Day 05: Where a wish was made


Day five. Where a wish was made.  March 10. These girls will be the death of me!     Seriously! Every girl that entered the coffee house will ask me if either Shawn or Jaxen already arrived in the coffee house. They don't actually know their names but I know exactly that they were pertaining to them. Since they're the only, quote attractive guy that like to hang out in the counter table, unquote.      They're so annoying.      Can't they all stop being such a w***e for one day and just drink their coffee!?     Instead of me having a peace of my mind and having an actual time to think about the letters and everything else under the sun, my mind kept on going into saying that "I am not sure" to these ladies. Seriously - it was if knowing where they are could help them.     It wasn't

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