. “Please! I’m sorry Mr. LaRoux! Please don’t hurt me! I’m begging you!” David cried, I felt bile rise in my chest. How dare he, how dare he cry and beg for the pain to stop when he hurt me in so many ways. I peaked around the pillar, and aimed the g** straight at his stomach. I turned off the safety, and fired, the bullet left the chamber, and hit him in the stomach. He cried out in pain, as I stepped out from behind the pillar. I was holding out the g**, level with my chest. “Bambina, what are you doing?” Dad asked, he looked at me frantically. “Don’t do this!” He pleaded. I walked closer, but kept enough distance in between us, and kept my g** pointed at David. “No.. I can’t let him live! I can’t let him keep breathing!” I cried, I walked closer and pulled the trigger again, this one went into his arm. He cried out in pain again. “You wretched little b****!” He yelled. “I may be a b****, but you.. you’ll be dead and buried, and I will finally be free of you!” I screamed. “Tell them what they want to know.. or I’ll hire someone to do every horrible, depraved thing that you’ve done to me.. to you!” I said, my voice turning cold and dark. “Bambina.. what are you doing?” Angelo said, his voice shaky. “I’m going to destroy my monster, and when I do, I can finally get some sleep.” I said, walking over and handing the gun to Mikey. I saw a beer bottle on a table near them. I picked it up, and smashed it against the table. I held the jagged edge, and walked to the front of David. I grabbed his jaw, the same way he did to me. “Now you’ll know what it felt like!” I said, slicing it through his ear. I took the nasty chunk of flesh and tossed it on the floor. He screamed and cried in agony. “Now we match!” I said, tucking my hair behind my ear.
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