Restaurant nightmare

1113 Words
Chapter 4 - restaurant nightmare “There’s my little wife” I hear his rough voice and it echos in the restaurant as the place is silent, I give it no thought. Actually I give it a lot of thought but the panic moves my body even if my mind is thinking about the psycho of a man who will drag me back to hell. I take deep breaths as I drag Abigail out of the restaurant as fast as possible and I smash my hip into tables knocking over glasses and cutlery as I go. Blind panic had me ignore the pain that radiates from my hips. The servers around me give a slight nod all friends of mine from us being regulars here and try to block the route for the men who are trying to follow me but as we enter the car park, skidding though puddles and screaming at Abigail to hurry up and jump into my car gun shots ring out through the restaurant. I hope to god no one was hurt because of me. I sigh loudly in the silence of the car. Abigail seems very calm and collected but I know it’s only a matter of time before she questions me, honestly I have to take it as a win that my best friend blindly trusted me in the moment and ran when I said run. I see the men run towards the car with there guns drawn. I’m not stupid bullet proof glass is the only glass I will have in my car and I drive out of the car park like a bat out of hell. I scream “f**k” I slam my hand into the steering wheel. “Erm Arianna what the f**k was that” she asks trembling in her seat. “Right bestie hold on tight for the ride of your life. “ I launch into my story. She sits open mouthed for over ten mins. “Arianna that’s not good, daddy will help. We need to get away” she smiles. Forever my little optimist. “He’s found me now, it won’t be long, if anything within the hour he will know my whole life delivered all wrapped up in a lovely little file with my name on it” I sigh. I had noticed about 10 minutes ago another black Range Rover following me. So I make quick of dropping off Abigail after promising to call her repeatedly. I take out my phone and call Thomas. “He’s found me Tee” I sigh into the phone. “Your not the little mouse anymore Ari don’t let him take you or belittle you. Remember I know a man who can get you to England worst case. Call me if needed and your apartment is locked tight. Stay safe my little Ninja” he cuts the call. I arrive into my parking garage and take my self to the elevator and as the doors slid open to my empty black apartment. I hear Marcus voice echo in the darkness “You know hiding from me for seven years Iris is quite the achievement” he slaps down the envelope I knew he’d have on me. “Apartment locked tight my arse, I’m going to kill him” I whisper as I walk to my water fridge and grab not only a bottle of water but the gun. I’m not a mouse any more I’m not a little mouse. I am strong. I tell myself over and over in my mind. “Who’s him” Marcus velvet like voice drops a few octaves and possessiveness echos from my open living space. “My security guy,” I stare him down. I yet again at the advantage staring down at him as he sat looking up at me. I hold the gun and swing it around my finger. “Iris is dead by the way. She doesn’t exist.” I spit out the words. “That’s fine. We can marry in your new name. Arianna Helios has a beautiful ring to it don’t you think?” Marcus gives back just as quickly. I spit my water out and laugh hard. “I’d rather shoot myself” I hold the gun up to my head and flick the safety off. “It doesn’t have bullets. A weak little girl like you wouldn’t dare” he spits at me, what a jackass. Still a massive i***t it seems. I shoot just past his ear, blood trickles from the paper cut that the bullet causes. “I definitely would kill me or you. But there will never be a second wedding Marcus this isn’t a thing” I scream at him, those lessons down at the shooting range had me shooting like a real sharp and deadly woman. My body shaking as I realise very quickly I just shot at the Don and made him bleed. He wipes his ear and wipes the blood down on his suit and smiles at me. A real smile, I didn’t know a mafia king could even smile. “Maybe I was wrong, weak and sweet Iris is gone and here in front of me is Arianna full of power and strength. Takes bulls to shoot a Don princess” he gets closer as I step further back. His steps get closer and I back myself up into the wall his head just inches from mine his body covering all of mine. “Oh my little wife how I’ll enjoy taming you” he lifts my chin. “You are mine and I do not share or lose what’s mine princess. Get on with it or life is going to be incredibly hard for you.” He steps back away from me. My body shaking from his touch and intensity. My breath laboured and panicked and I can see his pupils dilated just as watching me. “Your new security team will be guarding you. Don’t want you to run from me again or anything to happen to my little princess now do i, considering any old riff raf got in here with such little time” Marcus chuckles as he walks out from my apartment and into the elevator. As I watch it close I slide down the wall and my body starts to crumble. “I’m strong” “I’m strong” “I’m strong” I tell my self as I let the emotions of the past wash over me. What happens now, am I dead woman walking. I seriously hope that he doesn’t let any of my family come here, I couldn’t take it.
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