Day 12: Where she prepared a meal


Day twelve. Where she prepared a meal. March 17. I yawned silently and my sight caught the glance of the twelve sunflowers in my table.      The sun was giving it too much attention that it makes me smile. I hold my sunflower necklace and another smile appeared in my lips. I don't know if the whole idea of having sunflower by my side makes me euphoric or the idea that it was all because of one specific person. Another thought of Shawn appeared in my mind. Then yet again, another smile appeared in my lips. Ah, this is crazy. I suddenly missed working to cast all of these ideas away from me. I wonder when will the owner come back. He spends a vacation out of the city. Oh... I miss the coffee house.     :beep: /sfx —x Eyre Mcklaire: just now Okay? But if he kills me, I will haunt you

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