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Em's POV: "Uff, you got this Em" I'm talking with my reflection in the mirror. I got up early today, cause it's the first day of my new school and I don't want to mess it up in any possible way. It's already given that I will have some attention as a transfer kid and I don't want any other drama. *Inhaling, exhaling*  All is well, I said tapping on my heart. I have seen this dialogue in a movie and that does work on me. I glanced one last time in the mirror. My hair is wavy, I let them down hanging, decide to be more casual so I chose jeans and a tee. "Lady Em, the breakfast is ready" Robert yelled from downstairs. I think he took the charge of uncle Bill. "Coming" I yelled back. I took my bad and got downstairs. "Good morning Miss. Em"Robert greeted me. "Pleasant morning Robert"I smiled. Here is your breakfast. He placed a plate in front of me and there's a stick note attached to it. "Rock it, baby girl," it said. That's my dad. "Did he left already?"I asked. "Yes Miss, along with Mr.Bill" he replied. I stared at the note for a second. This is how it's always been, Dad is always busy with one or the other thing. But he doesn't forget to make me feel loved. I put it in the side pocket of my bag. The breakfast is simple, it's cereals and a glass of orange juice. I finished it in 5 minutes and asked Robert about the school address, To cross-check once and I stepped out of the house. I walked for a while and was afraid that I got lost but after walking for 15minutes I reached school. It's a pretty big one for this small town, no discrimination. I stepped inside and with the help of few students, I found the administrative office, collected a few things and directions as well. This miss says me to walk straight and then take a right, there will be lockers there and anyone can guide you from there" She said. That's it? Is that a way to talk with a new student? Ugh, the first interaction wasn't pleasant. At least I should have taken Levi's number and asked him for help, hope I can find him soon. With hesitant steps, I walked through the corridors. Some ignored me, some smiled and weirdly some people were staring at me. This is what I was talking about the unwanted attention as a transfer student. I took the right turn and boom I hit something hard. "Ouch" I stumbled back and found that I hit a guy's chest. shit! embarrassed. "Sorry," I said and looked at the person to see who it is and his eyes mesmerized me for a second, I got lost in them, Dark green, unique, he is muscular. He might be that popular guy every girl crushes on. "It's ok" he smiled and left from there but me, I stood there as if he cast a spell on me. He feels familiar like I have seen him somewhere. With a snap of someone's finger, I snapped out from my thoughts. "Hey, Emma" Levi gave a smile. "Levi" I feel like my soul found my body again, I feel relieved now. "Hi" I greet him with a smile. "You look like a lost puppy," Levi said. "You got it right?"I replied. "Why to fear, when I am here" he put a hand around my shoulder. I looked at him, more like a stare. "Chill, it's just a friendly gesture," he said and that made me smile. "I'm here to help you, what classes do you have?" he asked. I showed him my timetable. "Very bad, we only share two classes psychology and science, and that's after lunch," he said. "Fine, I can have my space then"I smirk. "Girl" he playfully pushed me away. "Tantrums" I chuckled. "Mr, Please show me the way to my class," I asked him. "Let's wait for a minute," he said. "Ok, but why?"I asked. "You will know" he winked his eyes, In the meanwhile, we walk a couple of steps. "Woah, you are gaining a lot of attention, I see" he wiggled his eyebrows. "Perks of being a new student" I shrug. "You know Em, wait can I call you that?" he asked I nodded in reply. "Em, I'm a good guy, I really am. I do flirt at times as time pass, but I'm single and not ready to mingle at the time" he said. "TMI" I rolled my eyes. But, yeah. I know he's a good guy. but being an introvert it's not easy to get close with someone, but I can already feel at ease around him. I smiled looking at him, we stopped in front of a classroom, he gave me a wide smile, I'm sure there's a hidden meaning behind this. He stared at his watch counting numbers "3,2,1," and the bell rang. Everyone around started rushing to their classes. "Which one is my class, lev?" I yell while he is about to run inside the room in front of us. "The first room after the lockers," he said. "You mean, I should run all the way back?" I asked, for which he smiled and left again. I started running back and again I bumped into someone and stumbled as I was getting into the class. He turned behind. Shit! Not again, I thought to myself. How can I run into the same person twice in the span of 10 minutes? he looked at me and I already gave him my puppy eyes. "I am sorry," I said for which he smiled and walk away. My eyes followed him, he sat at the back beside a girl, Who is shooting daggers at me. Already? Girl I have done nothing, I didn't steal your boyfriend. I found an empty seat in front of him, so I decided to sit there. Soon everyone fell silent as the professor got into the class. "I see a new student among us," he said. Some are discussing themselves while others are looking at me. "Miss. Emma, can you please introduce yourself," he asked. Here comes the awkward moment which I wanted to avoid. With not so confident steps I walked t the front and introduced myself and got back in a minute. Time flew very quickly, After 3 hrs it's lunch now. But during this whole, while I felt like the guy from the morning is staring at me and also the girl beside him, but I didn't want to turn back and look at them all the while. I stood at my class entrance, waiting for Levi. I know he will come looking for me. After he came we both walked to the cafeteria, sat at the corner, and started eating. The guy and the girl are sitting at the opposite table from ours and he looked at me and Levi, I can see that the girl is trying to look at what he's looking and of course it's me he is looking at trying not to be obvious. "So, how is your day so far?"Levi asked. "Not bad" I replied. "You didn't make any friends?" he asked. "Nope, maybe I need some time to get habituated here" I answered. "Any guy you are hitting on?" he asked for a second I glanced at the other guy across me and back to Levi "None to my liking" I replied. I ate my lunch silently while Levi's talking. We share the same classes now, so I'm sticking to him and it's only Levi I know here. Liam's POV: This new girl is interesting. The girl who gained my attention within 10 minutes, when she ran into me this morning I thought its an accident and when the same thing happened in the classroom, it felt like a coincidence. She's cute in a way, blonde and her eyes, damn they are Electrifying blue. Her eyes speak for her. Her expressions speak for her. She's embarrassed, sorry, and felt a little awkward when she ran into me. But I wonder what is she doing with that Asher guy. Hi, I am Liam Anderson, you can call me the popular guy but girls call me prince charming, It's hard to avoid their flirty eyes at times though.
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