
Rebirth of the Love

second chance
female lead
realistic earth

She's princess who fell in love with a commoner that leads her to death.

What happens when they reborn and meet again?

What happens when she knows that the love of her past life killed her and they love each other now?

Can she take revenge?

A life for life? Or love for life?

Can she bring justice to her past self?

When Emma moves to a mansion in the greendale unusual things starts to happen.

Whenever she sleeps she sees the flashes of her past life.Things slowly change when she starts to see her past life.

Emma ignore them by thinking they are Just dreams, until things starts to happen in real.Everything feels like Dejavu.She discovers her past.

The husband who killed her in the past is the lover in present.Will she accept him again?

Unfold the past with Emma.

Will she take revenge or let it slide?who really killed Isabella (Emma)

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Emma's POV: I taped the last carton, making sure that all of my stuff is stored correctly and securely. I'm very particular about my things. Each thing in my room is like a memory to me. Call me sensitive, but I get easily attached to things and people. It is like everything in my room is associated with a persona and has its own story. They bring back memories. LOL, I can't even throw away the gift wrappers. One of the guys from packers and movers took the carton in front of me and started rushing downstairs. Careful!" I yelled from my room. My room, my room—I stayed in this particular room for the past 15 years, and now I need to let go of it. Can you imagine how hard it gets for a person who easily gets attached to things to leave her room, her home, her friends, and her city and move to a whole different town? Disheartened. I know, right? That's exactly how I feel now. My heart feels heavy. The home built with memories is the home where I grew up, and now I am moving out. "Em, we are getting late," Uncle Bill honked the horn. Ugh, I thought to myself. "I am coming!" I yelled back. Turning around and glancing at each corner, I bid my farewell and closed the door of my room. I ran downstairs and met my all-time cheerful driver, Bill, whom I treat as an uncle. There stood Olivia, our maid. She's more like a nanny to me; she is old and her family is here, so she can't move out with us. I hug her. "I will be back here," I said. "Be a good girl and eat well," she said. "Bye-bye," I bid her my farewell. I sat in the car, and the engine roared. "Are you ready, little Em? Uncle Bill asked. I puff my cheeks. "Uncle, I'm 18, no more your little em," I replied, to which he smiled. I plugged in my earphones, and soft music started playing. I saw trees and buildings pass by. At Evalon High, my school, I saw kids running. I check my watch; it is already 10. Obviously, everyone is rushing into school, unlike me, who is moving town. heyo, I'm Emma Ross, 18, who is leaving for Greendale. For half of my life, I stayed here in Michigan, and now I got to move to Greendale, leaving everyone behind. My mother passed away when I was 5. It was a fire accident, they say. I barely remember how she looks, but I am sure that she is a beauty, thanks to all the photographs I have of her. My dad is Jackson Ross, which is a pretty good name for a middle-aged person, isn't it? But he is the sweetest human, my king, and I am his princess because he always treats me like one. Other than my father, there is uncle Bill and aunty Olivia, who always took care of me because my Mr.King, Jackson, is always busy in his business. He wanted to start a new business in the Greendale, so he went there four days earlier and arranged everything for our stay there. I heard from Uncle Bill that our new home, whose name is... I remember Anderson Manor as a pretty big one and a beauty. I wonder how it looks. "How much time does it take?" I asked the uncle. "5 hours, lady," he replied. Fine, then I will have a nap and dwell on the music. The car came to a halt, and I opened my eyes. The house is a little bit farther from the road, like a 5-minute walk or something. I got down and saw Dad talking with someone probably around his age. "Dad," I said, running towards him as soon as I got down. It's been four days since I saw him. His smile is evident. We share a hug. "Emma, he is Mr.Jones Asher. He is our partner in the business. Dad introduced us to each other. "You look beautiful, Emma; I guess even you are also enrolled in Baxter High." My son Levi also goes to the same school. I hope you guys will become good buddies." Mr.Asher said, and I just smiled, not knowing what to reply. The packers and movers are already here, and they are unloading our stuff. "Go in and get familiar with the place," Dad said. I bid them bye and walked a little inward. The Anderson Manor, the board named it, and I stood in front of it. It kind of looks beautiful yet creepy. I wonder why? There is something written on the building. I squinted my eyes to get a clear look at that. "Bella Manor," it says. Huh? what? I glanced at the board, then at the building and the board again. Who cares if from now on this will be called "Ross Manor?" We own this. I stepped inside, and god, what a view it is. It is as big as my previous house. Tapestries, paintings, an open garden at the backside, a big balcony, Chandler, and antique furniture give off an aesthetic vibe that screams royalty. I walked to each and every corner on the ground floor, and I saw a door on the first floor. The room looks simple and minimal, which suits me. It's decided that this will be my room; I will decorate it to my taste. The best thing about this room is that it has big windows and a couch near it. There is an attic upstairs; I will go through it after settling in here. I was waiting for my dad to join me for lunch, and then I understood that he couldn't make it, so I ate on my own. Thanks to Uncle Bill's cooking skills, I could eat a little bit. I took my stuff upstairs and unpacked it. The room looks messy now. but the first thing I'm clear about is my mom's picture. It was almost night by the time I arranged my room. I decorated it to my taste with bright fairy lights, charms, and books. The best thing about this room is that it has a princess bed. Wowee. I plop on my bed. The best thing is that it is Sunday tomorrow, and the thing that is making me anxious is that on Monday I need to start school. I am good at studying, but I am a little shy. Now I need to open up to new people and make friends, and it feels like I'm starting from scratch. God knows what this town has hidden for me. I wish my life here was a little more adventurous than the plain boring life. On the bright side, no one knows me here, which means I can be free and create a new identity. Wish me luck, Bella's manor. I talked to the house. Does that sound weird? It's fine. Good Night.

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