Day 07: Where he wanted to cook for her


Day seven. Where he wanted to cook for her. March 12. {third person's point of view}  Jaxen rolled out of his bed, and his body automatically dropped into the warm carpeted floor.      Taking his time to get used to his surroundings, he furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up, messing his already messed hair as the rays of the sun touched his pale skin. It wasn't like usual days where Eyre would always barge into his damn room and just literally slam a pillow in his face.          He wondered what was new.      His eyes caught the sight of the clock and he groaned softly.     Way too early.     Bringing himself up, he grabbed his towel as he makes his way towards his bathroom. As he was about to pull his shirt out, there's a loud sound of something exploding downstairs which made his a

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