Chapter 10-2

1058 Words

Lance One step out the door and Lance shivered. The temperature was dropping fast and he buttoned his jacket as they turned toward Ruby’s Diner. “Chilly,” Wade said. Lance tried not feeling hurt about what had just happened. Why had Wade pulled away so abruptly? Lance had nearly melted at the heat in their kiss. His body was still trying to calm down. But he guessed Wade hadn’t felt the same thing. “Yeah,” he replied, not too sure what else to say. And then Wade grabbed his hand, twining their fingers together. Lance drew in a sharp breath and stared at their joined hands, then back up at Wade. But the man was staring ahead, no acknowledgement of the physical contact. Wade’s hand was warm. And coarse—the hands of a man who worked hard every day. Lance liked the feel of his rough skin

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