Day 13: Where he prepared a getaway


Day thirteen. Where he prepared a getaway ✉ 13th. Finding your own path while you're lost seems hard. You don't know where to start, you don't know where you should be heading. There are so many ways... but you're stuck with the idea of where to start. Where should I start? What if I get lost along the way... so many worries... so many thoughts... "..but nothing ever comes clear," she whispered silently. I looked at her and I noticed her peeking into what I was writing. Then a smile appeared in my lips. That's right. She would know better because she was once lost. She was once in the position where I was... but she found a way... but instead of going out of the distress that she was in, she found a different path... ...she found the way into my heart. /end ✉ March 18.  I slowly

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