Story By boymom


just a stay at home mom trying out writing. .................,.................. .......................
keep pushing forward
Updated at Apr 28, 2023, 13:44
Jenna bell is divorced with a 7 year old little boy, Jackson. he is the light of her life. Matthew is her ex husband, they'd been together since she was 16 and ended up pregnant. her life changed about a year ago when he cheated on her. ever since then she's just trying to pick up the pieces and continue moving forward.
forbidden desires
Updated at Apr 7, 2023, 18:26
Ashley is head cheerleader about to start her senior year of highschool. both he parents are drug addicts and she lives peaceful with her aunt in a small town that's all about football. her best friends are Alex and Zack. they know about her parents but no one else really does, she says what she's thinking and is always working, studying, cheering or tumbling, or out with her friends. she's looking forward to her last year in highschool and turning 18 soon. chase Black. 21 .moves to this small town and takes over as head coach of the football team, his only reason for moving was his mom finally left his dad of hopes of a happy life, his sister is autistic and their father makes their life at home hell ever since chase left for college. he moved into a small house down the road from them with hopes of helping his mom out and watching out for his little sister who is going to be a freshman this year, school has always been hard for her. not the work but the kids. but what happens when the new head coach meets a spunky cheerleader who isn't even of age and he can't seem to get her off his mind. and Ashley has no idea what to even think of a new football coach, yeah he looks good but his attitude towards her makes her angry. let's see what happens.
( title will change) snake & addie
Updated at Mar 26, 2023, 09:17
we know Addie is pipers best friend, she's always been there for her and the kids as much as she could being the fun aunt. when she first met snake it was always hit and miss whether they'd not speak to each other or flirt. they had one night together and that one night changed her, she knew her feelings for him were more than she could ever say because he obviously wasn't ready for that. after that one night they didn't speak again and he left to help his family. they kept in touch a bit until he once again dropped her. he stopped responding, stopped even letting her know if he was still alive. she knew in her heart he was deal with so much more than she knew but it always made her hurt, and angry. she has never had a problem meeting guys, but meeting one that will stick around with her schedule and her real personality is another thing. when she met Scott she didn't think they'd click, they are very different from each other. but from the couple of dates they've been on he seems to actually be interested in her. Cody or snake as everyone calls him, is back trying to fix himself. he always been in love with Addie, hell the first time he met her he knew she'd be the one that fucked with his head like no one else has ever been able to. she's spunky, speaks her mind but yet her heart is bigger than anyone he's ever known. after they spent their night together he knew he had to leave her alone, he could see it in her eyes. she felt the same way he did but he knew in the long run bed just mess her up. he didn't want that, he didn't want his darkness to take over her light she had. now that he's back it breaks his heart to see another man with her but he knows it's for the best. if he thought he was messed up before he is even more now. the drinking got way out of hand and the depression didn't help things. but as a man he hides behind his hard look and tries to at least stay sober. between being in and out of lock up recently, the fits he's picked with men just to feel something, and completely having to cut his mom off he just needs to focus on himself and trying to stay sober.
how to love 2 : Nate.
Updated at Aug 2, 2022, 19:37
nathan freeman ( nate ) 34, left the military when his best friend/ brother Luca did after serving 14 years. 2 years ago he started work as a cop in the small town that they call home and he was happy, just living in a small apartment spoiling his niece hadley every chance be got. of course he did get lonely now that his best friend was officially married with a kid but it seemed his relationships never lasted, he's a goofy guy but very different in the bedroom department. along with the fact that he works long hours and can be very hard to understand since he has his own issues from being in the service for so long. he never really knew his family but considers Lucas family his. luca and katelynn wish he could find someone to settle down with but no one seems to understand his loving, giving heart. Nicole or as her best friend calls her Nikki is 24. she just moved into a new town where she got a job as a hair dresser, she's looking for a fresh start with new people. she grew up with both her mom and dad but they never had a stable home with both of them being " free thinkers" as they called themselves but Nicole just called them careless. her best friend is Avery. she stayed in their home town because of her latest boyfriend when Nicole moved a few towns over looking to start over. she's had a few boyfriends but none of which every really had their head on their shoulders. when the two meet will they share the same interest or will the age different and the fact that Nicole doesn't think shes good enough keep them apart
a new beginning. ( complete)
Updated at May 16, 2022, 10:28
piper is a young 22 year old single mom of a smart 2 year old girl, sadie. her ex Ryan is her daughter's father even thought he's never met her. he was abusive both mentally and physically during their relationship and since then she's been single. focusing only on her job and raising her little girl with the help of her parents and her best friend Addie. neal is the leader of a biker gang. ever since he took over for his uncle he's made sure everything is completely legal even though it's not always safe his friends call him Gunner. he's 33 and isn't looking for anything serious he'd rather focus on the club than deal with a relationship given his last one screwed him over, his right hand man is kevin also known as blade he's happily married to his ole lady and they both want nothing more but for him to settle down and be happy. his club gets a new clubhouse in a small town of parkdale where he bumps into a beautiful waitress at a bar.
how to love. ( complete)
Updated at Apr 30, 2021, 13:52
Katelynn 21 crazy blonde hair & brown eyes a young girl learning how to love.after a bad relationship. her dad is an oil tycoon that is always there for her but since he has money people try to use her. her one true friend is luna who is more like a sister. Luca 36 tattoos cover most of his body. he's in the military with his best friend Nate. he loves his family but continues to hide behind the Military because of a failed relationship. what will happen when the two meet?