Chapter nine

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Chapter nine The complement of Tuscurs Maiden signs onNo one on Kregen takes a Khibil lightly. Supercilious, conscious of their own worth, the fox-faced Khibils know they are favored of the gods. Yet they are in no way as offensive in their attitudes as many another race of diffs. One can get along splendidly with Khibils. Because when we had first met down in Havilfar chance had taken Pompino into action ahead of me as we charged down brandishing our lengths of lumber, he had without another thought always assumed he was the leader of our partnership. This quite suited me then, and I was content to let the matter remain so. Now we were off on our own, and although we fancied we were very clearly carrying on work the Star Lords wished, we were off doing a mission for ourselves and, as it

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