Family Dinner

2272 Words
Chapter 7 As if Hades was setting the world on fire, the door slams open and in stalks, a raven-headed beauty with hellfire in her eyes. “Stronzo arrogante!” (You arrogant asshole!) A hand comes flying to my face, and right before it lands, I catch it narrowing my eyes at my attacker. “Lasciami andare pezzo arrogante…”(Let me go you arrogant piece of…) “English Janeesa! You know most of us do not speak Italian.” Snatching her hand back from me, Janessa narrows her eyes in distaste. “Well, if you did, then you would know exactly how I feel about you Jaxson Edwards!” She scorns. “How dare you raise your hand towards a prince of Titan! You need to learn your place Janessa Mortanelli!” Brianna yells, stalking over to stand in front of Janessa. “Brianna please spare me the dramatics of the scream queen show. Because if you want a smackdown, I will gladly give you one since I have just as much ire towards you as I do him right now.” She says taking off her coat her eyes glinting murder. “Janessa, luv. What’s wrong? Why are you attacking Jaxson?” Adrian says walking over to wrap her in his arms. “Oh, Adrian baby! Your brother had the nerve to not only humiliate my sorella but did not even give her time to show what an asset she would be to Titan Inc.” “He did?” Adrian questions, anger flashing in his eyes at his mate's upset. Before I could reply, silence riddles the room from a deep commanding snarl ripples out in the room. Charles James Edwards has arrived, and his ire was something no one wants to provoke. “Elder Charles! Janessa just burst in here unannounced and attacked Jaxy… I mean Jaxson without reason!” Brianna says snidely, her face pinched unattractively into a snarl towards Janessa. “Oh, I have a reason, and he will tell me why he acted unprofessionally towards my friend!” Janessa yells in my face her arms crossing in front of her chest. “Well, if your friend is that fat incompetent dormant, then he does not need to tell you why he acted the way he did!” Brianna says in my defense tossing her hair arrogantly. “La Cagna!” Janessa yells jumping towards Brianna, her claws searching for blood. “ENOUGH!” The alpha command slams through the room, everyone turning towards the King Alpha Thomas to kneel. Since I was the Crown prince and my mother the queen, we did not have to kneel to the command, but we did bare our necks in respect. Gazing around the room, my father moves to stand near the dining room entrance, his eyes locked on his two-future daughters-in-law with disappointment. “Janessa, it was uncalled for and near treason to attack my son.” My father says, hardening his stare at her blatant disrespect. “But he...” She starts flinching when my father snarls at her to be quiet. “Sorry Alpha.” She replies showing her neck in submission to him. Seeing Janessa being put in her place, Brianna looks over and smirks. “Do not think I have forgotten your insolence as well, Brianna.” Her smirk drops. “But my King!” Brianna tries to rise. “Save it!” She bows back down. “We will discuss this in a calmly civilized manner. We may be Lycans, but we know how to carry ourselves with pride and dignity. Now both of you should not be at each other’s throats as you both will soon be my daughters and are princesses of Titan.” He says, walking between the two of them. “And you, Briana, are the future Queen; you need to have more class and compassion.” Snort. The king turns his glare back to Janessa, who balks, keeping her eyes pressed to the floor. After a moment, my father released his alpha command once he feels things are calmer. He walks over to my mother, offering her his arm, and they both leave the room in a flourish. Casting me one last glare, Janessa walks over to Adrian taking his hand to pull him to the dining room. Coddling her in his arm Adrian holds her tight soothing her with kisses turning into a teddy bear over his true mate. I’m not going to lie; after watching how pure the love is from a true mate bond, it has made me hope for my own. Still, after 100 years and a select few she-wolves only wanting me for the power I can give them, I gave up that hope. Adrian and Janessa were the first true mate pairing in over 400 years. Adrian was one of the lucky ones while I, on the other hand. “Jaxy!” Sigh, I will be mated with an annoying twit for the rest of my life. “Yes, Brianna?” I say, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice. “Come, we must take our seats opposite your parents.” Bracing myself, I offer Brianna my arm to walk inside the dining hall. If she is to be my Queen mate, we will have to walk in together like this often to the audaciousness of appearances. Although I might need to swallow my disgust of her down, her touch makes my skin crawl. Stepping into the dining room, everyone is already there, settling to take their seats at the table. Following the seating order, my grandfather being the elder, takes his seat at the table's head with my father and mother to his right. As the crown prince, I sit to his left. Regardless if you are King and Queen, we always give relevance to our elders as they guide us with wisdom and knowledge passed down from generations. Well, some of them do. The ones who are worthy of being called our Elders. Once I take the throne, my mother and father will become part of the elder council, giving me guidance when needed. Walking towards the table, I try with all my might to avoid the death glare cast my way from my brother and his mate. Bloody hell, now Adrian was mad at me too?! Goddess, save me from this hell! Adrian gives Loki a run for his money in his antics when he’s mad! Resigning to my seat, I grasp my temple, trying to dissuade the sense of dread away from me. Bloody hell, I pray I don’t wake up in my wolf form again, bald and naked as a mole rat. “Janessa darling, tell us what all the commotion was about earlier.” My mother asks, looking down the table at Janessa and Adrian. “Yes, Luna.” Janessa says, smiling serenely at my mother. Oh yes, be sweet to your Luna, you sour patch kid. I grumble inwardly, reaching for my water glass to take a sip. I could use some scotch right now, preferably the whole bottle for this blistering meal. “Janessa darling, you really need to get in the habit of calling me, mum. I mean you will be my daughter soon.” Bashfully, Janessa looks down at the table and blushes, “Yes, mum.” A big grin graces my mother's face, her eyes shining with mirth. She has always wanted a daughter, but the goddess blessed her with sons, and with so few females being born nowadays, our mother welcomed all with open arms. Jeering, Brianna rolls her eyes and picks up her wine glass, gulping down her glass. How uncouth of her, chugging wine as if she was taking a shot of vodka. Did she not have manners? Narrowing my eyes alongside Janessa, I summon someone to refill her glass. Smiling up at me in appreciation Brianna motions for Gregory to leave the bottle at the table waving him away to recline back in her seat. Gods! Does she plan to drink the whole bottle of merlot? Everyone stares at Brianna, gobsmacked at her crudeness until a throat-clearing pulls us back to the question at hand. Running her eyes offensively at Brianna and I, Janessa turns to start on her explanation. “Well mum, remember when I sat down with you all and the council? I asked if my friend could be allowed sanction in our territory and an opportunity to interview with Titan Inc?” My mother cuts her eyes towards me. “Yes, dear.” Bollocks, all eyes shift towards me at the dinner table. “To keep it short. My friend Ayana Deveraux received a very rude welcoming into the company and was also verbally assaulted by both Jaxson and Brianna.” Goddess, save me! Lifting my head upwards, I send a prayer to the gods for a swift death. My mother’s eyes scalding me to cringe down in my seat; I haven’t felt this scared in ages. An instant memory of me being a schoolboy back at Brixton’s Boarding School for Boys waiting in the provost’s office for my mother to arrive hits me and sinks in. My mother may be compassionate and gracious as any Luna, but if you were to ever provoke her ire. Let’s just say that Adrian did not get his vengeful side from Dad. “Your majesty, I know what Janessa said must se…” One glare and Brianna stop her words dying on her tongue. Goddess, I wish I was anywhere but here now. I can feel her medusa stare penetrating my pores as a hot sweat breaks out over my brow. “Jackie darling, I know my dear Janessa would not possibly lie to me.” A rush of cold air grips my throat as I slowly lift my eyes towards my mother, and I instantly freeze in place. I was petrified to even breathe one breath as sweat fell from my brow down to my eyes. “Jackie dear?” I grimace at the pet name. Usually, when parents are upset, they call your full name but not my mother. No, she uses the nicknames she gave us when we're in trouble making the cut all the deeper as she sweetly calls you before the blow-up. “Jackie dear, I am waiting for your response.” I feel like I swallowed my tongue as my hands shake in my lap. “Did you or did you not act like an unruly savage towards a person whom we not only granted permission to a fair and just interview but is supposed to be treated as a highly respected guest here.” Snort. “A highly respected guest, you have got to be joking.” Everyone’s eyes bulge from their heads, and they turn an incredulous look at Brianna. My brothers and I begin to squirm in our seats while our father looks smug, leaning back as he rests his hands on my mother’s neck. Goddess, the little twit does not know what is coming to her! As if finally sensing that she was in danger, Brianna turns pale, and her mouth is open as wide as fish caught on a hook. Oh, I know that look. Goddess, I often have that look when dealing with Sebella Katrina Edwards. Queen Sebella, the gracious matriarch to our pack but to her children, she is known as the Enforcer when enraged. She often makes Attila the Hun looked tamed. “Bria darling, did you say something? I must not have heard right. You see my hearing has not been the best nowadays; I mean, when you’re over two centuries old, I heard your hearing is the first thing to go.” At this moment, you would think Brianna would be smart, but the bint does. Not. back down! An early grave for this one, can’t say I pity the girl. Rather her than me. Bloody hell, I need to find courage! “Mum, with all due resp...” “Queen Sebella.” Looking miffed, Brianna cast her eyes down at the table her hands shaking as sweat starts forming on her face. “Excuse me?” Brianna says, swallowing her eyes, darting around, trying not to look my mother in her eyes. “You shall address me as Queen Sebella or luna until you answer for your insolence Brianna Louise Simon. I do not appreciate your rude comments or interruptions when I am speaking with my son.” My mother turns back to me waiting for my response cheesed off at Brianna. “Queen Sebella, you do…” Growl “Si-lence!” The alpha command lashes out at Brianna, rendering her speechless. Finally, she submits, whimpering with her head bowed baring her neck to the side. She does know how lucky she is with the leniency bestowed on her. If that was my brothers or me speaking out of terms, there would be more consequences as our father and grandfather would also step in to deal out their punishments. It’s one thing to be daft, but when you do not know when you’ve lost the fight, then you become off your trolley. Sighing deeply, I resolve to speak my case to my mother. “Mum, I can explain.” It’s time to own my mistakes. “Oh, I very much hope so, Jackie, and if you think you can smooth talk your way out of this one, you are highly mistaken, son.” I’m going to need more than prayer to make it out of this sane and….alive.
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