Day 06: Where they watched a movie


Day six. Where they watched a movie.  ✉ 6th. I was alone. I always was.  Everybody keeps talking to me; trying their very best to have me divert my attention to them - but I can't. She was too precious, way too precious and I just let her go like that. I didn't even intend to make her cry, but in the end, I made her miserable. For all the things that I reject, this was the top of the list.  I didn't mean anything. If I have the chance, I want to say sorry. If I can, I would. I would say sorry. Sorry, that I left her. Sorry, that I can't be with her anymore. /end ✉ March 11. I can feel myself faltering.     Every word in this letter just put daggers in my heart, making me take back everything that I have said before. Shawn can't be the guy in these letters. No, no, no he can

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