Chapter 4-3

1194 Words

Wade’s morning was surreal to say the least. First of all, Casey walked in without knocking, loudly proclaiming it was time to get up and get his marriage license. “Sorry we don’t have time for a bachelor party. I imagine you guys would like something a little different than me, huh?” Casey laughed and sat on the edge of the bed. Wade pulled himself up and glared at his brother. “It’s too early to talk about weddings, Casey.” Casey only laughed again. “I said the same thing, but Allyson insisted we needed to get going. Apparently there are a ‘ton’ of things to do,” he said, using his fingers to create air quotes. Wade groaned and dropped his face into his hands. What the hell had he gotten himself into? Then he looked at his brother. “Wait…Allyson is here? Did she spend the night?” Ca

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