7 years later.

1032 Words
Chapter 3 - 7 years later. I'm not Iris Helios or even Iris Russo she’s dead to me. My name is Arianna Armani. I met a kind man in a truck Dennis who took me to Texas miles and miles from New York where I came from. And he welcomed me in his family whilst I completed university then I moved to Boston, a little too close for comfort but the work experience I needed was here. I became an accountant. I didn’t just do it lightly, I applied myself and I aced it. I studied business law and then business accounting. When in Boston I met a very interesting man Thomas Jury who got me all new passports and birth certificate and social security, in return I offer my accounting and business advice and support. I’ve ended up in many a campos warehouse recently. I’m not so worried by blood torture and pain. If anything I’m completely over it and sometimes relish in it. It wasn’t just moving I changed about me. Hell no, I changed it all my hair is platinum blonde and it’s long down my back full looking layer. I was angry for a while and Dennis suggested the gym. I’m fit and look it. My arse has filled out just as my chest has. I took multiple martial arts classes and then I box and do a lot of work outs with Thomas’s team. Now I’m a very Rich woman supporting many different men from the dirty underbelly of the underworld and also the business elite. I became what I always wanted a strong independent woman. “Ari” screams my best friend Abigail. As she barges into my office on the top floor of a high rise tower in Boston. “Abby” I smile as she rushes in. Her warmth is infectious. “I got a date” she grabs me and drags me to the sofa with her arms wrapped tightly around me. “No way, WHO” I scream back as we giggle legs wrapped over each other. “A businessman from New York, here on business with his boss” “Abby he’s probably looking for a hookup.” “Honestly I don’t mind. He looks incredible, edible even. We are going for dinner tonight.” “Oh darl if you need me, any red flags you call for me to come get you out of there and get us a ride home” I pull her into my arms. “Where’s my Abigail” a man’s voice gets closer to my office door and in come the owner for the business I work for. “Daddy” Abigail jumps up and cuddles into her dad. “Are you being a good girl” he hold her close, his love for her is immense. I love that for her, because she is the purest of souls. Her father knows I am not, and he rents my services for business and accounting out to many different types of works. Some not so legitimate. “Yes I was just asking Arianna if she wanted to go for dinner with me” Abigail continues on. As they leave my office and I’m left alone with my thought. I don’t often think of my old life but I do sometimes wonder what my family are doing and how my betrayal effecting them all. I turn my office light off. Best not dwelling on the past. I make my way home to my penthouse apartment. I made good money out my living and sit as a healthy millionaire and I gave money back to Dennis and his wife Debra and paid for the girls university so they never have to worry. I make my way up in my elevator and decide to take a bath and then nap. Tiredness of the day and tiredness of life overwhelms me. I have friends and family but no one really knows who I really am. I’m woken suddenly my phone ringing violently and I grab at it. “Hello” I mumble. “You need to come get me. He’s not normal. Please come get me” she rushes out to me at force. “Abigail calm down, what’s happened” I ask back to her siting up and looking for my yoga shorts and my crop top. I put the phone on loudspeaker as she starts to rattle on about her third eye and it’s giving off red flags and dark aura’s. I brush my hair out and pull it up into a very high sleek ponytail. “Okay Abby babe calm I’ll be there in like what 10 mins. Just stall him and I’ll run in and grab you” I blow kisses down the phone and take the elevator down to the underground garage. Old habits didn’t die hard it turns out. I get into my black Range Rover and pull out into the road and make my way to the restaurant. We always chose this restaurant for our dates for safety. It’s easy to park and I know the owner. He never lets anything happen in worst case neither of us can get to the date. I get out of my car, massively underdressed and noticed another completely blacked out Range Rover in the corner. Beautiful cars honestly. I bound into the restaurant and see Abby facing me and see the back of the man. As I approach the table I start my speech we both have rehearsed. “Abigail you need to come quick our sister has been in an accident” code for let’s go. Abigail plays the part and stands up. “Iris Helios” I finally look at the man my best friend is having a date with and it’s none other than my brother Gino. Fuck the panic washes over me. He’s now the Consigliere which means if he’s here with his boss then it means. I back away quickly but my brother stands up. Suddenly five or six men stand. “There’s my little wife” the sound the right side has my face white like a sheet. He’s here.
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