Day 11: Where they visit an orphanage


Day eleven. Where they visit an orphanage.  March 16.  —x   Caleb: just now No, sorry. The issue about yesterday is still on every search engine that we can find. I can't go outside for a week and I bet you're missing me right now.                                                                               /end —x      Wow. Is he being serious right now? I can't believe him. Miss him, my ass! I dropped my phone without even replying to him. If you're wondering what we're talking about, it's actually about our supposed to be hangout today. He told that he wanted to make amends from before and he'll take me out.      Then by the first thing in the morning when I checked my phone, he has 3 texts.      Saying:     "Good morning, beautiful."     "You're still a lousy sleeper"    

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