Chapter seven

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Chapter seven Of the wounds of Prince Tyfar of HamalWell, and wasn’t it right and proper, perfectly fitting, that Seg Segutorio should make the introduction? Should close one episode and open up a whole bushelful of new? Seg stepped back, and he was smiling as only he can, the kind of smile that reaches right down into a fellow and curls his toes. Tyfar closed his mouth. It had been open only just long enough to have trapped half a dozen flies, had any been foolish enough to enter. “Lela. Princess Majestrix of Vallia.” Tyfar did not lose the color from his face. He stood up straight, watchful, like a deer pausing on the edge of a water hole. His head was lifted, and slightly inclined. He remained perfectly still. “Ty?” Apprehension — that showed in Jaezila. We stood there among the

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