Chapter ten

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Chapter ten Decision at the Mermaid’s AnkleNo compunction troubled me in allowing Pompino the Iarvin to outfit me in style. We were kregoinye. When it came to push of pike we shared our possessions, and made the best of it. At the moment, Pompino held the money and goods; ergo, he outfitted me. I wore a decent blue tunic, and grey trousers cut to the knee. I went barefoot. I had a red scarf tied around my head. I swung a thraxter from a broad leather belt. If we got into a fight I would have the choice of Pompino’s armory to arm and armor myself. The days passed sailing along the coast. We sighted a few other vessels, and all was well. Tuscurs Maiden rolled along, breasting the swell with a deal of white smother from her forefoot. The breezes blew and the weather remained fine. To keep

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