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Emma's POV:  The rest of the classes were with Levi, he introduced me to his friend but me being me I felt shy. The school ended soon and for the rest of the day, I didn't find that guy. He feels familiar to me but I'm sure I haven't seen him before.  I and Levi started walking back home, as our houses are just a couple of blocks away, he insisted on walking me back and I didn't stop him.  "Do you know how to ride a bike?" he asks.  "That's a funny question, I never step out of home let alone have a bike" I replied.  "I take it as a no then," he says.  "So you are a pampered princess?" he asks.  "Sort of" I replied.  "Your parents do spoil you with love I guess," he said.  That statement felt sarcastic to me, Love feels familiar yet distant.  "It's only Dad, my mum is no more"I replied.  "We are same then," he says. I wanted to ask what he meant by that but saved it for another time.  "Em, I am sorry," he said, I stop in my tracks and looked at him. "I'm sorry for yesterday I was not at my best behavior. I saw you and felt like knowing you more so I did flirting and after yesterday's dinner I couldn't sleep well. I was afraid that I made a bad impression" he said with his head hung low.  I smiled "it is fine Levi. It was fun but that varies from person to person" I said.  "I am glad that you took it in a fun way," he said.  I reached my place and bid him bye. I walk inside feeling tired. Robert greeted me. The house felt silent as if it is saying that no one is there. I made my way upstairs. I wonder how it feels when someone is waiting for you at home, to have someone to receive and constantly love you, maybe that how it feels to have a mum.  I got into the shower and clean myself and tried to get rid of the tiredness as well. Robert prepared me some snacks and kept them in the room. I miss Olivia now. At least she used to wait for me every day, she took the place of my mum.  I look at my mom's picture. I miss you mom, never a day pass in my life without me feeling less loved or without missing mom's love. I took the bite of freshly baked biscuits and started scrolling through my i********:. A way to get away from the stress.  I heard a noise from the attic, I got frightened for a second, what might it be? a ghost? like the ghost of a lady haunting this manor as they show in movies? common Em, don't overthink, you better stop watching scary movies. I thought to myself. I fall into that category of girls who easily gets scared but covered almost all the scary movies, yeah proud of me.  Hesitantly I climb up the stairs of the attic, it's dark and dust covered the place like a blanket. I should have brought a candle, but then I turned on my mobile flash. I felt someone's presence, I turned the phone in every direction, spiders, cobwebs and someone's eyes, They are sparkling. My eyes went wide and my grip around the phone tightened a bit.  I kept the flash on those eyes, it's a cat and she jumped out of the window, I let out a squeal in fear as the cat suddenly jumps outside. I walked to the window slowly, to check on the cat and it already landed on the grass in the lawn, perks of being a cat. Plus, I thought it was some ghost. I closed the window thinking who the hell opened the window in the first place.  As it's dark I can't see anything clearly even with flash. I thought it would be better if I come back again during the day, I may see everything clearly then. As I turned off the light and started walking to the stairs I got stumbled over something and fell on my face with a loud thud.  "Ouch" I started rubbing my temple. Why did I even turn off the flash in the first place, dumb Em I turned on the flash again. It's a small wooden chest box I stumbled on and there's a journal and some letters inside it. I took the journal and opened it.   "Isabella Taylor" Beautifully calligraphed on it with golden ink. I stared at it for almost 10 secs admiring the work. I snapped out of it by hearing Bill's voice. s**t! I will be dead if Bill finds me here. I threw the book there and ran down taking my phone.  I ran down while breathing heavily. "Where were you Em? What's the sound?" he asked.  "I'm in my room Bill. The sound? what sound?Might be a cat" I smiled. He looks at me suspiciously. I stared at him not letting my gaze down.  "What are those in your hands?" he asked.  I look down at my hands not knowing what he's referring to. My eyes went wide. Holy s**t! I didn't realize that I brought back those letters with me. Low-key I get scared of Bill whenever he uses a little harsh tone, he took my father's place at times scolded me, and taught me few things like what's good and what's bad. He is someone I adore the most next to my father.  "Umm, I was just going through my memory box and I found them, the letters I wrote as a kid" I replied. Actually, I don't know if anyone else maintains this or not but a memory box is just a storage box where I keep certain valuable things and keep them as my memories. I went back to my room.  Shit, when did I even took them? What are these in the first place? I thought to myself. I turned them around to get a clear look, feels like letters but are covered with dust. I grabbed few tissues and wiped the dust off the letters and my hands as well. The paper feels thick and there's a floral border to it.  "Isabella Taylor," it said again. I wonder who she is. I got an urge to open it but it is appropriate to open someone else's letter. So, I pulled out the drawer where I keep my memory box, I open that box and placed the letters in them.  The night sky turned darker and its time for dinner. The dinner tasted good. My dad asked about my day and I asked about his. It's like a routine for us to talk about our day.
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