Chapter 4-2

1031 Words

He answered the door to find Lance standing there, smiling and looking as sexy as always. “Hey. Is Casey here?” “He’s at Allyson’s.” Wade tried not to roll his eyes, but, God, lately Casey was always with Allyson. Lance walked in anyway. “Mind if I hang out and wait? I didn’t tell him I was coming into town this weekend. I’ll just text him and let him know I’m waiting here with his little bro.” Wade’s cheeks heated at that. But they spent the next two hours playing video games, watching part of a movie, and sharing some pizza rolls. It was nice, and Wade couldn’t believe Lance was giving him the time of day. After all, he was three years older and, in Wade’s eyes, much more “worldly.” After Casey arrived, the two of them went to a movie and Wade was hurt he hadn’t been asked. In his

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