Strong Attraction

1987 Words
Ayana Chapter 5 Yesterday was a day! Ack! Whoa. Ok, Ayana, lay back down and then get up as soon as the dresser stops moving towards you. Got it? Got it. Gods Mama Sofie knows how to mix a batch of sangria! We ended up staying at the restaurant all day into the night drinking and trying all Mama Sofie’s specialties. However, after the third pitcher of sangria, I think I blacked out. I wonder if my low intolerance for alcohol is because I’m dormant. After all, Janessa could still walk out the door after drinking three pitchers and a couple martinis with extra shots mixed in. I could never! Those sangrias were strong enough to make me attend an AA meeting. Oy Vey! I don’t remember how I got home, but I vaguely remember licking something spicy and cinnamon. Hmm? I’ll figure it out but for now. I need to find the aspirin before this gets worse. Rising from my bed, I feel like f*****g death had descended upon me, and from what I saw in the mirror, I looked like it too. I mean, look at my hair! It looks like I got struck by lightning and rolled around in a pricker bush. Goddess, it would take 3 bottles of conditioner, a hot oil treatment, and a prayer to fix this nest on my head. Rumbling through my medicine cabinet, I take out the bottle I so desperately needed open and down about 4 of them. Ugh, so bitter. The bitter medicine taste sits on my tongue; I need something to take it away. I head into my kitchen for some orange juice when a banging starts at my door. Gods, who is banging on my door like they do not have some sense?! *Bang, Bang* I roll my eyes and start walking to the door… well, more like a drunk limp since I’m still not functioning. Another bang sounds out, and I hurry to reach the door, yanking it open surprising my uninvited guest. “Alright, would you please stop knocking the paint from my walls?!” I snarl at the person my eyes unfocused. What is that delicious smell? Vanilla licorice? A throat clears. “Well, Good Morning to you too, Ms. Deveraux. May I come in?” Jaxson says, barging into my apartment while I still stand at my door looking like a deer caught in headlights. Quickly I compose myself and shut my door following behind him as he surveys my apartment. “Your apartment is very...homey.” No, the f**k he did not! I narrow my eyes at him, trying to keep my snarky remarks to myself. Breathe, girl, you got this. “Mr. Edwards, to what do I owe the pleasure of your arrival?” I ask coolly, trying to keep my response as civil as possible. Although he doesn’t deserve it. Turning to me, his eyes assess me as he looks me up and down, his wolf peeking out briefly in his eyes before he clears his throat. “Ms. Deveraux, I am here to personally apologize for my inexcusable behavior during our interview. It was unprofessional of me, and I should have handled that matter better.” He turns towards my couch to sit down. “Did I say it was alright for you to sit?” Pausing mid-motion to sit Jaxson looks at me stunned. “Well, I assumed...” I cross my arms in front of my chest and glare at him. “Oh, so you assume that since I let you walk inside my apartment it was alright for you to sit. I don’t think you can sit on my homey couch, and I don’t believe your apology to be sincere. I think you should leave” Jaxson’s eyes flash the gold of his wolf as he growls in challenge. Moving away from my couch, he begins to walk to me until we are face to face or more face to mid-chest as I glare up at him. Goddess, it was a sin to let this man look this good so early in the morning, and by being so up close to him, I was able to see some telltale differences that pictures miss. His thick brown hair had streaks of gold in it and his eyes. Goddess, his eyes were a deep brown with green undertones that have flecks of gold and blue that shine almost as if his wolf was peering in every time. His scent encases me, drawing me to him like a bee to pollen as my n*****s harden against my silk camisole. Feeling the dampness between my thighs, I squirm from his scent's intensity controlling my body’s response. Breathing deeply, I allow my eyes to close slightly as I survey his face. This man is a fine work of art. His lips captivate me with how soft they look; they look lusciously made for sinful pleasures. I can only imagine how wonderful it would feel to have his lips trail kisses down my body. He also has a trim beard gracing his jaw, adding ruggedness to his handsome face. I bet that would give me a nice burn against my thighs as he slowly devours me. Goddess, my panties are soaked from imagining how good he’d look going down on me my thighs locked around his head. Mmm, easy Ayana, before you start a fire that you can't extinguish. It’s best you keep your eyes on his broad shoulders that lead to a no doubt well-defined chest that…. the goddess does the man know how to wear a suit! The suit looks custom-tailored to fit his body type, forming and moving with his muscles' bunching. Biting my lip unconsciously, my sight moves lower towards his tapered waist. I can bet a pretty penny he has those Adonis lines that make us women soon in ecstasy. You know those lines, the ones that lead downwards into... OH, sweet Isis! My eyes nearly pop out my head as my mouth hangs open to stare at the bulge in his pants that was steadily growing bigger in length and girth right before my eyes. Try as I might reel my eyes back, I suck my lip through my teeth in concentration, my hand itching to caress that perfect specimen. My mouth dries as I envision just how glorious it would feel to have that thrusting in me over and over its girth stretching me full. Hot damn! I slide my tongue over my bottom lip before biting it again, my fantasies running wild in my mind as I let out a needy whimper. A deep growl answering my quivering need as Jaxson moves closer to me. Taken back, my eyes instantly shot up looking into the golden eyes of a predator. His body slowly stalking me backward until my back hits my living room wall. Gasping, Jaxson is on me faster than a leech, his knee wedged between my thighs, touching the heat that is becoming an increasing inferno. His hot breath travels along my collarbone up to my ear as his breathing becomes more erratic. His nose slowly moves up and down my throat as he softly growls breathing my scent in deep. Nipping down my throat Jaxson continues to make me squirm as he trails kisses down my chest where my n*****s are straining against the fabric, begging for his touch. Moving his mouth lower, I feel his hot breath puffing over the diamond studs of my n*****s. They could probably cut glass. Looking up at me, he captures my eyes wanting me to watch him as he lowers his mouth on my left n****e, lavishing it with attention. His tongue repeatedly lashing at the hardened nub, his teeth gently nip it in between. Back and forth, he continues this ritual on both my breast, keeping them in that thin line of pleasure and pain that was sweet bliss. “Mmmmm!” I moan as he continues to assault my right n****e while his right hand fondles my left one, tweaking and pulling it until it ached. TAKE ME! GODDESS! Damn, I am completely drenched, and I need these panties off me, Pronto! Fidgeting, I lean down to hook my fingers into my panties to pull them down my juices running a trail after them. Breathing deeply, Jaxson pulls back to watch me slip the underwear from my body, his eyes watching as I drop them to the floor. Growling with lust, he pulls me closer, his head leaning forward as his lips draw near mine.… BANG! “Hey, Ayana, I forgot to bring your purse in from my car last...” We both turn stunned and look at Tobias, Janessa’s younger brother, as he barges into the room. Glaring at Jaxson, Tobias growls, his eyes narrowing on Jaxson’s arm and body trapping me against the wall. “Release her!” Tobias snarls, his body shaking. Staring bemusedly at Tobias for a good second, Jaxson turns back towards me, giving me one more once over before he pulls back from me. Irritated with Tobie, I pout at Jaxson’s retreat, my needy and greedy p***y protesting. Amused, he chuckles. He shifts his hands downwards, adjusting his erection while staring me in the eye. That could have been inside me right now! Urgh!!! My frustration is at an all-time high. Tobias growls again, drawing our attention away from each other as he glares in anger. “I think it’s time you left.” Tobias states, asserting dominance. Jaxson’s wolf irks at the dominance in Tobias’s voice, and he turns, gritting his teeth. His alpha powers slowly leaking from his pores towards Tobias. “Why are you here?” Jaxson commands through his power, becoming more enraged when he sees Tobias glance my way. Don’t look at me, Tobie. You are not my favorite person at the moment. Growling, Jaxson steps in front of me, blocking Tobias’s view. “Why are you here, pup?” Jaxson snarls, advancing towards him. Snorting, Tobias sneers at Jaxson crossing his arms over his chest as he meets him face to face. “I have more liberty than you to be here, prince.” He says to Jaxson in condescension. Jaxson’s eyes flash a daring red as he grabs Tobias by the front of his shirt, lifting him into the air. Struggling against his hold, Tobias grabs Jaxson’s hand, tightening on his shirt, and growls a challenge towards Jaxson. Narrowing his eyes, Jaxson lets out a deeper growl using his alpha powers to push Tobias’s wolf to submit. Ok, maybe I should intervene. Rushing over quickly, I try to diffuse the situation before getting worse, and a fight breaks out. I really don’t want to pay extra fees for damages; this place is already burning up much of my finds. “Tobie, why are you here?” I sigh. Tobias cuts his eyes towards me, then smirks again. He’s such a dumbass. Why does he need to be cocky when he’s dangling 3 feet off the ground? It is beyond stupid. He shouldn’t poke the bear or, in this case, the alpha prince that has him dangling from his clutches. “I was bringing you your purse you left in my car after I brought you home last night.” He says smugly. He really has a death wish. But why does he have my purse? Before I can ask him, Jaxson throws Tobias to the floor, his power lashing out blindly, hitting me and Tobias full force. My wolf may be dormant, but it is hard not to obey the alpha's power once unleashed, even in my state. Tobie just needs to give in and submit before Jaxson finds a reason to tear into him, and I have to wash blood out of my carpet. That is something I do not want to do at all.
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