Family Meeting

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Jaxson Chapter 3 Today was supposed to be an easy day. However, why does it feel as if the bloody stars are aligning against me? First, Brianna arrived at the company irritating me to no avail then I got attacked by some barmy woman during the interview process telling me she’s the woman of my dreams. Let’s not forget the fact that my mind is still reeling from the challenge that bloody dormant ensued in the board room. Nerves of steel that woman has, no one has ever challenged me as she had. Well no woman and yet I allowed her a brief victory when I was called away. The call did not fare any better on my part either, my nerves are still frazzled from the interruption. Maybe a drink will calm them besides, what else can possibly go wrong? The door to my study burst open heels clicking on the tile. Spoke too bloody soon. “Ughhhh Jaxy! Why did your father allow that dormant into our territory? I mean she’s useless and… Are you listening to me?” Brianna rants storming into my study as if she has the right. “I am listening however according to my grandfather if we did not allow her permission then it would go against the accords and start a war between packs.” I say watching as the insufferable bint relaxes into a chair. “A war my ass.” Brianna scoffs. “The Norvada does not even claim her as a part of their pack anymore you could have...” “Even if they do not claim her it would still bring about a war since she is a Deveraux.” Goddess I have a headache. Let’s get that drink now shall we. Walking over to bar in the corner and I poor myself two fingers of scotch, swirling the amber liquor before downing it. Welcoming the burn, I close my eyes blocking out the light before pouring myself another round. “Well you could have at least denied her entrance into the company. Now you’ll have to sanitize the air in there.” She says dramatically crossing her arms in contempt. “Brianna drop it. Nothing good will come from worrying about affairs that are no concern to you. You’ll get wrinkles.” “Urggh!” Standing up from her seat her face heats as she glares at me. Paying her no attention I down my second-round glancing at her retreating form as she storms out the room. Finally, a moment of peace. I sit down at my desk and watch the fire burn in the fireplace refilling my glass to enjoy sips from the scotch. The burn of it calming my nerves from this disaster of a day. What was so urgent that my father had to summon the whole family? Blimey, it’s bad enough the old codger inserts his self in all my affairs now he wants us to have a great big family meal. Goddess I need to get out. Downing the rest of my scotch I get up to go change into a pair of running shorts. If it’s one thing I know to clear my mind it’s a good run, that, or a good f**k but coincidentally with that bloody mating contract I can’t be intimate with nobody but Brianna. Shuddering I blanch as I remember her hands groping me earlier, I should have pushed her away but instead I embraced her. I was feeling awfully petty earlier when I saw Ayana Devereaux standing in front of Brianna. I don’t know what came over me and made me touch Brianna intimately as I did her never lights my loins in interest. She may be blessed with a glorious body, but her personality kills that and even if her personality was better, I’d probably would not get hard for her. My tastes are different when it comes to women. I rather have someone soft with curves rounded enough to overfill my hands, someone with fire that can challenge my wolf and not have it huff in disdain. Someone with smooth brown skin that looks as decadent as the finest sweets, hair that was long and curly that reaches down to an arse a man can barely hold. That was my type of woman. An image of Ayana Deveraux appears in my mind and instantly I arouse again. That woman has a body made for sin and her scent deliciously sweet from what I gather in the board room when I scented her center. Goddess it took everything in me to pull back my wolf as he basked in her smell. Peaches, she smells like peaches and my tongue aches for a taste. Goddess I must be going mental fantasizing about a bloody dormant, its codswallop! Reaching my room, I take out my favorite pair of running shorts discarding my suit to don them. They wouldn’t be on long since as a Lycan we tend to run naked but I rather my housekeeper Mrs. Jameson not see my bollocks and d**k. Too many women want me for what I’m packing, and I rather not have my housekeeper be one. Sighing I roll my eyes. It’s why I had to fire the last 12 housekeepers; each one tried many tricks to get in my bed. One even fed me nectar from Aphrodite’s pomegranate tree to get me f**k her in my kitchen. Thankfully we only got to snogging when my brother, Drake came in and doused me with fermenters bane. Nasty cack that stuff, always leaves a smell like the end of a skunk’s arse. Bleghh disgusting, I’m getting nauseous thinking about it, better head out before I lose my blooming mind. “Going out for a run Mr. Edwards? Would like me to prepare dinner for you when you return?” Mrs. Jameson walks out drying her hand on her apron. “That won’t be necessary Mrs. Jameson, family matters so I will be heading up to Prevalia Castle.” I say stalking to the door. “Alright sir, do I need to provide a meal for Ms. Brianna?” Pausing my lip pulls up into a sneer but I don’t turn face Mrs. Jameson. I do not wish for her to think that my disdain was for her. “No, she won’t be staying tonight.” Or any other night if I can stand it. Goddess I wish there was a way to get out of that bloody contract. “Good Night, Mrs. Jameson.” I tell her walking out the door. “Good Night. Mr. Edwards!” She replies. Closing the door, I make a start for the woods that border my home. This land was owned by my family for centuries passed down through each male heir from my ancestors down to my grandfather, my father and in few years me. See in our packs we don’t have to fight for the rights to be alpha because it is passed down through bloodlines. There are other dominant males present in the hierarchy but only an Edwards can claim the Titan throne. The same with the other packs, only the one from the sovereign bloodlines can lead the pack as Alphas. To think that Ayana is a part of the Norvada’ s bloodline and the first dormant born to a royal house, such a shame and pity. Making it inside the woods I strip out of my shorts letting the shift take me over. I am one with my wolf, one with the night. Shaking my fur, I let out a howl before I commence my run towards the border leading to the main house. It’s always a great pleasure to let my wolf out, I instantly feel calm once my paws hit the earth and the smells from the forest hits me tenfold. The wind runs through my fur as I jump over logs and around trees to reach the middle of the forest. Once there, I stop by a small spring stream east of the woods closest to the castle to cool down for a drink. After a few sips I hear a twig snap right behind me, and I lunge to the left as a light brown wolf lands in the spring. “You got to be quicker than that nitwit if you ever want to get the drop on me. Nice touch in staying downwind though.” I mind-link the wolf. Only members of your pack and often time your mate can mind link you. It was a blessed gift and helps dearly when communicating in our wolf forms. A growl only communicates so much. “Well if you weren’t blooming full of yourself looking at yourself’ in the spring I would not have to come get you.” The light brown wolf says to me in camaraderie. “Adrian, don’t be daft I just got here and you’re already trying to bore me with a speech.” “Hardy Har, you’re late. Everyone else is already at the manor waiting on the prodigal son.” I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t remember you being this dramatic the last time we spoke.” I say circling the spring. “Well if we spoke more often brother then I would not have to be so dramatic. Now come on and bring your royal arse on Crown Prince.” He bows down sarcastically in his wolf form. “Come on mate, let’s hurry in before Brianna starts a witch hunt for you.” My body stiffens as I growl. “Wait Brianna is there?!” c*****g his head to the side his tongue rolling out in a smirk Adrian replies, “Yes.” “Why in the bloody hell was she invited?!” I snarl the calmness from the run no longer helping my mood. “It could have something to do with you to being betrothed to the bint. Man does it sucks to be the first born.” He snickers through the link. “Real mature Adrian, goddess why is she everywhere? What was the old codger thinking trying to sell my soul to that she-devil?” Seething I pace back and forth. “He wasn’t.” A new voice butts in. “He wants to secure a powerful breeding between the Edwards and Simons.” “Nice of you to join us Drake, and what took you so long?” Adrian asks as our younger brother joins us. “Why are you here, and could we please stop talking about that banshee?!” I ask looking at Drake as he stands behind us, his wolf light grey in color. “Well you two are late and I came before mum blew a gasket. How I became the responsible brother over you two is beyond me.” He says with a roll of his eyes. “Oh, off it you tosser, you’re probably only out here because Brianna is in a tizzy.” Adrian drawls lying lazily in the stream. “You’re right she is being a bit much and whining about some inferior dormant.” Growl, my eyes began to glow. “Don’t call her that.” Stunned they look at each other before assessing my dissent. “Goddess Jaxson, what’s got your knickers in a twist?” Adrian prods his tail wagging in interest. “Sorry, Adrian I don’t know what came over me just then.” Adrian and Drake share another look then turn to speak when a shrill whistle sounds out. All three of us wince and turn towards the outer shed containing sets of clothes to use after a run. “Goddess I hate when she does that.” Adrian says his wolf whining his ears flat on his head. “Right, it’s a bloody crime I tell you.” Drake retorts as he shifts back. “Hush up will ya before she hears you. You know she has ears like a bat.” I chide at both of them. “Yes, and I also have eyes like a wolf.” Standing with her arms folded in displeasure our mother, Queen Sebella watches our arrival. “Goddess mum! We should put a bell on ya!” Adrian says shifting back to his human form. “And I should give each of you a lash on your bums for being late.” Our mother admonishes. “Jaxson darling, you should have arrived when Brianna did. It is not a good look when one’s betrothed arrives separately.” Wincing at the title I sigh letting the shift wash over me. “Sorry Mum, I just have a lot on my mind and needed to clear it before supper.” Observing me my mother purse her lips and sighs her irritation out. “Come along boys before your father has an aneurism. You know you three are the pride and joy of Titan.” Leaving us to clothe ourselves our mother makes her way back towards the castle. Pulling up my zipper on my trousers, I glance to see if my brothers are decent before making our ascent after our mother. The dress she is wearing makes her look ethereal in the moonlight. Most people would call our mother the Dame of beauty, with long blond hair that is fashioned into a sleek coifed and creamy white skin with nary a blemish insight, she was a walking beauty ad and put many young girls to shame. When it comes to looks out of my brothers and I, I guess I was more ruggedly handsome as the women would say. Drake was the pretty boy out of us his features leaning slightly towards feminine almost, he was also the only son with our mum’s golden locks. Adrian had that cocky bad boy look. We both share common features of our father. We both have our father’s dark brown hair mine having some golden highlights. All three of us have the Edwards hazel trademarked eyes that are passed down from generations and we each range from 6’2 to 6’5 with broad shoulders and muscles. How Adrian was the tallest out of us all was a blooming joke and he is not ashamed to remind me and Drake that we were the shorter brothers. A great joker that one and a cheeky bugger at that. If I do say so myself, we were all stunningly attractive but then again, all Lycans are. It is in our genes, our wolves make us stronger, faster, and less susceptible to human diseases as we age much slower once our wolves emerge. I may look 26 but I am over 90 years old. Adrian is 65 and Drake is 54. Time is literally on our side. “Jaxson darling?” I turn to my mother noticing her eyes glinting across the room. “Yes mum?” I ask cautiously. “Would you be a dear and go grab your mate before I claw her eyes out.” My mother eyes flash blue as she tries to keep her wolf from emerging. Walking over to see why my mum was in a tizzy I catch sight of Brianna with her hands trailing up and down my fathers’ arm. “Scoff, that bint.” I snarl in disgust. Brianna’s hand starts to creep to my father’s chest her grin deceptively atrocious as she presses on. A warning growl sounds out into the room capturing everyone’s attention as my mum glides into the room her anger as strong as an avenging angel. Stalking towards her prey my mum extends her claws to strike and needless to say I’m all for her killing the intolerable woman. She’s earned it for her blatant disrespect for the Alpha female. Poor bugger. Alas my father intervenes my mother’s murder plans calmly placing his arms around our mum barring her from Brianna. So bloody close! “Queen Sebella! Jaxy! I was just telling King Thomas about that simpering dormant today at the company.” Stiffening a low growl rips from my mouth before I could stop it. Blimey, what is going on with me? Out of the corner of my eye Drake smirks at Adrian and not wasting a single moment Adrian jumps in, “Brianna luv, what dormant are you talking about?” Placing one hand on her hip she has c****d out Brianna rolls her eyes and says, “Well duh, that Deveraux b***h of course!”
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