
His Irresistible Pretty Little Sin

enimies to lovers
multiple personality

“This is so wrong,” he groaned and tried to move away from her, but she did the unexpected by wrapping her little hands around his waist and placing her head on his chest. A throaty groan escaped his lips as he felt all the walls he had built come crumbling down.

“This can't be wrong,” she whispered, her tiny voice breaking down as if she were about to cry. “This feeling can't be wrong,” she mumbled, and then took her head off his chest, holding his gaze. “I love you, Uncle Emerson.” “Damn it, stop calling me that," he grunted and cupped her cheeks with his hands, then brushed his lips against hers.

Damn the consequences, damn the talks, and damn society.


She was human and he was a vampire lord. She was eighteen, and he was thirty-five. He was her uncle, and she was supposed to be his niece.


Lord Emerson never knew of Emma's existence until the tragic accident involving his sister, which left her in a coma. Emma was the adopted daughter of his sister, and he was meant to be her caretaker after his sister fell into a coma. However, an unexpected attraction began to blossom between them as he spent more time with her. Will Lord Emerson be able to resist this irresistible, forbidden desire that he craves ?


PS: This book has high rate of s*x, specifically dominant and submissive displays.

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Lord Emerson's POV I sat there as I continued listening to their arguments. They were shouting at each other, forgetting that I was actually seated there. Anger arose within me, and I knew I had to stop them. “Silence,” I muttered, my voice echoing in the hall and sending it into total silence. The fears on their faces could be seen as they all lowered their gazes, unable to meet mine. “What disrespect,” I yelled at my men, who didn't take a look at me. My entire being was fuming with anger, not just because of their disrespect but because they had totally forgotten how much I hated noise. “You now shout in my presence?” I asked and saw them gulp before they all went on their knees, which made me grit my teeth and then closed my eyes in order to control my emotions. Without saying a word to them, I tiredly massaged my forehead to stop the ache in my head. For the past few days, I have not had a good night's rest, all thanks to this constant headache I have been having for days. With a deep sigh, I opened my eyes and then looked at my inner circle of men, who were still on their knees, and then I groaned. “You can take your seat,” I told them, and they all murmured a thank you before taking their seats. An awkward silence filled the room before I decided to speak. “I know that I'm not getting younger, and you all wish me well, but not to worry. I will give this kingdom the heir that it desires, but until then, this matter is closed and never to be discussed again,” I muttered those words as an order, which I knew they fully understood. “Do I make myself clear?” I asked, and they all responded in unison. “Good, the meeting is over,” I announced as I got up on my feet and then walked out of the meeting hall. My second in command walked beside me as I made my way to the mansion. I could feel his eyes on me, and without being told, I knew he had something to say. “Spill it,” I urged him, and he sighed, then went ahead to speak. “If you really don't want to get married, why don't you find a lady and make her your surrogate?” He asked. Still, I didn't say a word to him because this was not the first time he was bringing such a suggestion, and I had told him times without number that I won't do any surrogacy. I don't want to have a child with a woman I don't love. I don't want my child to end up like me, who never got the love of his mother, which turned me into the cold-hearted vampire lord I'm being called. “I know you said you will only have a baby with the woman you love, but you are already thirty-five, and you have met so many women of different classes, yet you can't find love in any of them. What makes you think there is someone out there you are destined to love?” He questioned, and I didn't give a response to his words because I was pondering in thought. Yes, he was right; I have met and dated so many ladies, but I can't seem to fall in love with them, no matter how I try. It just feels like my soulmate is out there. “As your friend, I will advise you to do surrogacy,” he advised, and still, he didn't get a response from me. We walked into the sitting room, and just as I was about to take a seat, my butler rushed to me and bowed his head with panic. “What is it?” I asked him, curious about what was getting him so panicked. “It's your sister, Lady Sophie,” he announced, and I furrowed my brow. “What is wrong with her?” I asked. “A call just came from the hospital that she got involved in an accident and she was rushed to a hospital,” he announced, and my eyes widened while I got forced to my feet. “What are you saying?” I asked with uneasiness. “My lord, the call came from the Trinity Hospital; it was Doctor Francis who called. He says you need to come.” I didn't say any more words; rather, I rushed out of the mansion. “Get the car,” I yelled at my driver, who ran to a black Mercedes, opened the back door for me to get in, and after I got in, he shut the door and hurried to take the driver's seat. As the car drove out of the mansion, I dialed my sister's numbers, but her lines weren't connecting. A series of panic rose within me, and I began panting. Despite my cold temperature and how freezing the weather was, I felt hot sweat forming on my forehead. The thought of losing my only family sent a different type of fear in me, a fear I never knew I had. Sophie was my biological elder sister, she was older than me with a difference of five years. And although we hardly saw each other because of my busy schedule, I always made out time to talk to her on the phone. The last time we talked was three days ago, and now this. I shook my head in disbelief as I thought of many things. Perhaps she was playing a prank on me because I can't take it if something happens to her. The car came to a halt in front of the hospital building, and I hurriedly opened the car and came out myself. I rushed into the building, while the nurses and doctors who saw me all bowed their heads in respect. “Where is Doctor Francis?” I asked everyone as I moved my gaze around. They all looked confused and scared at my outburst. “Where is he? Where is my sister?” I yelled, and just then I saw Doctor Francis walking towards my direction. “Doctor Francis, tell me what I'm hearing is not true,” I pleaded, and he sighed and bowed his head before lifting his gaze to hold mine. “She is in a critical condition, and that sent her into a coma,” he announced, and a painful gulp passed down my throat. The thought of losing my sister scared the s**t out of me. “What needs to be done? Should we fly her to India or what?” I asked with uneasiness, but he just shook his head. “We have to wait for the next forty-eight hours, and if she doesn't wake up, then we will look for further treatment,” he said. A frustrated sigh left my lips as I tiredly massaged my forehead, which was pounding with a stronger ache. “I want to see her,” I told Doctor Francis, who nodded. “But don't you think you should see Emma?” he asked, and I furrowed my brow. Who the heck is Emma? “Who is Emma?” I asked, and Doctor Francis seemed taken aback by my words. “Lord Emerson, you don't know who Emma is?” he asked, and that got me flared up. “If I knew who she was, I won't ask. Who the heck is she?” I asked, already getting annoyed. “Emma is your sister's adopted daughter. They were both involved in the accident, and miraculously, she is awake and has just a few bruises,” he explained, and a frown appeared on my face. I never knew my sister had adopted a child. I mean, I knew she was barren, but she never told me she was adopting a child. “She adopted a child?” I asked Doctor Francis, who has been our family doctor for years. “Yes, she adopted her when she was five. I thought you knew about it,” he said, and my frown deepened as I wondered why she didn't tell me about it. A sigh left my lips as I shook my head and then looked up at the doctor. “Take me to the children's ward; let me see her,” I said, but the look on Doctor Francis's face made it seem like I had said something wrong. “She is not a kid, Lord Emerson. She turned eighteen a few days ago,” he revealed, and my eyes widened. Eighteen years?

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