Story By Blessings Ezekiel

Blessings Ezekiel

As a dedicated writer, I am constantly learning and striving to improve my books. My work is my passion and my focus, leaving me with little time for a social life. Writing consumes the majority of my days as I diligently labor over my books, determined to achieve excellence with each word I put to paper.
The Mate He Hates
Updated at Jul 2, 2024, 05:43
Warning: This book has high sexual assault displays, but does not support any form of rape •••••••• I, Alpha Edward Parker, swear that I will keep you tied to me until I make you pay for what you did to my mate," he swore, gripping my chin in a bruising hold. “Not only will you wish for death, but you will beg for it, and it will be too far from you.” I could feel the eyes of the whole pack on us. They probably came to experience a normal wedding, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was being married off to a groom because he wanted revenge. Tears welled, and I wanted to scream, “I am your mate; I’m the one who saved you, not her.” But I knew no one would believe me. I was his mate, how could he not recognize me? ********************************** Four years ago, Amanda happened to save a total stranger, but due to a string of misunderstandings, her sister took her place. The stranger then promised a vow of betrothal to his savior. Not seeing any use in correcting the error, Amanda allowed it. That was her biggest mistake because the stranger ended up being her own mate. Caught in a web of lies and confusion, she decides to set herself free by speaking the truth. But her plans are thwarted when her sister turns up dead, and she is pinned as the main suspect. A mate out to seek revenge for another, a forced marriage, an underlying plot, a web of lies, and many dark secrets. How can Amanda navigate all these without losing sight of herself? How will she speak the truth when she has already lost her voice and has been destroyed by her own mate?
Dear Stepsister, We Are Your Mates
Updated at Jul 2, 2024, 00:19
I have never watched people having sex, let alone two hot twins having sex together in a room. Entranced by the scene before me, I lost track of time until one of the twins caught sight of me and startled. “Damn it!” he exclaimed, and my eyes widened in shock. “You…" His words trailed off as I bolted away, fleeing to my room in a panic. With trembling hands, I locked the door behind me and pressed my back against it while trying to catch my breath. I knew I had landed myself in big trouble. *** Bella's life is shaken when her mother remarries. She is suddenly the daughter of an unknown man, as well as the sister to twin alphas who hate her and her mother to the core. They threatened her, scolded her, and did whatever they could to kick her out of the house. But will the tables turn when they find out she is their mate? Absolutely, She is never a forgiving wolf. The alphas have sighted their mate, and they are not letting go. Even if they have to chain her down, she will be theirs. And there's nothing anyone can do about it, not even Bella.
His Irresistible Pretty Little Sin
Updated at Jun 30, 2024, 03:42
“This is so wrong,” he groaned and tried to move away from her, but she did the unexpected by wrapping her little hands around his waist and placing her head on his chest. A throaty groan escaped his lips as he felt all the walls he had built come crumbling down. “This can't be wrong,” she whispered, her tiny voice breaking down as if she were about to cry. “This feeling can't be wrong,” she mumbled, and then took her head off his chest, holding his gaze. “I love you, Uncle Emerson.” “Damn it, stop calling me that," he grunted and cupped her cheeks with his hands, then brushed his lips against hers. Damn the consequences, damn the talks, and damn society. ••••••••••••••• She was human and he was a vampire lord. She was eighteen, and he was thirty-five. He was her uncle, and she was supposed to be his niece. •••••••••••••••••• Lord Emerson never knew of Emma's existence until the tragic accident involving his sister, which left her in a coma. Emma was the adopted daughter of his sister, and he was meant to be her caretaker after his sister fell into a coma. However, an unexpected attraction began to blossom between them as he spent more time with her. Will Lord Emerson be able to resist this irresistible, forbidden desire that he craves ? ••••••••• PS: This book has high rate of sex, specifically dominant and submissive displays.
My Half Brother, My Mate
Updated at Jun 17, 2024, 21:00
She had dreamt of meeting him, every day of her life she craved to meet her big brother, but she never knew meeting him would be a disaster. ''Mate !'' his wolf howled loudly in his head and just when he was about to make a move forward, his father placed his hands on the shoulders of the little girl and said, '' This is Mia, your half sister.'' those words from his father ceased his steps. ''I hate you, I hate you with everything in me.'' He yelled and took a step forward to me, while I gulped and took a step backward. ''Your mother conspired with my Father and killed my mother.'' he yelled and yanked me to himself. '' I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life paying for their sins and someday when you least expected I'm gonna kill you.'' He declared those words as a promise, ignoring the whimpering of my wolf. ''Why do you hate me so much, I'm your mate for goddess’s sake…'' I tried speaking, but he choked me by the neck and slammed my back to the wall. ''Never, you are not my mate, you are my half sister, my worst enemy and the person I hate the most in this world.'' He yelled with so much disgust. On the celebration of his eighteenth birthday, alpha Ricardo's life turned around. His father introduced him to a lady and announced she would be his new wife and to worsen it all, she came with a twelve-year-old girl who happened to be his father's child. The minute alpha Ricardo met her he realized she was his mate, but he kept it away from everyone because to him, it was disgusting to be mated to his own half sister. Just when he thought this was all he could get, he discovered his mother did not die a natural death, but was poisoned by his father and mistress. Just when Ricardo was trying to process everything, his father and mistress got involved in a car accident and died on the spot, leaving him to care and look after Mia, his stepsister and mate whom he hates so much. He transferred the hatred and anger he had for his father's mistress to innocent Mia. He showed her nothing but pain and hatred, but little did he know that there were so many mysteries left for him to solve.
Updated at Jun 9, 2024, 13:03
This book can be read as a stand alone •••••••••••• Losing her mate, or rather, thinking he was dead, was one thing.Getting forced to be a sex mate to a friend-enemy to save her son's throne was another. ••••••••••••• What are you saying, Bernard?" I asked and received a soft chuckle from him."I believe you heard me right, Victoria. Accept to be mine, and I will protect you and the throne of your son," he declared, offering an offer I couldn't reject."But... I'm a married woman...""You are no longer married, Victoria. Your mate and husband is dead. You, of all people, should know that," he cut in, while I gulped as tears welled in my eyes."My offer won't stay for long. Remember, you have just an hour to accept before the meeting is held against your underage son," he said, reminding me of my fear."I accept," I whispered, feeling my heart clenched with pain. "I accept to be yours," I whispered and tightly shut my eyes. •••••••••••• After the happy ending of Victoria and Alpha Derick, everyone thought their lives would turn out as a bed of roses. However, tragedy struck when Alpha Derick was betrayed by his Beta, killed, and burnt to ashes. Victoria and Derick’s little boy was about to lose the throne to the same Beta who killed Alpha Derick, and the only person who could help her save it was her friend-enemy, Lord Bernard. But Lord Bernard wouldn't help without asking for a price in return, a price he thinks was snatched from him. That price happens to be Victoria. What happens when Victoria heeds his request to save her son's throne, and then the man who everyone thought was dead is actually alive and he's back to see so many things going wrong.
REJECTED: The Alpha Behind the Mask
Updated at Nov 30, 2023, 11:41
# Dreame writing marathon-Dreame love story contest.#Summer Update Programme ''You are not just a human, but you are weak and also fragile, so different from my type.'' He yelled and pressed her to the wall while his wolf howled against it, but he totally ignored him and glared straight into her eyes, which held fear and pains. '' I will never accept you as my mate, not because you are a human, but you are totally not my type, and I love someone else and will make her my mate.'' He yelled those words in a great rage which made her knees quivered with fear. Alpha Eric hated and rejected his mate the very day he set his eyes on her, and would do anything to get her out of his life, but everything changed when he met her in a b**m club and had to disguise himself in a mask. PS: In this book werewolves lived among humans and their existence are not known to all. PS: This book has high rate of s*x ,specifically dominant and submissive displays.
Not His Type Of Mate
Updated at Nov 29, 2023, 02:05
#Who Will Be Her Mates #September update program 2023 “For goddess’s sake, I'm your mate. Why would you tell people it's my sister?'' I yelled in tears and got an angry groan from Alpha Leo. “You are not my type!'' Alpha Leo yelled. ''You are fat, ugly, and unattractive.'' He spat at my face, causing my wolf to whine in pain.'' Comments like this weren’t new to me. I got them almost all the time, but this time, it hurt even more, as this time, it wasn’t just my heart that clenched but my wolf too. ''No more!” I shouted, my voice ringing with determination and pain. "Vera has taken everything from me—my mother's love, my friends, my boyfriends, and now you. I deserve to have something that is truly mine, and I won't let her take it away too! I don't care if you think I'm nothing special, but I know I'm worthy of love and someday I'll have it. I yelled in tears and walked away. ************************************************** Lord Madison lifted my chin with a gentle touch of his finger, his intense gaze holding my tear-filled eyes. I was struggling to keep my composure, trying to hide the pain of the hurtful words that had been spoken to me. “Who was it that said such cruel things to you?” he asked in a soft and comforting voice. I couldn't find the strength to speak, my throat constricted with emotion. “Don't worry,” Lord Madison whispered, his face calm and impassive. “Let's make them regret their words.” His words were laced with a subtle hint of danger, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the thought of him taking revenge on my behalf. *********************************** "Rule number one: There will be no fighting between the two of you. The one who initiates the fight will have 20 marks deducted from his score," I warned, shifting my gaze to Alpha Leo and then to Lord Madison. "Rule number two: You are not allowed to announce me as your mate until the contest is over. If you win, then you can do it," I said, and the two remained silent. "Rule number three: If I'm spending the weekend with one of you, then the other must make sure not to communicate with me until it's Monday. If any of you fail to do so, twenty marks will be deducted from your score," I announced, and they still remained silent. “Rule number four: No pretense when I'm with you. I want to see and experience the real you. If any of you pretend, I will know, and that won't reflect well in your rating." I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. "I want you to show both your good and bad sides to me. If you're angry, show it. If you're happy, show it. If I do something you don't like, speak up, but no pretending." I instructed, taking another sip of my coffee and exhaling deeply. "As a reward, you are allowed to touch me. By touch, I mean we can kiss and engage in other forms of sexual affection, but there will be no sex." I maintained eye contact with both of them, noticing their expressionless faces. "If any of you lose control and engage in sex with me, you will be automatically disqualified." I announced, witnessing Alpha Leo's widened eyes. *************************************** “You think I can’t do better than him?” Alpha Leo asked with jealousy and, without waiting for a response, went to the crook of her neck and nipped it. “Mine!" Ethan growled in his head, causing a different type of feeling to envelop him. His hand traveled upwards to caress the smooth skin at the nape of her neck before finding her breasts and sealing his lips with hers. This time, she didn't resist him, but rather, she deepened the kiss. He looked at her, and her eyes were shut tight. He closed his as well, allowing himself to get lost in the kiss. At that moment, everything about her turned him on. Her scent, her face, her body - everything sent him into a frenzy. But just when he thought he was in heavenly bliss, He felt a hot slap on his cheek. Nora had slapped him. With confused eyebrows, he held her gaze but not with anger. "This is for the pain you made me go through," she said and began walking away but stopped and turned in his direction, "And for clarification, he was way better than you.” ************************************** Alpha Leo was not just handsome, but he was powerful and gifted with an incredible gift of flames. He had always dreamed and imagined his mate to be a perfect girl with a beautiful face and hot, slender body, but his dream came crashing down when he met his mate, the exact opposite of what he wanted. ***************************** Lord Madison lost his mate during childbirth and decided to clear his head away from home. He arrived at his cousin's pack and became attracted to Nora, his cousin's rejected mate. He realized he was falling for her and decided to push her away, but two years later he discovered she was his second chance mate. How does he make her accept him when he has hurt her once, and how does he claim her as his when his cousin, Alpha Leo, is still mated to her and wants her back.
A Forgotten Night With The Lycan King
Updated at Nov 16, 2023, 14:18
#September update program 2023 “I can't remember,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “What happened next?" I probed. “We were both naked,” she admitted. My anger boiled over. I stood up and rushed towards her, grabbing her by the neck. “Why did you take advantage of me in my drunken and vulnerable state!” I yelled. “I didn't do anything, my King. I was also drunk and can't remember anything beyond what I just told you,” She pleaded. “What was the secret you told Zoey you wanted to take away with you?” I demanded, my grip on her neck tightening. For a moment, she was quiet, seemingly at a loss for words. “I'm pregnant," she finally confessed. I released my grip on her neck and staggered back, shocked by her revelation. Melanin, a lowly werewolf maid, had woken up in the Lycan King's bed. Unsure of how it had happened, she decided to keep the secret to herself and away from everyone. And then, as if fate was determined to make matters worse, Melanin realized that she was pregnant. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt a sense of panic rising within her. How could she hide her condition from everyone? And how would she explain it to the Lycan King, who had no memory of their encounter?
Sold To The Brutal Alpha King
Updated at Nov 8, 2022, 10:05
# Dreame writing marathon-Dreame love story contest.#Summer Update Programme Edited Warning: This book has high sexual assault displays, but does not support any form of rape ''Mate.'' He chuckled loudly and shook his head in disbelief before grabbing her on the neck. ''Let go of me, you are hurting me.'' She whined in pains and tried to get his grip off her, but it was too tight for her. ''You are not my mate, and you will never be my mate, Every breath you take reminds me of the hatred I have for you and I can't wait to kill you with my bare hands.'' Lady Annabella had the perfect life she wanted, she was the kid sister of Alpha Rona, gifted with an incredible gift of healing and a wonderful wolf, she lived a perfect life until a day came when her life turned around. Her beloved brother made a huge mistake, a mistake she has to pay for, by becoming a sex slave to the brutal Alpha Eric,who she turns out to be his second mate.
Memories Of That Night
Updated at Feb 10, 2022, 11:16
I tried opening my eyes, but couldn't find the strength to do it The bed felt so soft and comfortable, not like my usual bed made with just wood.where could I possibly be, I imagined. I tried moving my body but noticed there was a stronger one holding me down. I wanted to shout but noticed I don't have the strength to do that.  The smell coming from the body was so good and tempting .even with my eyes closed I knew this figure wasn't an ordinary person  With all the strength in me, I tried opening my eyes  The first thing coming to my sight was the strange ceiling. I tried moving my body to see who was beside me. but a stronger arms were holding .with all the strength in me I moved my body to see who was besides me and to my greatest surprise it was the emperor.