Story By Stephen Goldin

Stephen Goldin

Crimes Interplanétaires
Updated at Apr 20, 2023, 23:55
Deborah Rabinowitz est négociante littéraire. Elle voyage dans d'autres mondes par réalité virtuelle et vend les droits des livres terrestres sur d'autres planètes. Mais le jour où un alien est assassiné sous ses yeux, elle se résout à tenter de démasquer le coupable. Puis, lorsqu'une vieille amie est accusé de meurtre sur une autre planète, Deborah se doit d'élucider ce nouveau mystère. Bien que le voyage interstellaire soit rendu impossible par les trop grandes distances, la communication, elle, est instantanée. Il y a plusieurs manières de visiter d'autres planètes : l'holojection (l'usage de la réalité virtuelle pour projeter son image), et la téléjection (téléguider un corps robotique depuis sa propre planète). Il est même possible de commercer et négocier les droits de livres, d’œuvres d'art et d'inventions diverses. Deborah Rabinowitz est négociante littéraire. Elle voyage dans d'autres mondes par réalité virtuelle et vend les droits des livres terrestres sur d'autres planètes. Mais le jour où un alien est assassiné sous ses yeux, elle se résout à tenter de démasquer le coupable. Puis, lorsqu'une vieille amie est accusé de meurtre sur une autre planète, Deborah doit devenir avocate afin de défendre son ami devant un tribunal de pacotille en élucidant cet autre crime. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 22:51
Deborah Rabinowitz ist eine Buchhändlerin. Mithilfe der virtuellen Realität reist sie zu Alienwelten und verkauft die Veröffentlichungsrechte irdischer Bücher auf anderen Planeten. Aber als ein Alien direkt vor ihren Augen ermordet wird, kann sie es nicht verhindern, darin verwickelt zu werden und den Mord selbst aufzuklären. Dann, als ein alter Freund des Mordes in einer anderen Welt beschuldigt wird, muss Deborah diesen Fall ebenfalls aufklären. Obwohl physikalische Reisen zwischen den Sternen aufgrund der riesigen Entfernungen unmöglich ist, ist die Kommunikation unverzüglich. Es gibt eine Reihe verschiedener Wege Alienwelten zu besuchen: Veering (die Nutzung virtueller Realität, um Bilder zu produzieren) und Teeping (die Nutzung von Telepräsenz, um Roboterkörper auf anderen Planeten zu steuern). Es ist sogar möglich, am Handel, der Lizenzierung von Buchrechten, Kunst, Erfindungen und anderem geistigen Eigentum teilzunehmen. Deborah Rabinowitz ist eine Buchhändlerin. Sie reist zu Alienwelten und verkauft die Veröffentlichungsrechte an irdischen Büchern. Aber als ein Alien direkt vor ihren Augen ermordet wird, kann sie es nicht verhindern, darin verwickelt zu werden und den Mord selbst aufzuklären. Dann, als ein alter Freund des Mordes in einer anderen Welt beschuldigt wird, muss Deborah zu einem Rechtsanwalt werden und ihren Freund vor einem Femegericht verteidigen, indem sie diesen Mord ebenfalls aufklärt PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 22:51
Es sind die 1980er Jahre in einer alternativen US-Welt. Die US-Gesellschaft ist unter Lebensmittel- und Treibstoffknappheit, Rassenunruhen und einer Reihe weiterer Probleme zusammengebrochen. Eine Gruppe visionärer Leute hat vor zu einem anderen Planeten zu fliehen und eine komplett neue Welt zu erschaffen. Aber zuerst müssen sie sicher quer durchs Land — indem sie untewegs Treibstoff stehlen und Banditen abwehren müssen— in der Hoffnung, dass Raumschiff zu erreichen bevor es für immer abhebt. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
الأشباح والفتيات والأوهام الأخرى
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 20:36
تعتبر الأشباح والفتيات والأوهام الأخرى مجموعة شاملة من القصة القصيرة المنفردة لستيفن غولدن، وتحتوي على معظم القصص من مجموعته السابقة الشبح الأخير وغيرها من القصص. (تم نشر قصص ”الملاك الأسود” في مجلدها الخاص). تتضمن بعض قصصه المعروفة بشكل جيد، مثل القصة النهائية لجائزة السديم ”الشبح الأخير”، ومجموعة المقتطفات الأدبية ”أحلام ميليسسا الجميلة”. قوائم كاملة لجدول المحتويات: أحلام ميليسسا الجميلة، الفتيات على USSF ، ومكان جيد للزيارة، وعندما لا يوجد إنسان حولك، والأجانب، والخرافة المحبطة والحب والإرادة الحرة والسناجب الرمادية في أمسيات الصيف، والعنيد، ولكن كجندي، وبالنسبة لبلده، والعالم حيث يأمل في العمل، وشيطان الآلهة السابقة، ومقدمة لسيمفونية من الذين لم يولدوا بعد هتافات، وصورة الفنان كآله صغير، وشبح الماضي، ومنازل مسكونة. تعتبر القصص في هذا الكتاب سلسلة من الفكاهة إلى الشفقة، وتدل على تطور كاتب غزير الإنتاج في مجال الخيال التأملي. استمتع! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 20:01
يزور أحد المخلوقات الفضائية كوكب الأرض بشكل غير مرئي عن طريق الإسقاط النجمي، واثناء تلك الزيارة يشهد جريمة قتل عن غير قصد، وهو الآن يواجه مشكلتين: هل ينبغي له إبلاغ السلطات عن تلك الجريمة، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك، فكيف السبيل إلى فعل ذلك؟ ويسلي ستونيهام، محامي وسياسي طموح، قام بقتل زوجته تحت تأثير نوبة من الهياج والغضب، وبعد ارتكابه لجريمته أخذ يخطط لإدانة رجل بريء بهذه الجريمة، لكنه لم يكن يدرك أن هناك شاهداً على ارتكاب جريمته، هذا الشاهد هو مخلوق فضائي غير مرئي قادم إلى كوكب الأرض عن طريق الإسقاط النجمي. والآن، فذلك المخلوق الفضائي أصبح يواجه مشكلتين: هل ينبغي له إبلاغ السلطات عن تلك الجريمة، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك، فكيف السبيل إلى فعل ذلك؟ PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 20:00
نها فترة ثمانينيات القرن العشرين، في ظل العالم البديل – امريكا. سقط مجتمع الولايات المتحدة، في ظل نقص الغذاء ونقص الوقود والاضرابات العرقية وبعض المشاكل الاخرى. تنوي مجموعة من الناس الهروب الي كوكب اخر وبدء عالم جديد كليا ... بأمان في جميع أنحاء البلاد بسرقة الوقود ومحاربة قطاع الطرق للوصول إلى السفينة قبل أن تغادر. انها فترة ثمانينيات القرن العشرين في خضم كابوس العالم البديل أمريكا، سقط مجتمع الولايات المتحدة في ظل نقص الغذاء. ونقص الوقود والاضرابات العرقية وبعض المشاكل الاخرى. وتعتزم مجموعة حالمة من الناس الهروب إلى كوكب آخر وبدء عالم جديد كليا. ولكن أولا يجب أن يقومون بها بشكل آمن عبر البلاد - بسرقة الوقود ومحاربة قطاع الطرق على طول الطريق-إذا كانوا يأملون في الوصول إلى المركبة الفضائية قبل أن تغادر إلى الأبد... PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Fantômes, Femmes, Et Autres Fantasmes
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 18:31
FANTÔMES, FEMMES, ET AUTRES PHANTASMES est une collection complète des nouvelles de Stephen Goldin, contenant la plupart des histoires de sa collection antérieure THE LAST GHOST AND OTHER STORIES. (Les histoires «Angel in Black» ont été publiées dans leur propre volume.) Ces histoires vont de l'humour au pathos, et sont un excellent divertissement. GHOSTS, GIRLS & OTHER PHANTASMS est une collection complète des nouvelles de Stephen Goldin, contenant la plupart des histoires de sa collection antérieure THE LAST GHOST AND OTHER STORIES. Il inclut quelques-unes de ses histoires les plus connues, telles que l'histoire finaliste du Nebula Award «The Last Ghost» et le trop-anthologisé «Sweet Dreams, Melissa . ”La table des matières complète liste:Fais de beaux rêves, Melissa !Les Femmes de l’US SF 193Un lieu charmant à visiterLorsqu’il n’y a pas d’hommes aux alentoursXénophobeConte sinistreDe l’Amour, du libre arbitre, et des Écureuils gris, un Soir d’Été.TêtuSoldat, lève-toi !Le monde où les souhaits se réalisent.Apollyon ex machinaPrélude pour une symphonie de cris à naîtrePortrait de l’artiste en tant que jeune dieuLe dernier fantômeMaisons hantéesLes histoires de ce livre vont de l'humour au pathos et démontrent l'évolution d'un écrivain prolifique dans le domaine de la fiction spéculative. Savourez ! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 18:31
Un étranger visite invisiblement la Terre par projection astrale quand il a par inadvertance été témoin d'un meurtre. Il est maintenant confronté à deux problèmes: Devrait-il signaler le crime aux autorités et si oui, comment? Wesley Stoneham, un ambitieux avocat et politicien, vient d'assassiner sa femme dans un accès de rage. Maintenant, il a l'intention d'encadrer un homme innocent pour le crime. Mais il ne réalise pas qu'il y ait eu un témoin du crime: un étranger invisible qui visite la Terre par projection astrale. Maintenant, l'étranger a deux problèmes: Devrait-il signaler le crime aux autorités ... et si oui, comment? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 19, 2023, 18:31
Nous sommes dans les années 1980, dans une Amérique alternative. La société américaine s'est effondrée suite à des pénuries de nourriture et de carburant, des troubles raciaux et une multitude d'autres problèmes. Un groupe de visionnaires a l'intention de fuir vers une autre planète et d'y créer un tout nouveau monde... Mais avant, elles vont devoir traverser le pays en volant du carburant et en affrontant des bandits sur la route - en espérant rejoindre le vaisseau avant qu'il ne parte à jamais. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Geister, Frauen Und Andere Einbildungen
Updated at Apr 18, 2023, 03:06
GEISTER, FRAUEN & ANDERE EINBILDUNGEN ist eine umfassende Sammlung von Stephen Goldins alleine verfassten Kurzgeschichten, die die meisten Geschichten aus der früheren Sammlung THE LAST GHOST AND OTHER STORIES enthält. (Die ”Angel in Black”-Geschichten wurden aus diesem Band heraus genommen.) Sie enthält, unter anderem, einige seiner bekanntesten Geschichten, wie ”Der Letzte Geist”, der zu den Finalisten für den Nebula-Preis zählte, und ”Träum Süß, Melissa”, das in vielen Anthologien erschien. Die folgenden Geschichten sind in der Sammlung enthalten: Träum Süß, Melissa Die Mädchen auf der USSF 193 Ein Schöner Ort für einen Urlaub Wenn kein Mann zur Stelle ist Xenophob Düsteres Märchen Über Liebe, Freien Willen und Eichhörnchen an einem Sommerabend Trotzkopf Aber als Soldat, für Sein Land Die Welt, wo Wünsche Wahr wurden Apollyon Ex Machina Vorspiel zu einer Symphonie Ungeborener Schreie Porträt des Künstlers als Junger Gott Der Letzte Geist Spukhäuser Die Geschichten in diesem Buch decken die gesamte Bandbreite von Humor bis Pathos ab und zeigen die Werdung eines erfolgreichen Autors im Bereich der Fantastik. Viel Vergnügen! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 13, 2023, 23:22
Anni '80.Il mondo è sconvolto. La società statunitense è crollata a causa della carenza di cibo, combustibili, tensioni razziali e miriadi di altri problemi, Un gruppo di persone vuole fuggire su un altro pianeta e fondare un nuovo mondo.. se riescono ad attraversare sani e salvi la nazione , rubando benzina e combattendo contro i banditi, e a raggiungere la navicella prima che parta. Negli anni '80 in un mondo da incubo, la società statunitense è crollata a causa della scarsità di cibo e combustibili, oltre che per le tensioni razziali e miriadi di altri problemi. Un gruppo di visionari vuole fuggire su un altro pianeta e fondare un nuovo mondo. Prima, però, devono riuscire ad attraversare la nazione - rubando benzina e combattendo contro i banditi lungo il percorso- se vogliono raggiungere la navicella spaziale prima che parta per sempre PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Spettri, Ragazze E Fantasmi Vari
Updated at Apr 12, 2023, 23:15
SPETTRI, RAGAZZE ED ALTRI FANTASMI è una raccolta completa dei racconti brevi di Stephen Goldin, contenente la maggior parte dei racconti della sua prima raccolta L'ULTIMO SPETTRO ED ALTRE STORIE (i racconti ”Angel in Black” sono stati inclusi nel rispettivo volume). Questi racconti spaziano dall'humor al pathos e il divertimento è assicurato! SPETTRI RAGAZZE E ALTRI FANTASMI è una raccolta completa dei racconti brevi di Stephen Goldin, contenente la maggior parte dei racconti della sua prima raccolta L'ULTIMO SPETTRO ED ALTRE STORIE (i racconti ”Angel in Black” sono stati inclusi nel rispettivo volume). Include alcune delle storie più conosciute, ad esempio la finalista del Premio Nebula ”L'ultimo Spettro” e la pluri-pubblicata ”Sogni d'oro, Melissa!” Indice completo: Sogni d’oro, Melissa! (Sweet Dreams, Melissa)Le Ragazze della USSF 193 (The Girls on USSF 193)Bel Posto da Vedere (Nice Place to Visit)Quando in Giro non c’è Nessuno (When There’s No Man Around)Xenofobia (Xenophobe)Una Favola Triste (Grim Fairy Tale)Amore, Libera scelta e Scoiattoli Grigi in una Sera d’Estate (Of Love, Free Will, And Gray Squirrels On A Summer Evening)Testardo (Stubborn)Ma Soldato. Per la Patria (But As A Soldier, For His Country)Il Mondo Dove i Desideri si Avverano (The World Where Wishes Worked)Apollo ex Machina (Apollyon Ex Machina)Preludio alla Sinfonia delle Grida dei Non-nati (Prelude to a Symphony of Unborn Shouts)Ritratto in Gioventù del Divino Artista (Portrait of the Artist as a Young God)L’ultimo Spettro (The Last Ghost)Case Infestate (Haunted Houses)I racconti di questa raccolta spaziano dall'humor al pathos e testimoniano l'evoluzione di uno scrittore prolifico nel campo narrativo. Buon divertimento! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Attacco Agli Dei
Updated at Apr 11, 2023, 02:05
Durante una missione commerciale su un pianeta remoto, il capitano di una navicella spaziale Ardeva Korrell si ritrova a fronteggiare una battaglia; con il suo scarno equipaggio deve combattere un esercito di robot e sconfiggere gli esseri tirannici e divini che hanno schiavizzato la popolazione nativa. Il compito che si trovano di fronte è inequivocabile: prendere d'assalto le porte dello stesso Paradiso! Il capitano della navicella spaziale Ardeva Korrell è abituata a combattere i pregiudizi, sia perché è una donna in quello che è un tipo di lavoro maschile, sia perché viene da un mondo con una religione incompresa. Ma ora durante una missione commerciale su un pianeta remoto, si ritrova a fronteggiare una battaglia di tutt'altro genere; con il suo scarno equipaggio deve combattere un esercito di robot e sconfiggere gli esseri tirannici e divini che hanno schiavizzato la popolazione nativa. Il compito che si trovano di fronte è inequivocabile: prendere d'assalto le porte dello stesso Paradiso! PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Se Non Farai Del Sogno Il Tuo Padrone…
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 03:05
Wayne Corrigan e i suoi colleghi della Dramatic Dreams possono trasmettere i Sogni direttamente nella mente altrui, durante il sonno. In seguito a un malfunzionamento, Wayne deve trovare il modo di salvare decine di migliaia di persone - inclusa la donna che ama - dalla morte o dalla follia, lottando per riprendere il controllo di un Sogno dalle mani di un genio folle... In un futuro non lontano, la trasmissione dei Sogni è diventata il passatempo ricreativo più alla moda. Indossare una Calotta Onirica durante il sonno permette alla stazione trasmittente di inviare i Sogni direttamente alla mente priva di coscienza, provocando un'esperienza ricreativa tanto intensamente reale da sembrare vissuta di persona. Wayne Corrigan è un attore ingaggiato dalla Dramatic Dreams, uno degli studi di trasmissione più piccoli dell'area di Los Angeles. Janet Meyers è una sua collega, la donna che Wayne ama, ma a cui non si dichiara per timidezza. Il terzo attore è Vince Ronder, un genio del settore, ciò che si definisce un ”Padrone dei Sogni”, una persona dotata di immaginazione tale da creare nella propria mente interi mondi, da popolare e proiettare poi ai suoi spettatori. Vince è la superstar dello studio, anche se non sembra vantarsene. Lui ha altri problemi... una madre dominante, religiosamente fanatica. In seguito a un misterioso malfunzionamento, Wayne viene chiamato per entrare in un Sogno iniziato da Vince. All'interno, l'uomo troverà una situazione impazzita con ostaggi che Vince, avviato all'autodistruzione, tiene in pugno. Decine di migliaia di persone, inclusa Janet, che quella notte è in mezzo al pubblico, rischiano la vita o la pazzia se Wayne non riuscirà a trovare il modo di sottrarre il Sogno a Vince. Se non farai del Sogno il tuo Padrone è un viaggio selvaggio e creativo nella mente da incubo di un pazzo... PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Updated at Apr 4, 2023, 02:41
Un alieno sta visitando la Terra attraverso una proiezione astrale quando involontariamente assiste a un omicidio. Ora deve affrontare due problemi: deve riferire il crimini alle autorità? E se sì, in che modo? Wesley Stoneham, un avvocato e un politico molto ambizioso, ha appena ucciso sua moglie in un impeto di rabbia. Ora sta pianificando di incolpare un innocente ma non sa che c'è stato un testimone dell'omicidio: un alieno invisibile che, attraverso una proiezione astrale sta visitando la Terra. ORa l'alieno ha due problemi; deve riferire il crimine alle autorità? e se sì, come? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Omicidi Alieni
Updated at Mar 15, 2023, 02:42
Deborah Rabinowitz è una broker letteraria. Viaggia in mondi alieni tramite la realtà virtuale e vende su altri pianeti i diritti editoriali dei libri della Terra. Ma quando un alieno viene assassinato proprio davanti ai suoi occhi, non c’è modo per lei di non essere coinvolta e cercherà di risolvere il delitto. Poi, quando un vecchio amico viene accusato di un omicidio in un mondo diverso, Deborah dovrà risolvere anche quello. I viaggi fisici fra le stelle sono impossibili a causa delle grandi distanze, ma la comunicazione è istantanea. Esistono due modi diversi per visitare i mondi alieni: il veering (vale a dire l’uso della realtà virtuale per proiettare le immagini), e il teeping (l’uso della telepresenza per comandare corpi robotici sull’altro pianeta). È anche possibile cimentarsi nel commercio, concedendo le licenze dei diritti per libri, arte, invenzioni ed altre proprietà intellettuali. Deborah Rabinowitz è una broker letteraria. Viaggia con il veering in mondi alieni e vende su altri pianeti i diritti editoriali dei libri della Terra. Ma quando un alieno viene assassinato proprio davanti ai suoi occhi, non c’è modo per lei di non essere coinvolta e cercherà di risolvere il delitto. Poi, quando un vecchio amico viene accusato di un omicidio in un mondo diverso, Deborah dovrà diventare avvocato e difendere il suo amico durante un processo farsa, risolvendo anche quel delitto. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
The Complete Parsina Saga
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:49
The Parsina Saga is an Arabian Nights-style epic fantasy tale, weaving romance and adventure through a world of djinni, undersea cities, flying carpets, and demons. It comprises four complete novels: Shrine of the Desert Mage, The Storyteller and the Jann, Crystals of Air and Water, and Treachery of the Demon King.Now all four of these novels are gathered together in a single ebook boxed set, priced to provide a considerable savings over buying each of the books separately.The complete story appears, unexpurgated, in this one volume.Impoverished storyteller Jafar al-Sharif is mistaken for the thief of a holy urn. He and his daughter Selima escape capture by impersonating mighty wizards--but this imposture brings them into further danger, and sets them on a journey around the world to recapture a lost relic. Meanwhile, the real thief of the urn is in league with the king of the demons to enslave the world under the power of evil.The Parsina Saga is a gripping journey through an exotic world that will keep you on the edge of your seat.While the boxed set is only available on Amazon for a very limited time, you may still buy the books individually, including paperback editions:Volume 1: Shrine of the Desert MageVolume 2: The Storyteller and the JannVolume 3: Crystals of Air and WaterVolume 4: Treachery of the Demon King
The Storyteller and the Jann
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:48
The Parsina Saga is an exciting, romantic Arabian Nights fantasy adventure.In Volume II, the storyteller Jafar al-Sharif must impersonate a mighty wizard as he joins forces with disinherited Prince Ahmad. They must escape from the powerful king of an underground realm and defeat an army of re-animated corpses in their quest to gather the pieces of the fabled Crystal of Oromasd and bring peace to the world of Parsina.
A World Called Solitude
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:47
A lost classic of science fiction.Birk Aaland is a political outcast from Earth's tyranny, and has been living for years on a planet inhabited solely by robots, ever since his ship crashed here.Now another ship has crashed, and there is again a single survivor -- a woman who's desperate to warn Earth of an alien invasion.But Birk is perfectly happy with his current exile -- until a twist of fate intervenes, causing each of them to re-evaluate their lives and their total existence."The story gains an emotionality that justifies calling Goldin an artist, not merely a writer."--Tom Easton, Analog Magazine
The Universes of Stephen Goldin
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:47
Stephen Goldin is a science fiction and fanasy author whose professional career spans more than 50 years. This handy guide contains:* a very brief biographical sketch* a list of the series he;s written* a list of his non-series novels* a list of his short story collections* samples from some of his best books* a list of links to places where you can learn more about himIf you're curious about Stephen Goldin and his writing, this guide will be a good place to start.
Scavenger Hunt
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:46
A sexy, exciting interstellar romp.The idle rich of galactic Society had little to do that was productive, so they loved to invent useless little games to keep themselves occupied--and the greatest was the Scavenger Hunt, held only once every 20 years. Visit different worlds, pick up hard-to-get items that can't simply be bought, and have a fine time. A clever way to pass empty hours.Tyla deVrie and her twin brother, Bred, follow the family tradition of entering the Scavenger Hunt. Their parents died during the last Hunt 20 years ago, and they mean to regain the family honor. But as they hop from planet to planet aboard Bred's decadent space yacht with its all-woman crew, fate seems to be making the Scavenger Hunt far more than just a game. It will irrevocably change their lives--that is, if it doesn't end them first.
Ghosts, Girls, & Other Phantasms
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:44
GHOSTS, GIRLS, & OTHER PHANTASMS is a comprehensive collection of Stephen Goldin’s solo short fiction, containing most of the stories from his earlier collection THE LAST GHOST AND OTHER STORIES. (The "Angel in Black" stories have been broken out into their own volume.) It includes some of his best-known stories, such as the Nebula Award finalist story “The Last Ghost” and the oft-anthologized “Sweet Dreams, Melissa.” The complete Table of Contents lists:Sweet Dreams, MelissaThe Girls on USSF 193Nice Place to VisitWhen There's No Man AroundXenophobeGrim Fairy TaleOf Love, Free Will, and Gray Squirrels on a Summer EveningStubbornBut As A Soldier, For His CountryThe World Where Wishes WorkedApollyon Ex MachinaPrelude to a Symphony of Unborn ShoutsPortrait of the Artist as a Young GodThe Last GhostHaunted HousesThe stories in this book run the gamut from humor to pathos, and demonstrate the evolution of a prolific writer in the speculative fiction field. Enjoy!
And Not Make Dreams Your Master
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:38
In the near future, Dream broadcasting has become the latest entertainment medium. Wearing a Dreamcap while you sleep enables broadcasters to send Dreams directly into your unconscious mind, giving you an entertainment experience as intensely real as though you'd been there yourself.Wayne Corrigan is a performer at Dramatic Dreams, one of the smaller broadcast studios in the Los Angeles area. Janet Meyers, the lady Wayne's in love with but is too shy to tell her, is another. A third colleague is Vince Rondel, a genius of the art, a so-called Master Dreamer with enough imagination to create and populate entire worlds within their minds and project them to the audience. Vince is the superstar of the studio, though he doesn't seem pretentious about it. He does have other problems, though, like a domineering mother who's a religious zealot.When a mysterious malfunction occurs, Wayne is called on to enter a Dream started by Vince. Once inside, he finds a situation run wild and people enslaved by Vince, who seems bent on self-destruction. Now, tens of thousands of people--including Janet, who's in the audience that night--are in danger of dying or going insane unless Wayne can find some way to wrest control of the Dream away from Vince.And Not Make Dreams Your Master is a wild, inventive ride through the nightmare mind of a madman.
Crystals of Air and Water
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:37
Continuing his reluctant odyssey, the storyteller Jafar al-Sharif must cope with fiendish assassins, a city of apes, the King of the Winds, the Isle of Illusions and a mysterious long-vanished underwater city as he attempts to save the life of his beloved daughter.This is Book 3 of the Parsina Saga, following SHRINE OF THE DESERT MAGE and THE STORYTELLER AND THE JANN. It is a journey through a world of djinni, flying carpets and high adventure in exotic realms -- with the fate of the world at stake.
Shrine of the Desert Mage
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:36
Volume I of the Parsina Saga.Starting from the fabled holy city of Ravan, two paths diverge that will take their respective travelers to the farthest reaches of Parsina. The black-hearted thief Hakem Rafi comes into possession of the ultimate power of evil, while the storyteller Jafar al-Sharif and his daughter Selima begin a longer involuntary journey that will test the limits of their ingenuity. But first, they must fool the world's greatest wizard into believing that they, too, are practitioners of the mystic arts.Thus begins the Parsina Saga, a journey through a world of djinni, flying carpets and high adventure in exotic realms -- with the fate of the world at stake.
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:35
The government of Earth has one main secret weapon in its cold war against its former colony worlds--telepathic spies. But what even the spies don't know is that once they reach their late thirties, they begin to develop strange symptoms that leave them mentally and physically unstable. The Terran Intelligence Agency routinely terminates these unstable telepaths to keep them from threatening the stability of the project as a whole.Alain Cheney is one of the best telepathic agents in the TIA's arsenal. For 14 years he's been loyal and dependable. But now that he's showing symptoms of the instability, the Agency decides to eliminate him--and just when a secret development occurs that could change the future of he inhabited galaxy.To survive, Alain must find safety somewhere. But he can't trust his enemies, and certainly not his friends....
Crossroads of the Galaxy
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:35
A book in the tradition of the Heinlein juveniles.Young Alex Bredakoff always wanted to be a star trader. But it wasn’t until his family moved to the Nexus space colony and he met Kasinda Venderling--daughter of a trader, and someone who’s been plying the star lanes her entire life--that he realized how truly exciting--and dangerous--his life could become.But when you’re in a runaway starship with a kidnapped alien prince, flying straight into a sun, it’s a little late to re-evaluate your options.
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:34
Wesley Stoneham, an ambitious lawyer and politician, has just murdered his wife in a fit of rage. Now he's planning to frame an innocent man for the crime. But he doesn't realize there was a witness to the crime: an invisible alien who's visiting Earth via astral projection. Now the alien has two problems: Should he report the crime to the authorities...and if so, how?
Treachery of the Demon King
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:33
Prince Ahmad and the storyteller/wizard Jafar al-Sharif are now racing against time to complete their appointed task of gathering the pieces of the Crystal of Oromasd and defeating the evil forces of Rimahn. But the path is perilous as they must visit an island that is not as it appears, learn the secrets of the City of Faces, and walk into Mount Denavan, the home of the daevas themselves -- and if this wasn't enough, they must overcome a final betrayal from a trusted member of their own party!This is Book 4 of the Parsina Saga, following SHRINE OF THE DESERT MAGE, THE STORYTELLER AND THE JANN, and CRYSTALS OF AIR AND WATER. It concludes a journey through a world of djinni, flying carpets and high adventure in exotic realms -- with the fate of the world at stake.
The Eternity Brigade
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:32
Hawker was a good soldier--so good, in fact, that the Army asked him and his buddies to sign on for an extended hitch. What they couldn't know was that the extension would last forever. Century after century, war after war, Hawker and his comrades were resurrected over and over to fight on alien planets with ever more advanced weapons. The reasons for the wars were incomprehensible, but that didn't matter. All that counted was the fighting itself.From incarnation through incarnation, one goal remained in Hawker's mind. Somewhere, somehow, there had to be a way out of the loop. And he was determined to find it.This is a modern revision of a classic science fiction novel.
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:31
The exciting sequel to Mindflight.On the planet Iwagen, Richard and Mara Cheney have taken over their late parents' project, a hospice for telepausal Dur-ill telepaths, hoping to start a new telepathic generation.But someone else is interested in Dur-ill telepaths, too. A mind-being called the Mentad has been growing on Dur-ill worlds, absorbing Dur-ill telepaths into itself and becoming a collective consciousness with many bodies. It learns about the Cheneys' hospice and stages a deadly raid.When his sister is taken by the Mentad, Richard must seek the aid of the Terran Intelligence Agency, the very group responsible for trying to kill his parents. With Agency assistance, Richard will stop at nothing to free his sister and the others from the Mentad's clutches.
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:30
It's the 1980s in an alternate-world America. U.S. society has fallen apart under food shortages, fuel shortages, racial unrest and a host of other problems.Peter Stone predicted the Collapse, but was helpless to prevent it. Now he's joined a group of people who intend to escape to another planet and start a whole new world...if they can make it safely across the country--stealing gas and fighting off bandits--to reach the ship before it leaves.
Into the Out
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:30
Tamara Ruben and ten of her high school classmates are on a field trip in the California desert when they stumble across a long-dormant spaceship. Without warning, the ship takes off with them aboard, stranding them alone in interstellar space with no idea where they're going or what they must do when they get there.Now they must figure out the ship's workings to keep themselves alive... and Tamara realizes her mind is being taken over by a set of alien Voices that may or may not be trying to help her. Can the inexperienced teenage crew learn to cooperate to solve the unprecedented challenges they'll face on their historic journey?