Day 10: Where she missed a day


Day ten. Where she missed a day.  ✉ 10th. She who despite coffees, loved my coffees. In this phrase, everyone can read this and think I'm being funny.  Or maybe, I am lying.  For how can a person who despite coffee even claim to love it? I'm not lying, though. She's not a coffee person, always hated about the idea of caffeine in her body. We used to make some coffees together—but she would spill it after. Telling me she hates coffees and that wouldn't go inside her system.  She hates them, but she always tells me that she loved the coffee that I made for her every morning.  I don't know if she's saying the truth; or maybe, she just wants to me smile.  I miss her. Someday, I promise you.  I will make your coffee again with the same warmth that you want, and while pouring all my

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